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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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way to insult people without knowing what the hell you're talking about. Biowares "increased caps" caps a server at about 1.5k people. both sides COMBINED. Go through the zones and check how many people are one of those heavy servers. 300ish imperial fleet / 180ish republic fleet on mine at prime time. other zones 120ish for lvl 10-16 planet, 50-60 people per planet up till belsavis, then it drops to 25ish for pubs and 40ish for imps. Corellia 25ish both sides at most time.


eidt* oh lets not forget quesh, 9 people republic side, 15ish imperial.


The population cap is CRAP. its half what a normal MMO server population is.


WTH are you talking about. The server cap isn't set at 1.5K online....

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The EU has full/heavy servers with standards and 0 light at peak time (which is now) currently.



Standard isn't always the sign of a healthy server. The margin between light and heavy is wide. Some standard servers might be just barely above the treshhold from a light server and some might be close to a heavy pop classification, but they're still both classified as standard even if they have a 1000 player difference in population. I'm looking at 35 people on fleet on my so called standard server, and I play the dominant faction.

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Some servers just need to be merged. I play on Kapal Rift which is not that heavily populated and I have never seen more then 110 people or so on the fleet at one time and i've been playing since early access. Its kinda sad that when I que for PVP at 12am I have to wait for an hour or more to even get into a match, and when i do, it ends prematurely because there isn't enough people in the match to keep it going.

Going to planets and seeing there are only 10 people on Ilum, or 8 people on Belsavis is a little discouraging.

Merging some of the standard servers together would be a good idea.


You know that 110 people on the fleet is pretty standard? I play on a heavy server and the best I have seen is about 200.


People don't realize that there are tons of people on every server, but most are all spread out. The game has so many planets and "instances" like space missions that you are never going to see any one area (except the fleet) highly populated.


This isn't like WoW where you have 1000 bored nerds AFKing in stormwind.

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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?


Seriously folks, even if they are planning on doing it, it is very likely they didn't launch with the tech to do it, I mean for goodness sakes, they didn't launch with a guild vault, what in your brain makes you think they launched with this tech?


Expect it in a couple of months, until then, find something else to talk about.

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People don't realize that there are tons of people on every server

Dead wrong. When I do a /who 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50 I count a total of ~250 people online on my server at prime time. What's even more sad is that the vast majority of them are located in the first two planets. After Balmorra or Nar Shaddaa you are lucky to find 10-15 people on a given planet, again on prime time.


The game has so many planets and "instances" like space missions that you are never going to see any one area (except the fleet) highly populated.

That would be a fine argument if the heavy pop servers also had 15 people on high level planets but we know they don't. The problem isn't people being spread around, the problem is simply too few people on some servers.

Edited by byteresistor
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Seem like a poor use of the engine. It's able to scale for huge populations, so much so, either super shards could have been made or just a global population pool could have been done.


Considering how instances are used to control how zones get populated. Having a global population, with a global zone chat system, and multiple instances of zones. Would have been far more efficient for maint and avoied the age old pop issues from copying a dated design.


Interesting read, I can only presume BW made a really bad design decision that it's no longer a possibility.



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... blizzard has never merged a realm with an other.



... & have made it pretty clear they never will, either. Which means if you take a break you're not going to come back & find Bob is now Bob 001.


After coming back from a break in Age of Conan I came back to find most of my characters had been renamed ... I name my characters carefully, usually after people I care about. Their names are of utmost importance to me.


If I level a character named Jane to 50, have been through many adventures with Jane I take a short break & come back to find I have to rename Jane ... then it tells me the company did not care for my custom & that is why I left Age of Conan that very day & have not nor ever will return, even though it is now Free to Play. I will not give them another second of my time.


Whatever people say about Champions Online & Star Trek Online's Single Server, at least I'll never have a character Renamed.


I have no objection to BioWare offering Free Server Transfers (or even Paid Server Transfers), but if I lose even one character's name (& I Pre Ordered & was in Early Access specifically to reserve those names & Legacy Name) then I am gone & I will not look back.


Server Merging is Bad Business. Free Transfers - everyone wins.


If any Europeans are looking for a heavily populated server, one that has many people running around in the open world, you may wish to check out Peragus Mining Facility.

Edited by KrazieFox
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On Tassaa Bareesh (EU-PVP) there are on prime time an avg of 60-70 people on the fleet.

If you're looking for a group for a higher level flashpoint heroic you're in bad luck.


The starterzones have more players and you can find enough people to do the first heroics.


I heard from some lvl 50s that the endgame pvp is even worse. Most warzones for them end after 120 seconds even in prime time.

They told me not to rush to 50 but enjoy the game.


Well you level too fast for questing, so I decided to roll some alts and gather resources ect...

and play some pvp.


+ 1 for free character transfers + rename if name's taken.

I'm in fact waiting for character transfer, because most of my friends play on nightmare lands.

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Coming from, "The Razor" I completely agree with the OP. When I rolled into a "standard" sever, I did not expect that my experience was going to be 7-12 people on each planet past Nar Shaddaa.


The game for all intents and purposes was a solo RPG for me. I was only able to do about one heroic every other planet. I have not done a flashpoint since Hammer Station. Why? Because in peak hours there are only 40 people at the fleet. I hit 50 a few days ago, but at the fleet station there are only about 6-10 50's so I can never put together an operation or hardmode together either.


Ques for PvP are long, because there are never enough people to que for them, and when the games do start, they usually end after 120 seconds because there are not enough people. What is there left for me to do? I pretty much derp around Illum getting armaments. There is no competition for them since there is usually only 3-4 people there.


I have spent almost a month and a half getting to level 50. I would rather stop playing then to create somebody new on a different server.

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This is not a Gamewide issue, more like a selected few Servers which really can't be fixed, every MMO (yes even that other one) has Servers where there aren't a lot of people or even, barely any people.

This isn't BioWares fault it's the fault of us, the people, the community, since nobody wants to play on a Server without people, they either transfer to a higher pop Server or reroll on one of the better Servers thus making the problem much much worse.


For the record my server is considered to be on the lower stick of population and WZs pop within 2-3mins for 50s and 5mins for lowbies, with Planets having double digit play counts even at 3-4am in the night on workdays.




Its a gamewide issue thanks to everyone having companions! Piss poor decision for an MMO.............

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i play on swiftsure and there is constantly at least 200 in either rep or imp fleet and on my imp there is a imp fleet 1 with 250 or more on at all times and an imp fleet 2 with anywhere between 20 to 200 players. So before you say this is a low pop game and needs to be merged look at the server list at certain times i have to wait for a que still.
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well now, i think some servers are better then other wiht this issues do to many factors. but one alot of poeple keep forgetting some servers getting lower pops due to it name. i know right? for instance i'm from Shadow Hand servers, and every night(after 6pm for me mostly till 1 am) i can see a steady 200-250+ poeple at imp fleet alone(form some post thats more then their whole servers) we tend to get to heavy load fairly often.


some servers might tend lower then they used to now that BW raises caps, poeple busy with school/collage/work/milliraty/etc, that winter break over with. for now i think(persoanl idea here) bw open alot of servers when pop cap lower, so as new poeple trikle in they can move to servers with lower pops, but that have a a older player base to help get thing rolling with them, have a older crowd of players there to help the newbies/ guild them up. just a thought thought, no hard facts, but it does make sences.


nothing fun enter a new servers and no one knows anthing or no help on harder things.

Edited by DarkCarnage
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Firkrann Crystal here, this is my usual play time and unfortunately, there's nothing to do.


For the past week, I've qued for PvP with both my main and my alt (50 bracket and 10-49) and have had to endure 20+ minute ques, only to join a game that will end in 120 seconds because their aren't enough players. Something definitely has to be done about this, because interest is being lost as well as entertainment.

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They don't need to merge servers as long as the "rated" warzones are cross server. On Cho-Mai their is only 2 pvp guilds and it would get lame very quickly to only compete against them.. For me their would be no sense of achievement in being the best of the current 20 pvp players on the server. I want to compete against the best in the US.
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This doesn't say anything, it's often still hard to find players for flashpoints at standard servers at peak time.



Yea well most people just suck cause my server consistently has 200+ just in imp fleet

yet it took over a week of about 1hr spamming general to get a grp for Boarding Party.

So as far as pop my server is fine for numbers, it's just full of eliteist and people who would rather roll solo. :mad:

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Yea well most people just suck cause my server consistently has 200+ just in imp fleet

yet it took over a week of about 1hr spamming general to get a grp for Boarding Party.

So as far as pop my server is fine for numbers, it's just full of eliteist and people who would rather roll solo. :mad:


Perhaps, I also get the idea that the Flashpoints are often hard to reach for people. Hard to reach in the sense that it costs a lot of time that could otherwise been spent at soloing content. You usually quest at planets - in the case of Boarding Party Taris or Balmorra. The time however it takes to get to the flashpoint and back to the questing area makes, a lot of players unwilling to go over the whole procedure with generally three bosses that drop something worthwhile.

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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?


Ummm...BS. You haven't looked at servers during peak hours. Most are standard - heavy with many full -queue times. I've counted on hand the number of low pop servers.

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