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Bioware SHOOTS themselves in the Foot


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I agree with this 100%. Instead of nerfing the OP classes, buff Sorcerers. I think Force Pull and/or Force Charge would round out our utility nicely.


Also add a followup to rejuvenate that it now cleanses you each tick so it can remove CCs from you while it's up.

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Why are you writing in purple text. Acting like you are some big shot guy working for bioware or some kinda bigger "boss" of who decide what is gonna be written on the forum?


Is this colour better? Or what about this one? Maybe this?


Or maybe you just want me to use the default bland colour like you. Sorry for not wanting to be boring all my life. I'll leave the boring dullness lifestyle to you. Enjoy.


Woops sorry.. didn't mean to make my text bigger, I would imagine that is against your dullness as well.


My Bad

Edited by SirSlayAlot
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I left Rift because my class (Riftstalker tank spec) was nerfed into oblivion


To be fair, the only good tanking class in Rift is warrior. It has always been that way, and will always be that way simply because of the fact they have 20 times the armor other classes do. They should just remove the riftstalker tree and the cleric tanking tree all together.


But, yeah, Rift has become one big FoTM game with some class getting overbuffed every freaking patch and then nerfed the next. However, it is the game I am playing right now until something better comes out. I have already given up on SWTOR.


I logged into Rift today for the first time since SWTOR's launch, and guess what? We had nice open world PvP battles that were pretty balanced numbers wise. I found more open world action in Rift (a game that is dying) than I do in SWTOR where 200 million was spent. Sad, really.

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Is this colour better? Or what about this one? Maybe this?


Or maybe you just want me to use the default bland colour like you. Sorry for not wanting to be boring all my life. I'll leave the boring dullness lifestyle to you. Enjoy.


Woops sorry.. didn't mean to make my text bigger, I would imagine that is against your dullness as well.


My Bad


Somebody's post looks fa-bu-lous! :p

Edited by Abanoth
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Is this colour better? Or what about this one? Maybe this?


Or maybe you just want me to use the default bland colour like you. Sorry for not wanting to be boring all my life. I'll leave the boring dullness lifestyle to you. Enjoy.


Woops sorry.. didn't mean to make my text bigger, I would imagine that is against your dullness as well.


My Bad


Why waste your time on dress up your text like a teenage girl in puberty, you could use that time to write something constructive instead?

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While this is true... and it is expected for a game this young to have balancing patches...


I still agree with the OP that its pretty bad sign when a company starts 'rebalancing' around crying and nerfing. I can say I left games due to every patch turning into nerf fest, and if it indeed turns that way here I'll do the same again. It's just ridiculous to give someone the abilities/tools he builds his toon around then keep taking away one thing after the other, I cannot play like that. To me RPG is about development, not losing what you could do/what you had every other patch.


Hope it does not go that far tho.


Yes, because they don't have metrics they can look at. People who believe that crying and complaining amounted to 100% of a change without them looking at their metrics to see if there was any truth, I have a bridge to sell you. And I am sure I could sell it to you cheap to. Plain and simple, you can cry till the cows come home but changes don't come at a whim because a group of people say so. I am sure no one cried about slicing that were abusing it or the medpacks, which were definitely broken.

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Well its nice to be the New kid on the block in any MMO but thanks to yet another flawed Dev team and flawed marketing group Bioware is making the biggest market blunder of all.


Want to compete with World of Warcraft?


Want to stay on top for longer than 6 months?


Stop changing the game because all the little kids play saber wielding classes are crying.


I already have spoken to a few guilds and many of them are already fed up with all the changes and the game has so far.


Nerfing pvp bags, nerfing valor gains, exp gains in WZs, for losses, the big valor exploitation recently and the big post (Under Investigation) yeah ok.


Truth is its apparent Bioware is nerfing this and nerfing that and for no other reason that they are freaking out over all the crybabies.


News for you Bioware if you can't look into the past and see that FAIL logic then by all means crash and burn before your time.



So now they want to nerf the hell out of some abilities cutting them down by half durations reducing damage and buffs to abilties, so what class is next for the chopping block?


Funny if they deciced to nerf every class all at once the uproar would be deafening and reach the far outer rim of the Galaxy but this way its a nerf here a nerf there and its not that big of a deal right?


Wrong Bioware is about to find out that the ten year olds crying the most are not the majority of paying customers, in fact its the older gamers like myself that have been disapointed by companies marketing one game in beta and releaseing a differnt version after, only to destroy what it originally was to begin with.


Not as intended, undesired effects, are all buisness terms for ******** we better cave in quick or we'll lose subs.


You already lost some subs and your about to lose a whole lot more.


I personally am pissed about the whole pvp situation, the 50s that lved in the first 7 days out of headstart benifited from just about equal valor gains, exp gains and com gains win or lose.


Bioware decided to nerf this and double the cost of pvp gear. so who won on that deal?


Let me tell all of you the losers are everyone playing the game now becasue those players are valor rank 65 with battlemaster gear and impossible to even compete on any level at the 50 bracket.


So where is this game headed and who is driving it?


I think Senator Palpatine got drunk and took the company Limo out for a drive.


You are wrong and a liar to boot. The devs have actually took a tempered but timely approach to making changes. The idea you have talked to many guilds who say they are fed up with "all" the changes is a lie. Name all these guilds who told you this.


You are insulting, lying and trolling. Also you are drowning us in your op/scoundrel tears.

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FFS how hard is it to instead of nerfing boosting classes that needs a boost. That way people wont get mad. They will get happy because their class gets improved instead.

Bioware are idiots and they will destroy this game quicker than you can spell Warhammer Online.


You don't balance by just boosting. It does not work that way. That is kindergarten logic.

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I'm a paying customer and so Its my choice to voice my opinion or vent and that's your reply?? Your an idiot and stop using every other fanboy's response to a thread nerd rage, you post on the internet crap because your NOT standing in the same room with someone you wouldn't dare say a word to because your an internet coward.


You don't know me or anything about me so keep your negative worn out comments to yourself I'm entitled to my opinion without your crap.


Double nerd rage denying initial nerd rage. I hope you don't have high blood pressure.

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Does Bioware's devs read the forums? Yes. Is that what they use to determine changes? No, not really.



To all the people who say that Bioware is listening to the "whiny kids" on the forums, you're misguided. Georg Zoeller bases all of his changes on data. Numbers. Not necessarily how I would approach 100% of everything myself, but that's how he does it.


Georg made the above fact, PAINFULLY clear during BETA.


The data showed that Operatives and Scoundrels were able to burst down players faster than intended. NUMBERS, not WHINES presented that information.

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I personally am pissed about the whole pvp situation, the 50s that lved in the first 7 days out of headstart benifited from just about equal valor gains, exp gains and com gains win or lose.


Bioware decided to nerf this and double the cost of pvp gear. so who won on that deal?


They should have foreseen this, Blizzard made the same mistake the first time they introduced the new honor system; getting points instead of ranks. One week after this new system was implemented they nerfed honor gains by 40%, fourty percent! That's quite a lot isn't it? I can still remember my friend having almost full Warlord gear within that first week, while I, who didn't play that week, could ever benefit from that.


This is the exact same situation, they were simply at the right place at the right time. It's frustrating if you weren't a part of it I know, but you can't neglect the fact this had to be stopped or everyone and their grandmother would run around in full PvP armor within a week.

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Well its nice to be the New kid on the block in any MMO but thanks to yet another flawed Dev team and flawed marketing group Bioware is making the biggest market blunder of all.


Want to compete with World of Warcraft?


Want to stay on top for longer than 6 months?


Stop changing the game because all the little kids play saber wielding classes are crying.


I already have spoken to a few guilds and many of them are already fed up with all the changes and the game has so far.


Nerfing pvp bags, nerfing valor gains, exp gains in WZs, for losses, the big valor exploitation recently and the big post (Under Investigation) yeah ok.


Truth is its apparent Bioware is nerfing this and nerfing that and for no other reason that they are freaking out over all the crybabies.


News for you Bioware if you can't look into the past and see that FAIL logic then by all means crash and burn before your time.



So now they want to nerf the hell out of some abilities cutting them down by half durations reducing damage and buffs to abilties, so what class is next for the chopping block?


Funny if they deciced to nerf every class all at once the uproar would be deafening and reach the far outer rim of the Galaxy but this way its a nerf here a nerf there and its not that big of a deal right?


Wrong Bioware is about to find out that the ten year olds crying the most are not the majority of paying customers, in fact its the older gamers like myself that have been disapointed by companies marketing one game in beta and releaseing a differnt version after, only to destroy what it originally was to begin with.


Not as intended, undesired effects, are all buisness terms for ******** we better cave in quick or we'll lose subs.


You already lost some subs and your about to lose a whole lot more.


I personally am pissed about the whole pvp situation, the 50s that lved in the first 7 days out of headstart benifited from just about equal valor gains, exp gains and com gains win or lose.


Bioware decided to nerf this and double the cost of pvp gear. so who won on that deal?


Let me tell all of you the losers are everyone playing the game now becasue those players are valor rank 65 with battlemaster gear and impossible to even compete on any level at the 50 bracket.


So where is this game headed and who is driving it?


I think Senator Palpatine got drunk and took the company Limo out for a drive.


Not too many people played ops/sco anyways, so no one cares.

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This is just one big fat chunk of anger and rage.


If I were roleplaying, I would tell you to channel that anger for something useful. Ya know, like constructive criticism.


Or - and I know this sounds nuts - just ignore the forums, and play the game. Changes will happen. Let them come, and just play.


So everybody should just sit back and ignore all the GLARING problems this game has? Just deal with it? Even though we don't like it?


Are you aware that MMOs are dynamic systems driven by player feedback? Are you aware that no MMO ever blossoms into maturity and success without lots of changes that are nearly entirely driven by player input?


I agree OP posted out of anger but your message is entirely wrong and should be ignored. Player-feedback is what builds a good game. Bioware has made some serious mistakes and without lots and lots of players giving them lots and lots of negative feedback about it, they'll just keep giving us bad content. It's our freaking job as a playerbase to give Bioware the input required for this game to change for the better.


Because as it stands right now it needs changing, and you are in the vast minority/haven't experienced endgame content if you disagree.

Edited by Mhak
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Yes there are a lot of things that need to be fixed. It would be nice if BW could fix that stuff first before Nerfing classes.


Animation Delay

Defense being worthless

armor being worthless

Resolve issues

expertise issues


and all the other things that are wrong with the system. Look at the systems not the class. I think you will find what you are looking for there.


For the record I *********** hate operatives/scoundrels right now but fix the stuff first then balance out the classes as needed. Lets not do another blizzard fotm game please. 5 years was enough for me.


Agree 100%. Let a good chunk of the player base hit end game with some pvp gear before nerfing. And why does nobody start threads discussing strategies to counter all these OP classes? I mean there are a total of 8 OP classes now :rolleyes:

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FFS how hard is it to instead of nerfing boosting classes that needs a boost. That way people wont get mad. They will get happy because their class gets improved instead.

Bioware are idiots and they will destroy this game quicker than you can spell Warhammer Online.


Yeah they did that with the juggernaut. Too many juggernaut player were whinning that they couldn't catch players in PvP so they gave them a boost with more stuns and resistance to every movement impairment.


Now as a mercenary there is no way i can keep a juggernaut at bay and i get killed before i can deal him 5% of his HP in dmg. Because they can stun us 5 times in a row and are immune to everything. Mercenaries have ONE stun and no root abilities. How the hell is that making it fair?


If they want to make it fair they should give an equal number of stun, slow, root and CC to all classes and stop making changes acording to the forum's cry babies.

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I left Warhammer Online after the Bright wizards nerf not because it wasnt needed (the class was definitely OP) but because they nerfed it so bad that the class became a joke.


I left Rift because of all the nerf cries being attended. And i will leave swtor if this game becomes a nerf fest.


LOL @ bright wizards being nerfed out of being viable! I played during that whole time and even just recently and BW's are still a very nice dps class. Go play a sorc and tell me how bad the BW's have it with thier ranged KD and kiting abilities that the sorc's don't have. Actually, I don't have anything to gripe about with the sorc either though. The game is very balanced atm and if you don't think so, it's a LTP issue.


As for Rift, I agree with your post. Rift absolutely catered to the QQ's on the forums and payed the price for it imo.

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Why waste your time on dress up your text like a teenage girl in puberty, you could use that time to write something constructive instead?


Thanks for the "constructive" post, I totally took it for what's it worth. (that's sarcasm btw, just to save you posting another pointless thread)

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