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Everything posted by Creedom

  1. Creedom

    Sorcerer Nerf....

    People don't roll the class that fits their playstyle or that they just like for RP purposes anymore, wow changed the game. It's now about what class is the most OP so that I can be the best without actually having to have skill... 80% Sorc population in most WZ matches I've been in lately should tell someone looking at the stats that there is a problem with the class...
  2. I canceled my sub, however, I started out with a 3 month subscription so I still have 3 months left. Bioware has that amount of time to show me what they can do. Responsiveness needs to be addressed. This ability lag is gamebreaking in certain instances. Especially if you're talking about PvPing competitively, which is another issue... PvP is simply broken. Balance is horrendously off. Just look at the class composition on PvP servers. Everybody is rolling the facerollers. When you are in a warzone with 80-90% one class(*cough* Inquisitor) you are doing something wrong. Then there's the the framerate loss in warzones. On some rigs its laughable. What amazing graphics is this game running that's choking my processor so badly? I don't see it. Open world PvP was a lie.
  3. I just got out of a warzone made up of 90% inquisitors. Is the Inq THAT good everyone feels the need to roll one? That opens up some questions about the other 3 classes and their viability. What is the deal?
  4. Whatever happened to SKILL? Shouldn't your skill level be the determining factor of what you're best at? Just because you have 12 hours a day to afk your character in warzones, doesn't mean you're amazing at pvp. The same goes for PvE, just because I like to PvP in my free time doesn't mean I'm not an amazing PvE healer... I just might not want to spend all my free time in HMs. Gearscore is one of the things that broke WoW in my opinion. Let's not bring that garbage to SWTOR. Bring the player, not their gear...
  5. Creedom

    PVP CC is broken!

    When you can be stun locked for an entire fight, unable to return damage or heal yourself, something is wrong. I'm a healer in just about every game I play. I know I'm not going to go out there and kill people, my job is to keep my team alive or at the very least, keep myself alive. I might not be able to kill you but you sure as hell aren't going to be able to kill me, right? NOPE. Force Leaped on -> Stunned -> 2/3 health Force choke -> Stunned -> 1/3 health Lightsaber throw/spin move -> Dead. Rly? Crowd Control in this game is Out of Control!
  6. This would great if I could actually play the game... Welcome to SWTOR! You have been placed in queue, please sit on your hands for an hour +. Thank you!
  7. Thank you, it's people like you who are causing the issue to begin with...
  8. 800+ que on my server and the same thing happened to me last night. I spent more time in queue than I actually spent playing the game that I'm supposed to pay for after Tuesday. GG
  9. Either way, they need to to do something fast about these queues. I don't care what it is... This cannot keep up. I get home from work thinking I'm going to get an hour or so of gaming before my wife get's here and guess what; instead, I waste that entire time waiting in queue... I absolutely refuse to pay money for that...
  10. Fat men are rolling on their server. It's their namesake.
  11. I have all of next week off so it's all good.
  12. Dude, I got up for work at 8 and logged in. Needless to say, I was late for work. My excuse: name farming.
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