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Social points....


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What they really need to do is bump social points in FP's. It's stupidly difficult to find people to quest with unless you play with a significant other or a real life friend. That content doesn't require grouping so it's not easy to find someone willing to group up for it (not to mention that you have to be at basically the exact same point in the leveling content for a planet).


The required group content gives dismal social points. I feel like we should be getting at least twice what we currently are for FP's, if not more. Why not add social points to the rewards for the daily FP quest? That way you limit people from farming them really quickly but you still reward people for being social.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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The issue I have with social points is the huge imbalance one FP offers over another.


There's a reason you see tons of LFG for "Black Talon" or "Esselles" compared to all of the other FPs. They offer waaaaay more social points than all of the other instances.


There's a 4-man on Taris that has ONE conversation right near the end that can earn you ....2 social points, 4 if you win the roll. Compared to the 100 or so you can get from BT or Ess.


If Bioware wants these social points to be incentives to seeing all their content, then they need to balance the point distribution better.


To the OP: I sympathize with what you're trying to do, but I do not believe that 'visiting another player's shop', or similar activities, should earn you anything. Far too easy to exploit.

Edited by TheSwamper
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The issue I have with social points is the huge imbalance one FP offers over another.


There's a reason you see tons of LFG for "Black Talon" or "Esselles" compared to all of the other FPs. They offer waaaaay more social points than all of the other instances.


That's true. Many group missions don't have any group dialogue at all.

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To the OP: I sympathize with what you're trying to do, but I do not believe that 'visiting another player's shop', or similar activities, should earn you anything. Far too easy to exploit.


Thanks for the input. Interesting point, however...


I don't understand why grinding the same flash points over and over again for points is ok, but getting a few points a day working with a friend on his ship is not.


I mean, is the idea to get people to socialize or not? Because even if I'm "exploiting" the system by say, visiting the same guy's ship all the time.... I'm still being just as social as I would be doing PvE in a group, if not more so.

Edited by Spymaster
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I don't understand what you want. What is an "actual social way to earn points"? The game defines "social" as grouping with other players. Please provide examples of what besides grouping should earn you social points.


Yeah, except you don't get those social points for grouping with others, you get them for talking to NPC's while being grouped. Two different things.


Grouping itself is being social, grouping so you can get some stupid points when talking to an NPC is just bad game mechanics.

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It is a bit of an issue when the leveling 'group' quests get you zero points. You take the time to get a group of four together, spend 30 minutes (give or take) to actually do the quest, hearty congrats go around in chat for completing it, and then you manage to keep the group together for turn in - but the turn in is just a drop box. So no points.


Oh, you can get them if you know in advance which quests will be group when you talk to the person, and get your group to go (maybe drop the quest if some had it) and all talk to them. Yay - two to four points.


Unless you have a great friend (IRL or IG) that always plays the same time as you - you aren't getting many points. Only choice (if you want to get a good amount of social points) is hope you can find a guildie or whatnot, roll characters together and then play that char only when the other person is online.


Not to be bitter - glad some people have the joy of having that one (or two or three) people they are can always play with, but that's not a luxury everyone can enjoy. Sorry, my IRL friends aren't gaming types (yes, I think they're nuts too).

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Social interaction.


Player run events It seems the game lacks the tools to have these. What did you have in mind?

cantina mini games How is playing Pazaak being any more social than running a FP together?

visiting other player's in their ships see above

helping players with questions they might have LOL Do you expect CSRs to read every piece of chat on every server to see who is being helpful?!?


Anything would be better that PvE.


TL, DR version: Not sure if serious.

Edited by ChicksDigHarleys
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It would be nice if my social points meter even WORKED, it's been stuck idle about halfway in social I since near the end of head start. I've missed out on at least 4 or so social levels while leveling because it's stuck, and I haven't heard any dev response on the issue, other than they're aware that it gets bugged on some people.
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The game has way too many kinds of currencies, social points are one of several that ought to be removed completely. On that note, why exactly do we need 3 different kinds of PvP currency?


So casuals can sit safe and sound in the fleet station and still be able to get good end-game pvp gear via warzone comms and conversions without having to go to Ilum.

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Yes I agree.


Ive run a lot of FPs since Day 1 of early access & im nowhere near social rank 1 yet (gametime split over various characters).


My friend who adventures with his misses is at Social Rank II already. Its gonna take me months if not years to get there.


Social 1 is all of TEN points. One run of BT and you are Social 1.


Edit: I level with 2 friends, we are low 40s now and I just hit Social V. However, I will admit I was a little shocked/dismayed to see the speeder on the Social vender in Belsavis requires Social VII.

Edited by Phaedrynn
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TL, DR version: Not sure if serious.


I'm very serious...

lets answer your questions


It seems the game lacks the tools to have these. What did you have in mind?


Like I said a few posts back, nothing needs to be added TODAY. But I really hope they eventually add tools to the game so that players can host events. SWG had a lot of tools for this, where players could set their own way points in the world and then other players could take part in custom events, parties, races, trivia contests etc.


cantina mini games How is playing Pazaak being any more social than running a FP together?


How is it not? I've lost count of the number of groups I've been in where people have said littelrely NOTHING to each other. They run through the quest as fast as possible, space bar through the cut scene, and just try to get the whole thing over with. There is really nothing social at all about group based PvE. If you're social in a group, it's because you've decided to be social. You can do that with out a group.


Playing mini games with / against another player is far more social than shooting at NPCs with them.


visiting other player's in their ships see above


Very easy. Ships already have areas set up like cantinas where mini games can take place. Maybe a co-op type thing where the players can to work together on a space walk to repair the engines. Something cool like that.


helping players with questions they might have LOL Do you expect CSRs to read every piece of chat on every server to see who is being helpful?!?


No. Give each player 1 or 2 points a day they can reward through chat windows, for whatever they want. Let players post help requests on the auction boards, and when another player answers that request they can earn social points.


It's not that hard really. Why not try to be creative instead of so negative?

Edited by Spymaster
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The game has way too many kinds of currencies, social points are one of several that ought to be removed completely. On that note, why exactly do we need 3 different kinds of PvP currency?


Good point.


Maybe even better would be to scrap the whole social system and use that cool looking gear to give crafting a boost.

Edited by Spymaster
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How is it not? I've lost count of the number of groups I've been in where people have said littelrely NOTHING to each other. They run through the quest as fast as possible, space bar through the cut scene, and just try to get the whole thing over with. There is really nothing social at all about group based PvE. If you're social in a group, it's because you've decided to be social. You can do that with out a group.


Playing mini games with / against another player is far more social than shooting at NPCs with them.


Nothing about playing cards requires people to be any more social than running a FP, especially when it's with/against the same random people you spacebar through FPs with.


Very easy. Ships already have areas set up like cantinas where mini games can take place. Maybe a co-op type thing where the players can to work together on a space walk to repair the engines. Something cool like that.


This game is lacking so much in the way of features MMOers in 2012 expect, they'd be insane to work on stuff like this instead of, say, bringing more functionality to things like the UI and GTN. File this under "never gonna happen". IMO there would be more demand for customizable interiors than this idea.


No. Give each player 1 or 2 points a day they can reward through chat windows, for whatever they want. Let players post help requests on the auction boards, and when another player answers that request they can earn social points.


Not practical and easily abused. Large guilds can get their members to social V or whatever even faster if you allow people to award social points. Automated systems won't work because it would have to assume anyone answering a "help board" or whatever is actually helpful.


It's not that hard really. Why not try to be creative instead of so negative?


I'm a realist. I don't see the time/money being invested in your ideas in a cookie cutter themepark MMO like TOR. Besides, they have bigger fish to fry than adding spacewalks for social points.

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Nothing about playing cards requires people to be any more social than running a FP, especially when it's with/against the same random people you spacebar through FPs with.


Frankly, that's nonsense. You're actually sitting there, with the person, doing a social activity. Unlike shooting at NPCs which is not social at all. Sure you can play a mini game and never talk to the other guy, but at least you're doing something social instead of just shooting at / talking to NPCs.


This game is lacking so much in the way of features MMOers in 2012 expect, they'd be insane to work on stuff like this instead of, say, bringing more functionality to things like the UI and GTN. File this under "never gonna happen". IMO there would be more demand for customizable interiors than this idea.


"Instead of?" When did I say they should add this before fixing the UI???? Or instead of anything else that needs adding? Oh yeah, never.


I really don't care if YOU think it will happen or not, your opinon of what they will or won't do in the future doesn't mean much in regards to what I would like to see in the game. Would this request make the game better? I think so. That's all that matters. I hate when people try to play armchair Dev and shoot down ideas because they don't think it will happen or can't personally figure out how to do it. Who are you exactly?


Not practical and easily abused. Large guilds can get their members to social V or whatever even faster if you allow people to award social points.


Again... nonsense. A large guild will just run players through Flash points, not waste time giving one player one or two points a day. :rolleyes:


I'm a realist. I don't see the time/money being invested in your ideas in a cookie cutter themepark MMO like TOR. Besides, they have bigger fish to fry than adding spacewalks for social points.


Your negative opinion is noted.

Edited by Spymaster
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