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Everything posted by Hunterzen

  1. My name was Lord Drelam Rahl, some might know where the Rahl is from.
  2. I completely agree with OP and that is why I think it should not cost monthly to play. You either go with a single player game that dosent cost hundred of dollars to play or you make a MMORPG with dynamic content and never ending character progression, open world. This game tries to do both and I just don't see it surviving because of that reason.
  3. Rigota: "MMOs are about dynamic content, not static content (story)." ^ Now if you could just get this tattooed onto every developers wrist, and ignorant casual gamer we might just save TOR... Oh yeah Hero Engine never mind.
  4. ^ Completely agree. These casual gamer children who cannot remember a non themepark cookie cutter MMORPG are so disgusting. They feel entitled to tell people who don't want such a linear POS game to go back to WoW or shut up and pay your monthly like they own this game and everyone in it. Yeah no thanks doing the same thing over and over only interest insane people. Stop trolling fan boys and learn a little more about product standards.
  5. Completely agree with OP you are my hero and all the things you point out are what keep people playing for years. It makes you wonder what the hell the developers were thinking, like we were all just going to pay monthly to play a single player game? I have never seen a MMORPG so linear and repetitive as TOR. I just wish SWGemu had the funding TOR has and my dream of a true Star Wars Universe that I can live in will come true. Problem with your list is that none of these things can happen unless they bascially recreate a whole new game starting with a new engine.
  6. Quigon Jin was one of the most ****** Jedi's in the movies, especially since he had his dark side problems.
  7. Because in the movies and books you mostly get the "good" sides perspectives. I suspect people want to see the "dark" side perspectives, since it's new and not as explored in Star Wars movies,books,games. Also the Empire is ******. I would of liked to try Republic, but I don't pay monthly for single player games no matter how much I love everything Star Wars.
  8. This is a easy solution. 1. Merge Servers 2. Create Republic/Empire limit restrictions when you create a character on a server to make sure its al balanced. No response because developers are busy buying plane tickets and bank accounts over seas for the great escape lol.
  9. These things are not the same as a video game genre, and I never said they were the same I was demonstrating how you ration learn how to read. Try agian.
  10. No you are right its not valid that I say a MMO has this so that TOR should atleast have that too, but I think we are witnessing what happens when one sticks to that pratice with TOR hence what the OP is talking about.
  11. I don't care about macros, but for a budget record setting MMORPG, I do expect for there to be atleast a combat log. I'm not just talking about macros here I'm talking about many essential standards that yes any MMORPG worth its title has and has had for years.
  12. By your rationality if I buy a $15,000 new car that dosen't come with a radio, I should have to go buy a radio separately because the car company thought it would be too expensive since not everyone likes listening to the radio.
  13. You must work for the company that makes those gameboards because this might be one of the craziest statements I have ever read. Really the developers are to lazy to add something that is a standard in every other MMORPG , so its our fault just because we dont want to spend money on a keyboard that has macros. Sorry I work hard for my money, and I expect the people who I pay to do the same.
  14. Really him complaining about not having macros on the game is stupid?. How about instead of him wasting his money on a keyboard something he already has, he just gets his moneys worth from a 60 dollar game and 15 dollar monthly fees he paid for, a game that supposedly broke the MMORPG budget record and took years to develop. What a joke. I swear it seems most of these people who think people compaining is wrong must have their parents paying for everything.
  15. This may be true, but then again SWG Pre NGE/CU wasent focused on quests, it was focused on community and doing what ever the hell you wanted to do with thirty two professions, unbelievable economy, crafting system, and open world pvp. SWTOR would do well to take lessons from SWG Pre NGE/CU. All these MMORPG WoW clones, which TOR tries to be; need to put more emphasis on the RPG part like SWG Pre NGE/CU did so well with their non combat elements of the game.
  16. To OP you sir are exactly right on every point, but I'm sure your thread will be destroyed soon like every other person who has tried to post their issues with this game. I made a post saying what my problems were with the game and it was completely destroyed and never seen agian in less then one minute. I pointed out in another thread that this game is not worth 15 dollars a month to play since its more of a single player game compared to the other eight MMORPG's Ive played, but of course some fan boy told me to learn how to play a MMORPG lol. If you have no problem with this game then you either have never played other MMORPGs, or mommy is paying your monthly bill and you are obsessed with Star Wars lore (which this game dosent even follow hence class lightsaber restrictions) so you don't care that you are being ripped off, or you work for PR. I love Bioware games until this POS came out.
  17. Best bet is to buy a desktop or large laptop for gaming and buy a 250 dollar laptop for mobile business use.
  18. Wrong idiot, ever heard of planetside or SWG?
  19. Can you explain to my how this statement is true? Did you ever play SWG pre nge/cu? Atleast in WoW which I don't play you have different regions on different continents and places in between that are the same level.
  20. Is it crazy to think that there are other humanoid like aliens on other planets? Take in the fact that you exist right? You are the product of evolution, so why is it crazy to think that nature would take the same route on another planet with very similar conditions. We know that there are at least a billion planets , and that is a number with many possibiilities. Think about how efficent having hands, eyes, ears, nose is I think it's not crazy to suspect that many aliens are in humanoid type forms with organs and all. If you saw trees on another planet that woulden't be so crazy right, yet there are trees on this planet.
  21. Actually you can move in any direction in space, not sure who taught you that but space is not a 2 dimensional plane, for there is such a thing as thrust.
  22. I thought it was a funny post, but it will be funnier seeing blind TOR fan boys start to loose faith in a few months, and see this game go to F2P.
  23. #1 Art Design #2 Ambient Sound #3 Voice Acting #4 Music #5 Lore Everything else is complete ****, and as far as I'm concerned this game is a scam because its a single player game that advertises as a mmorpg and with that charges 15 dollars a month to play.
  24. You must either be to young to have played SWG pre CU/NGE, or never learned how to play the game since it's wasen't a linear cake walk game for children.
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