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Did you come from WoW and have you gone back?


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So what, this thread wasnt about what you like to play. You play what you want, and if you think this game is anyway more adult or the races are somewheat mature, its only humans with different color, every race atleast every race in WoW looked unique and different from eachother.


Have fun with your Ewoks, Wookies and Jarjar binks.


Species in the star wars universe are more diverse and unique than wow's races... WoW pretty much took everything from LOTR, D&D, EQ, and WARHAMMER.

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I remember reading an article that states that at the time (this must have been over a year ago) there where somewhere in the region of ~25 Million Ex-WoW players.


Today it's probably closer to 30 Mio.



That means that with every major MMO title, upwards of 90% of all players will have played WoW at least at some point in time.

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Then leave already.


no one is keeping you here.


Mad wookie is mad. :(




I've been drifting for awhile now. WoW > EQ2 > SWToR. Atm, I'm not going back to WoW cause I know the lovely raid that awaits me. (Yay for that new nerfage buff!)


Both games are good, but atm 50 feels a lot like WoW. I sit in the republic fleet waiting for my pvp queue, or /1 LFG! =/


At least in EQ2 I could decorate my house. XD

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Im very open minded i really wanted to give this game a try.

I also played other MMO's then WoW. ( Also giving Tera/GW2) a try when they come out.


But everyone can see this game is a complete rip off from WoW with less features and a ****** engine.


and who gives a damn if its a WoW copy, i loved WoW why wouldn't i like this? I am fine with that and i am having more fun playing this game than i would if i was playing WoW. the fact that it is similar to WoW doesn't make it a bad game, at least not for everyone. this is what i meant by being more open minded. not everyone here is a WoW burnout i havent played WoW in probally a couple years now. at the time i quit WoW i remember saying i would never play another MMO again, but here i am having fun. it appears i just needed a good long break

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He is talking about the PLAYABLE races in the game.


I'm talking in general. While they might seem similiar they have different biological/physiological traits that put them apart from humans(they might be related to humans in someway.) But if you enjoy a female orc go ahead....

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Species in the star wars universe are more diverse and unique than wow's races... WoW pretty much took everything from LOTR, D&D, EQ, and WARHAMMER.


While it's true that the SW universe has a lot of unique and cool species, in this game you can choose a red human, blue human, human human, human with metal stuff on their faces, grey human, blind human, green human, human with tentacles and human with horns. And the kicker is that they all share the same body types.


At least in WoW the playable races are unique. Sure, some are lame like the gnomes (never liked those) but you can't deny that they are more diverse than the playable races in this game.

Edited by krookie
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Species in the star wars universe are more diverse and unique than wow's races... WoW pretty much took everything from LOTR, D&D, EQ, and WARHAMMER.


A good influence came from Warhammer. EQ and DnD were largely based on Tolkiens work, which Warcraft is nothing like.

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Sorry, didn't mean to make you get all butthurt over the fact that some people think WoW is uber lame.


Send me your stuff when you unsub.


Unsubbed 3 weeks ago already. No one here is butthurt, dude just asked if people came from WOW and if some went back there. Many did, many didnt, thats perfectly fine to me. ******s like you who try to make your won oppinion to majoritys voice are the plague on this forums and when you cant make a single solid argument you start namecalling and pand kids "can i have your stuff" . Only fact that exists is that WoW has more players than TOR. When that changes you can fill this forum with people like TOR more than WoW and reclaim to be a majority.


You are a person that many gamers playing this game ran away from WoW.

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I left WoW months ago. In between I played "Rift" again, liked it, but not for long term. Recently, I started playing STO after a few months earlier. Idk, is fun. Between all that, I play SWToR.


WoW, Kung-Fu Pandas incoming have no attractrion whatsoever for me.

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Unsubbed 3 weeks ago already. No one here is butthurt, dude just asked if people came from WOW and if some went back there. Many did, many didnt, thats perfectly fine to me. ******s like you who try to make your won oppinion to majoritys voice are the plague on this forums and when you cant make a single solid argument you start namecalling and pand kids "can i have your stuff" . Only fact that exists is that WoW has more players than TOR. When that changes you can fill this forum with people like TOR more than WoW and reclaim to be a majority.


You are a person that many gamers playing this game ran away from WoW.


LoL @ WoW has more players....


Have a cookie.

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No, and no. Never did like WoW much, i was a Lineage 2 freak, the first true Epic mmorpg i ever played. Guild vs Guild was awsome, epic keep battles, epic raid bosses (Needed 200 players to get one down)


I will stay in SWTOR for atleast 6 months, i like it so far, having a blast.

play maybe 2-3 hours tops a day which is great.

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Unsubbed 3 weeks ago already. No one here is butthurt, dude just asked if people came from WOW and if some went back there. Many did, many didnt, thats perfectly fine to me. ******s like you who try to make your won oppinion to majoritys voice are the plague on this forums and when you cant make a single solid argument you start namecalling and pand kids "can i have your stuff" . Only fact that exists is that WoW has more players than TOR. When that changes you can fill this forum with people like TOR more than WoW and reclaim to be a majority.


You are a person that many gamers playing this game ran away from WoW.


so by your logic, mcdonalds must be the best restaurant in the world, because it has the most consumers.


why can you still post if your sub expired?


Edit: well, they should remove posting rights to expired accs asap. so i don't have to deal with all these butthurt failures.

Edited by Amethyriel
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WoW was boring. (I stopped playing it about 3 months after Cata release.) It was the same thing over and over and over again. SWTOR is at least new and refreshing. I love leveling new toons, but WoW made it a chore, because it was a 100% mindless grind. At least with SWTOR there is immersion in the leveling where you actually care about what you are doing in the quests. I easily see myself leveling 4-5 up to 50 before I even start the end game. I'm on my 2nd 50 right now. :) Edited by Maeleena
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