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Everything posted by bantros

  1. The is what we were saying about Scrapper/Op before the class got hit by the nerf bat. Don't worry, I'm sure the most played class in the game will be left untouched
  2. Those massive speeders should be banned from Fleet. Just too big, look absolutely stupid when there's 10 of them on screen
  3. Yeah I would like to know this too. Probably another jacket that switches looks from Empire to Republic, like the awesome jacket the security vendor wears. So many good looks for Agent, Smuggler has mostly recoloured trash, it's a disgrace. Hey doesn't matter, least played class anyway so why bother making a fuss over one of the most iconic Star Wars professions?
  4. bantros


    Even if the cooldown was 90 secs the damage and stuns just aren't good enough to take Cybertech and I just dropped it for Biochem rather than waste any more BCA. The 5 minute shared cooldown is just a really bad joke
  5. Because having gear means you know how to PvP right guys?
  6. They only nerf classes that are hardly played unfortunately
  7. The only thing Cybertech is useful for is making mods whilst levelling and making a load of money from said mods and purple ship parts. The grenades are pretty poor to begin with, the 5 min shared cooldown is icing on the cake - waste of time and effort
  8. Why the hell would you not use it in a one on one when the rest of the other team is at the opposite door..?
  9. Just annoying that it takes a LOT of effort and skill to get decent results out of the class, not to mention we are the only class that isn't great at either PVP/PVE. At least GS/Sniper can PVE. Hutball is a nightmare unless the other team is under geared or uselss, knockbacked everywhere, have to slow boat it around the map, fill enemy resolve bars in 2 moves so they can just force run to score... I've given up stuns in that WZ unless I'm after a lone Sniper away from the group, someone low on health or trying to burst a healer. Can complain all day but I doubt they will do much about it apart from nerfing other classes.
  10. You need to be more ruthless, the amount of good loot drops from mobs and mission rewards you don't have to buy much, if anything, from the GTN whilst levelling unless you want to. People will pay reasonable prices for items they want and credits aren't exactly hard to come by, even at low levels. At higher levels there isn't much to spend money on so most people don't even care about spending over the top for an item they want because they've nothing important to spend it on! Find your niche and exploit it until you have a load of credits, then you can start giving away items cheap and piss off other traders if you so desire!
  11. Will judge it when I can play it myself but even if they only pull half of it off, like you say, it will piss all over the sorry state called "PvP" in this game
  12. Point is that in a game which revolves around skill, not gear, the most basic weapon can be just as good as anything unlocked because it depends on the person using it. I'd tell you to pack your bag, but it's already full of the gear you need to pretend to be good at PvP.
  13. Ahh MMO PvP, where skill is second to time invested because that's how it should be right? Well not really but that's how it is at the minute in most MMOs and it's not going to change due to the sheer number of average players that play them. I'm afraid you either have to suck it up and grind it out before you get to smash all the baddies who think they are "skilled" or go play a true PvP game because MMOs will never be unless they are built from the ground up with it in mind like EvE. Even then a lot of the fighting is who has the bigger blob. Quoted for hilarity.
  14. Never played the DAoC but from watching videos it is more of a "proper" PVP than WoW or TOR, both of which are pretty poor. If you want PVP in an MMO go try EvE, better than WoW and TOR put together and doubled, takes actual skill to pilot the ship around, use decent fittings and coordinate with your Corp/Alliance. Huge battles, small skirmishes, taking and losing territories, wormholes and each of the 4 factions are pretty distinct and use different weapons. But it's still a hotkey basher and dependant on skills trained and that's the major problem with PVP in any MMO although it isn't quite as obvious with EvE. Most of the time it isn't down to player skill, just gear and level and I suppose that's why people including me like it. Nothing better than beating bad players with better gear than you
  15. I agree it's a problem but one thing is annoying me a bit, the "third faction". This is Star Wars, Republic vs Empire, Jedi vs Sith, good vs bad! Who the hell would want to play as this other faction? And what the hell would it even be?! It really would be a waste of time and effort to even think about a third faction. Republic has been shafted from the offset, it would be more than reasonable to add minor incentives. Will it happen? I wouldn't bet on it that's for sure
  16. Never played WoW but it certainly feels like I'm playing it... let down
  17. We're talking about Bioware here, the company whose employees come out with gems such as "Press a button, and something awesome happens!" I know that was regarding Dragon Age 2 (and what a let down that was in comparison to the first game, I still enjoyed it but it wasn't on the same level) and to be fair it's not just Bioware that has this attitude these days but it's still no excuse. I wonder if the majority of the TOR team are genuinely proud of the game they have produced? I've been enjoying it but it has "average" written all over it for me
  18. Just because something took a lot of time to do doesn't mean it took a lot of effort
  19. Put it this way, on my server used to have to queue for at least an hour during peak time for the first 3 weeks. Now it doesn't go above "Heavy"
  20. Maybe if I hadn't played Eve Online for 3 years and no other MMO apart from this I wouldn't be so disappointed. The scale and depth of Eve truly blows pretty much anything else out of the water. From not even ever playing WoW even I can tell it's a clone, just like the majority of MMOs from the past 4 years. Really don't know why they couldn't of taken the best of both worlds from each side of the gameplay fence to make something unique, something new and exciting. Actually I do know why, they wanted to play it safe and would rather create something that was familiar yet ultimately average than something that was different but potentially great.
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