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  1. They should have foreseen this, Blizzard made the same mistake the first time they introduced the new honor system; getting points instead of ranks. One week after this new system was implemented they nerfed honor gains by 40%, fourty percent! That's quite a lot isn't it? I can still remember my friend having almost full Warlord gear within that first week, while I, who didn't play that week, could ever benefit from that. This is the exact same situation, they were simply at the right place at the right time. It's frustrating if you weren't a part of it I know, but you can't neglect the fact this had to be stopped or everyone and their grandmother would run around in full PvP armor within a week.
  2. So here's an interesting event. I was happily creating some Experimental Resolve Stims and reverse engineering them hoping for the blue recipe to proc. I check in my inventory and see I got 2 of them in a stack. I decide to make 2 stacks of 1. That's when the first weird thing happened: one of the Stims suddenly disappeared (I checked if I didn't accidentally used it; I didn't because it required level 32, while I was 31 at the time.) Ok, no harm done, just a simple stim gone, no worries. I decided to reverse engineer the remaining stim; darn still no blue recipe. Looking in the Biochem list to queue up 5 new ones, I find out to my surprise it completely disappeared from the list. I scrolled down and up, checked it three times, but it was gone! I relogged to see if that could fix the issue, but alas no result. I checked with my trainer, if it somehow sneaked back to trainable recipes; no luck either. I'm wondering if any of you have experienced this and if you did, how did you fix it. I've already written a ticket to BioWare, but as you probably know they take quite some time to answer them. I was looking forward into upgrading to a level 32 version of my beloved Willpower Stim, but now I am at a loss. TL;DR Biochem stim bugged, disappeared from list, can't get it back, help
  3. Of all the MMO's out there you'd think SWToR would be the one with fully voiced emotes. After all they even voiced right clicks on your companions. I'm wondering why they chose not to, any thoughts? P.S. if voiced emotes are added in the future I demand a /victoryornothing
  4. Victory or nothing! Victory or nothing!
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