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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Please check my video XCore. The ability between abilities is still there. I agree that there have been improvements, but there is still a delay between abilities. In other words, I don't think just the instants are off.



Try combat abilities. If you check my video, you'll see a HUGE delay on relics activating, but comparatively little on everything else.


I think the improvements were just targeted towards specific abilities. I don't care if class buffs and sprint take half a second to activate if they managed to tighten everything else up to a significant degree.


Don't get me wrong, the problem isn't fixed, but I think you need to try some abilities that matter, it's definitely vastly improved.

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Level 49 Marauder. Never did have the ability-delay issue. Must have started at level 50. I'm glad that Bioware fixed this issue for the few of you that were having the problem. Now you guys can enjoy SWTOR the way the rest of us have since launch.


However, I have an odd feeling that xcore will not be so easy to give up his 15 minutes. Only time will tell. Funny how he was preaching everyday that the issue was inherent to the HERO engine and could never be fixed without rewritning the entire game. (LOL oops)


Back to the Game!


Yes, yes Klarick... same Klarick who said its "intended, l2p or go back to WoW"... etc



I never "kept preaching" anything besides the fact that this is a gamebreaking issue and its affecting "everyone" even if some (like yourself) are not able to realize it.


What I did is showcase the issues, discuss them... for lack of Bioware Responses, we had to do our best of figuring out the issues and the Engine is an obvious point of discussion... If you would've watched my video (which you wouldn't, because you... well yea) you'd notice that within the first 3 minutes I say the engine is not to blame...


but ok Klarick, happy BioDroning! There are many fires of criticism for you to put out!

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Well I tried making a video to record a few basic fights so I can count the frames and get an accurate timing on how much is this delay. It turns out it's different each time >< For example the first time I used a shock I got a 11 frames delay until it affected the target. That's on a 30 fps video. After that I used force lightning and got a 7 frames delay for the first tick. On the next fight I started again with shock and got a 5 frames delay. After that I used a force lightning and it took 9 frames for the first tick. It was on the same pack of enemies. The next shock was after 6 frames and the force lightning was 7 frames again.


I'll upload a video tomorrow since it's too late to re-encode it now and I'll make another one in a warzone to see what's the difference. But from this little test it seems that's it's dependent on both the specific ability and in what circumstance it's used.

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This video right here explains what I feel the issue is. Why oh WHY is that delay between a used ability and the next one activating even there? That 0.25-0.5 second delay when the GCD is FINISHED and then the next ability activates. It's stupid and makes no sense. It doesn't even have anything to do with animations at this point anymore as shown in the video. Those two abilities don't have lengthy animations at all.


I am with you Yillin. I will not stop until it is completely fixed. For me, it is only 30% more responsive.

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I am with you Yillin. I will not stop until it is completely fixed. For me, it is only 30% more responsive.


I did re-watch and see what you're talking about, but my point stands in that last night... getting to a "WoW Standard" of feeilng was almost un-imaginable, tonight I can definitely see it happening with a bit more work on this topic.


I wonder if some part of it is the Client/Server Communication and if so, if it'll be changed etc. I'd love a Bioware response in regards to this technical aspect. It may not even be a problem, we're only speculating...

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Correct and then after further analysis changed my opinion... this doesn't really have anything to do with the overall issue... once again, you're about 3 threads behind...



Edit: You can keep going on about "my 15 minutes of fame" but thats really not relevant for me as long as this game is fixed... in any case, you're starting to be a bit of my very own fanboy... I appreciate it.


15 minutes of fame or not, you have done a lot of good work for the future of this game. Also, Bioware does seem to be holding true to their promises, which is good to see.


The ability delay seems way better for me tonight. I am very pleased. Not 100%, there is still several problems, but they sort of ninja fixed this today. I did not expect this until at least 1.1.1 or even the march update, if even.

Edited by Fellthar
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I am confused now. Some people are saying the delay is fixed while other people say its still the same.:confused:




Well the ability delay and generally a "feeling" of Responsiveness is always subject to intepretation as to "how bad it is"...


What you need to really do is ask the best players, the Gladiators of WoW, the Top100 Raiders of WoW... the Professional Starcraft Players, the Professional Quake/Counter Strike Players etc.


I believe they can best judge this.... for me, as a 2+ year Top100 Raider, this is now "playable" and as long as it continues to get improved I am "happy". I would say "for me" the difference from last night, to tonight is 60-75% improvement. I apologize if some don't share that (if you don't believe its that much better) but I honestly do see a very vast improvement.


Having said this, I've only put in about 5-10 Warznones and not any at all PvE. I have already noticed some issues here and there still but seriously, vastly better than last night. To me, its like a different game, last night "not playable" to, tonight "playable".



I hope I don't disappoint too many with my optimistic views but I am merely being honest.



I still fully agree with StarGlide's theories as well as general sentiment in the Video...





P.S.: Updating OP later tonight to include his Video as well as the "Updated Game as of 1.1.0b" and a couple of notable comments from StarGlide in Thread 6.

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I did re-watch and see what you're talking about, but my point stands in that last night... getting to a "WoW Standard" of feeilng was almost un-imaginable, tonight I can definitely see it happening with a bit more work on this topic.


I wonder if some part of it is the Client/Server Communication and if so, if it'll be changed etc. I'd love a Bioware response in regards to this technical aspect. It may not even be a problem, we're only speculating...


It is most definitely an issue and the game still has a ways to go before it is a la WoW.


But let me put down my negative hat for a second. Today's updates were a GIGANTIC step in the right direction. I just can't and won't get lazy on this topic.


BioWare, good job. But you aren't out of the woods yet. I know you feel my pat on your back, but make sure you feel me breathing down your neck.

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i think its time this thread gets deleted and we wave goodbye to our old friend ability delay.


Eight years from now when playing the next big mmo that also has issues on release...


"I remember when there was this problem called ability delay. It almost wrecked the game."


"No wai... TOR was always smooth, like a greased fat man riding a crazy carpet down a water slide of lard."


Ok maybe not, but it's possible!

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i think its time this thread gets deleted and we wave goodbye to our old friend ability delay.


But it isn't gone... our friend is still here... why do you hate SW:TOR so much? Why do you not want this game to be "better" and really be able to compete with WoW?


Why do you keep "ninja supporting WoW and Blizzard" with this incessant need to extinguish any threads on the forums that do not speak favorably of Bioware and SW:TOR?

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It is most definitely an issue and the game still has a ways to go before it is a la WoW.


But let me put down my negative hat for a second. Today's updates were a GIGANTIC step in the right direction. I just can't and won't get lazy on this topic.


BioWare, good job. But you aren't out of the woods yet. I know you feel my pat on your back, but make sure you feel me breathing down your neck.


I agree with you. You don't want to get complacent, and let them slide.

But I would really like to point out that actual feedback and demonstration of the issue rather than senseless waaahh got this done.


Specifically mentioned by James Ohlen was the videos that you guys have provided. Thats what enabled them to pin down some of the issues and fix them.


So for the crusaders, I'll say well done, and keep up the good work.

To Bioware, I'll say Thanks for the fix. Now keep on top of things and keep the game improving.

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But it isn't gone... our friend is still here... why do you hate SW:TOR so much? Why do you not want this game to be "better" and really be able to compete with WoW?


Why do you keep "ninja supporting WoW and Blizzard" with this incessant need to extinguish any threads on the forums that do not speak favorably of Bioware and SW:TOR?


Alot of accusations in this reply. You need to chill for one. Secondly i dont hate swtor i enjoy the game very much, nice of you to insinuate that i "hate swtor". I dont know why you're so defensive. I said its time to delete this thread because i thought we had finished with the ability delay and we can move on to enjoying the game.


You're way too defensive and need to back off for a while.

Edited by Daedricshots
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It is most definitely an issue and the game still has a ways to go before it is a la WoW.


But let me put down my negative hat for a second. Today's updates were a GIGANTIC step in the right direction. I just can't and won't get lazy on this topic.


BioWare, good job. But you aren't out of the woods yet. I know you feel my pat on your back, but make sure you feel me breathing down your neck.


And you shouldn't and "NO-ONE" should, we need to keep up on this, continue to drive Bioware to improve SW:TOR until it is at that point where we complain about trivial crap like class nerfs and balances... vanity pets and why no-one will take melee into raids because bla bla bla...


Until then, we need to continue to be critical, analytic and display some stamina here... don't let this issue die, don't let the "High Resolution Textures Thread" die, don't let the "Optimization/Performance/Memory Leak Issue" die... don't let the "Combat Log" discussion die etc. etc.


Our drive and our passion 100% translates into Bioware's drive and passion... you want to see a passionless game with ABSOLUTE NO DIRECTION? go to World of Warcraft...


Perhaps in 7 years thats what SW:TOR will be like, but right now "we" can help make this a 10 million subs MMO... so lets show some dedication/passion/stamina...



To all those who will simply say "its fine", "stop whining", "stop comparing to X" etc... in reality, it is them that keep Blizzard and WoW on top. Ignore them, its as if Blizzard paid people to keep SW:TOR down...


Praise Bioware where needed (like today), continue to be critical (harshly so) of failures and flaws...

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Alot of accusations in this reply. You need to chill for one. Secondly i dont hate swtor i enjoy the game very much, nice of you to insinuate that i "hate swtor". I dont know why you're so defensive. I said its time to delete this thread because i thought we had finished with the ability delay and we can move on to enjoying the game.


You're way too defensive and need to back off for a while.


I simply mimic'd how your post comes across as well as all the other ones who basically blindly gallop around praising Bioware instead of being more critical.

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Xcore, since you play a smuggler, try chaining your ground aoe ability. Try and make a 2nd one start casting soon as the 1st one ends. Much like a mage would chaincast blizzard in WoW for example. How can you claim that this is even remotely playable right now?
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I simply mimic'd how your post comes across as well as all the other ones who basically blindly gallop around praising Bioware instead of being more critical.


This was the first time i ever even posted in this thread. I'm all for making this game better i guess you dont see im on your side of the fence in this issue. No need for the drama.

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