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They need to add a "stop xp" option to prevent leveling up


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We all know the best pvp in the game is 10-49, and that level 50 pvp is nothing but long queues to warzones filled with pre-made teams of kids running around in full champ/bm gear farming new 50's until they quit/unsub/re-roll.


To counter this could they simply add a button so we can stop getting any xp, that will prevent us from ever getting to 50 and having to keep re-rolling.

Edited by Evuke
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So you want to twink.....sorry no, you just want to be top of the pile at 49 with bis gear. 50 pvp is not that bad, yes you get stomped by full teams sometimes, but not as often as you play it up as.


Just bite the bullet and deal with the fact that you are behind the curve now and need to catch up.

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We all know the best pvp in the game is 10-49, and that level 50 pvp is nothing but a bunch of kids running around in full champ/bm gear farming new 50's until they quit/unsub/re-roll.


To counter this could they simply add a button so we can stop getting any xp, that will prevent us from ever getting to 50 and having to keep re-rolling.


I mentioned this on my server last week and someone replied in general with, "Oh so you can twink like a <Expletive deleted>".


My theory on this is that they didn't want players sitting @49 in the "lower bracket" destroying noobs.


Who knows though, I thought it was a good idea myself.

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We all know the best pvp in the game is 10-49, and that level 50 pvp is nothing but a bunch of kids running around in full champ/bm gear farming new 50's until they quit/unsub/re-roll.


To counter this could they simply add a button so we can stop getting any xp, that will prevent us from ever getting to 50 and having to keep re-rolling.


I agree... Its sad that it has to come to this, but expertise > skill once you hit 50


*puts on anti-troll suit to protect against the incoming level 50 baddies claiming that the reason they are steam rolling fresh 50s is because of their skill, not expertise*

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Will you pick the unsub option next time?


Hopefully, seeing gw2 just announced they have finished closed beta, so as soon as they go open beta don't worry i won't let the door hit me on the way out.


Will be great to play a mmo designed for pvp from the ground up rather than a mmo designed for voiceovers from the ground up with pvp slapped on as an abomination afterwards by an ex mythic team.

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Will be great to play a mmo designed for pvp from the ground up rather than a mmo designed for voiceovers from the ground up with pvp slapped on as an abomination afterwards by an ex mythic team.


I couldn't agree with you more, although I'm left wondering what gave you the impression that this game was going to be a PvP mmo. Has no one realized why all these developers are copying the Blizzard model of arcade pvp in a pve game?

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So instead of new 50s getting rolled by geared up 50s you want 10-49 to be dominated by an ever growing group of 49s with expertise on every item?


Bad idea is bad. Better ideas would be to let us have more than one level 50 PvP bag on us so you can have level 50 gear purchased before level 50. Either that or put back the blue level 50 +expertise gear. That way we don't have the short period of time where you get stomped as a new 50 in PvP.

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So instead of new 50s getting rolled by geared up 50s you want 10-49 to be dominated by an ever growing group of 49s with expertise on every item?


Bad idea is bad. Better ideas would be to let us have more than one level 50 PvP bag on us so you can have level 50 gear purchased before level 50. Either that or put back the blue level 50 +expertise gear. That way we don't have the short period of time where you get stomped as a new 50 in PvP.


< level 50 has expertise gear? this is news to me.

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I couldn't agree with you more, although I'm left wondering what gave you the impression that this game was going to be a PvP mmo. Has no one realized why all these developers are copying the Blizzard model of arcade pvp in a pve game?


tbh i didn't have high hopes for this game but there were no other semi-decent mmo's out so i thought it was worth a try, this year (potentially) there are several mmo's that i will try (gw2, archeage, tera, secret world) out in my search for decent pvp, like in the pre-Wow days (eq1, ac1, uo, daoc, swg, vanguard etc)


Blizzard has effectively destroyed pvp in every mmo released since it, as developers tried to copy it.


When will they realize that we don't want WoW's pvp we want good pvp

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So you want to twink.....sorry no, you just want to be top of the pile at 49 with bis gear. 50 pvp is not that bad, yes you get stomped by full teams sometimes, but not as often as you play it up as.


Just bite the bullet and deal with the fact that you are behind the curve now and need to catch up.


Id be happy like a camper If I could be steamrolled by battlemasters all day long. As it is right now there is ZERO warzones spawning thansk to the damn bracket crap.

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So instead of new 50s getting rolled by geared up 50s you want 10-49 to be dominated by an ever growing group of 49s with expertise on every item?



Kill or be killed, it's a pretty simple choice isn't it?


TBH i'd like prefer them to just remove expertise when joining a WZ and fix the bolster buff (so low levels do more dmg and have more hp to compensate for their lack of abilities etc) then have 1 warzone for everyone where we are all equalized.


but seeing bw wont do this i guess i'll just get to 49 and keep leaving the warzones before the end to stop leveling to 50.

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its easier to fight a decked out lvl 49 when youre level 14 compared to fighting a decked out lvl 50 as a new lvl 50


so yeah


I think the people who are raging at you desperately need more cannon fodder for their battlemaster premade ;)

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Too many people coming from WoW and EQ where you can actually "twink" a character and make him stronger, significantly so, than anyone else who is advancing normally in the game.


Doesn't work in this game, at 49 you will probably be wearing the full 40+ PvP suit, and have the PvP weapon...




Not being funny at 34 I have 500 Merc and about 500 Commendations, just sitting there waiting, surely by the time I am level 49 I would have naturally bought the entire 40+ PvP set + the weapon?


This is my first character and I have PvE'd and PvP'd my way up.


There is no twinking, people just crying about something they had not bothered to think about.


Even if you could get "Best in Slot" what difference is it really going to make over what is second best or third best that a natural 49 will have immediately upon reaching 49? Ohhh an extra 5 willpower AND 4 endurance...omg so overpowered.

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< level 50 has expertise gear? this is news to me.


the weapons have an expertise enhancment in them, it is not the most efficient method of gaining expertise but if you grind from 10 to 49 every peice of modable gear you have can have expertise on them.

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lol another


"I can't compete with the top tier of players and don't want to put in the work to get on their level, so please let me smash on level 10s forever" thread.




Except the only reason they are considered top tier players is because they are wearing the best gear; which wasn't even acquired through any achievement of skill, but rather, through a ridiculous amount of time spent grinding over a few weeks.


People aren't asking for anything to be handed to them. They just have a simple question: If the top tier PvPers are so elite, why do they need a stat advantage to beat new level 50s?

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burden of proof falls on the person making the accusation, not the person questioning the accusation.


ooohhhhhh burn.


No seriously though, lol @ this thread. I especially loved the guy who claims he has to put on a troll proof suit to dodge the accusations that skill is better than expertise.


Protip: Expertise is a factor, but skill makes the difference. There's a ton of very, very bad 50's in pvp gear, and they get destroyed regularly for their inadequacies.

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