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  1. OP I (and many others) have been in the exact same situation. People get hung up on the 'light' vs 'heavy' and what they mean stuff when the real issue is that there just isn't enough people on some of these servers to sustain an enjoyable multiplayer experience. People from the larger servers just don't understand because the experience is so drastically different.
  2. There are ways around this. The easy way is to enable free transfers to everyone (I believe Rift does this) on a weekly basis. This way they can leave the 'empty' servers online to avoid the bad PR and everyone can still have the game experience they want. Name taken on server X? Try server Y. Tired of low pop? Move to high pop. Tired of high pop? Move to low. etc. Granted I do not (and have never) played Rift, but it is an interesting idea that could end up evening up the populations over time. People wouldn't be as inclined to flock towards the high pop servers if they didn't have to worry they'd get abandoned on a ghost town server. But, to do this, Bioware would have to throw away all the potential money they could make off of paid transfers (like Blizzard). Another possible way is to move everyone off of the lowest servers and repurpose those servers for other territories (Australia, China, wherever they happen to be launching next). Server stays open, people move off. Technically the server was not 'closed', they just didn't have to add additional ones.
  3. This is true, there is a lot of 'blame the victim' mentality on these forums. I do agree that the naming issue is a problem and that people should not be forced to change names. I understand how that would be upsetting. But some of the 'aggressively against server merge' people refuse to acknowledge that some of the lower pop servers are spiraling down the drain as people either reroll or quit the game due to the lack of other people around. I don't like to see this happen.
  4. And if they all quit there would be a number of completely empty servers, at which point they may as well not exist anyway (sort of like if they were merged). I'm sure it would make a good impression on a new subscriber to start on one of these servers. What is the light population server you play on? If by 'different personality' you mean empty, then yeah the servers have different personalities. Your last sentence is just ignorant. The dead market is just one of the many reasons a low pop server is bad. I'm not even a hardcore crafter but if I was so what? Isn't that part of the game? You could make the same argument for anything. 'And I totally do not support your reason for merging.... to subsidize you getting loot and experience from flashpoints and operations' It's obvious you don't support merging for any reason, let alone crafting.
  5. I've posted a number of threads about this that I won't link to here. Maybe some of you have read them. Most of you probably haven't, or just don't care. What I see in this thread is a lot of people who are playing on populated servers telling those who aren't 'too bad'. After all, it's easy to ignore stuff that doesn't affect you directly right? Out of sight, out of mind. Your primary concern is not for the health of the game and for the people playing it, but for the possible negative PR associated with server merges. If that's your priority, fine, but I would hope Bioware's first priority would be to improve the game for all players. All I can tell you is that it is really bad on some servers, and the game isn't going to keep these people around in that state. These low pop servers are hurting, and people on them are starting to wonder why they are paying a sub for a multiplayer game if there isn't anybody else around. Many of these players (like me) really enjoy the game, but it's hard to feel excited about leveling up your characters when there is nobody around to do flashpoints or operations. It's hard to get excited about crafting new items when there is nobody to buy them off the market. So people should just reroll right? And how exactly does that help the 'low pop' server problem? Out of sight, out of mind I suppose.
  6. IMO the problem is not with the class, it's with the way the game categorizes force/tech damage vs ranged/melee damage. Not an easy problem to fix either, because there are many abilities and talents related to defense, shield, and tech/force damage. Itemization would also be an issue. Of course the quick sloppy fix is to make key sniper/GS attacks tech just like everybody else, but once you do that you start to marginalize 'tank' classes (and talents and such) even more so than they already are in PvP. Tanks need shield and defensive stats to stay alive in PvE, and those stats really only help against a select few classes in pvp since, for the most part, everybody just spams special abilities all the time (since there really is no reason not to). It would make no sense for a big tough tank specced guardian (or powertech, or whatever) to gain next to no advantage from his/her heavy armor, shield, and defensive talents but that's kind of the way the game is.
  7. I think the BH ship looks great from the front and sides, but awful from the back. It's just sort of flat and dumpy back there. Oh and imo the Smuggler ship is by far the most like Serenity.
  8. The population is very low all around, not just among the level 50s. Compared to populated servers the level 50 population is all around pathetic on many of the low pop servers.
  9. It's still a better alternative than having to reroll entirely on a new server, which is what a lot of us who enjoy the multiplayer portions of this game (market, flashpoints, ops, group quests, etc) are doing. You still have to change your name, and you get to lose everything you've worked for on your old server as well.
  10. Haven't read everything so I apologize if repeated. One of the worst names I've seen was 'Swtor' Best guild name I've seen (not my guild) was 'Ewok Taxidermy Service'.
  11. To add to that, even if the commercials DO add more players, you now risk them inadvertently joining one of the 'low' pop servers, playing for a little while and then saying 'where is everybody? why am I paying a subscription for this?'. Believe me, the difference between the servers in 'fun' factor is enormous.
  12. Gonna go with sent/marauder based on my experience.
  13. What server are you playing on? Is it a low population server? WoW is not a good comparison as the cross server dungeon finding and pvp (and now even raid I guess, though I haven't played it in quite a while) alleviate a lot of the problems of a low population server. I also played on a small WoW PvP server (during pre-BC). Blizzard eventually allowed server transfers from a heavily populated server to my server (not quite a server merge). It was the opposite reason for transferring people, but it was needed none-the-less. Even on a high population server the only way to not 'run into' people you know would be to go out of your way to avoid them. Just because there are other people around doesn't mean you can't still group, guild, run missions, etc the same as on the small server. If there are people out there who prefer a very small server than Bioware could accommodate them by enabling server transfers for them during the merge. That way if your server was being merged, you'd have the opportunity to move to a bigger server or to a smaller server of your choice. This would also allow people to possibly find a server where they could keep their character names and/or legacy name.
  14. Vette > Mako > Corso > Kaliyo > Khem (Based solely on how much I like them - most leveled only to level thirties so they could get more interesting based on later story events) Vette makes me a laugh a lot and has some great lines, so she's highest on my list. She adds some great lines to conversations on a regular basis. Mako is nice but a little needy and clingy (always saying 'don't forget about me' type of stuff). Corso also has some good lines, but people usually either like or hate the whole 'country boy' schtick. Kaliyo is just too random for my tastes. Sometimes she 'likes' or 'dislikes' things that I say that make no sense at all. It's also very annoying that agents are stuck with only her until their thirties (especially light side). Khem is just irritating. He takes a minute to say a sentence, and a few seconds to say a paragraph. His job is to always get in the way of anything I want to click, and he's always whining about how nothing is as good as it was with his dead master. He rarely adds anything of interest to a conversations besides threatening to eat whoever I am talking to.
  15. Thanks for sharing your experience. Actually, I also have rerolled onto Mind Trick for the time being. So far I have found playing on a populated server to be worth the switch, but I still miss my characters on the Defenestrator. I, too, feel a little guilty about it since I know I've only made the problem worse for those remaining. Until Bioware makes a statement concerning population though it felt like it was the only choice to make for someone who enjoys the multiplayer aspect of the game (I enjoy flashpoints, heroic quests, and an active economy).
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