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Did you come from WoW and have you gone back?


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Quit WoW over a year ago. Didn't play any MMOs for a year or so until SWTOR. By the mid-30s in SWTOR, I was starting to crave WoW again (to play my resto druid - nice responsive spell casting, and a lovely custom UI), so resubbed.


Got one of my WoW characters from green/blue gear up to ilvl374ish (welfare epics) in a couple of evenings and a weekend, though - as it's in the 'end-of-expansion, throw epics at you' phase, and as I'm no longer in an active raiding guild, I'll probably just do LFM Dragon Soul then not play much more until the next expansion... Was already a bit burned out with WoW, so can't really be bothered levelling my 3 other lv80s to 85, or gearing up my other 85. Was quite impressed by the newer 5-mans.


Not sure which, if either, I'll still be playing in a couple of months. I'm only lv40 in SWTOR, so I've still got a fair bit to see and do. But it's been getting a bit dull through the late 30s - it's been a fairly solitary experience - I'm still guildless and have had very few opportunities to do any group content, as I can't be bothered standing idle at the fleet spamming LFG messages when I could be out questing. (yes, IMO it needs a flashpoint/operation group finding tool, or at the very least a global LFG channel!)

Edited by bluescrn_ofdeath
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I quit playing WoW over a year ago, due to the dumbing down and homogenizing of the game. Started it at launch and watched as every single achievement I had made was handed over for free to any idiot with two hands to play the game.


Sadly, between the platforming for datacrons being unresponsive and badly implemented, and what appears to be the same trend of no challenge and no reward for skill, in effect a welfare game, I don't know how much longer I will be playing TOR. :( Really wanted to love the game, but they need to ramp up the challenge and create some difficult to attain content, or I'm gone back to Lord of the Rings or some other game.

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Coming from WoW-US beta myself, if one decides to compare 2 mmo's they should do so fairly. In this case let us compare; WoW post-30 days release and SWTOR republic post-30 days release. It seems as though certain folk are quick to forget that one has been out for many years (=improvements).


Hahaha.. I love this comparison.


No, no you're completely off. What game is SW:TOR competing with RIGHT NOW? Not WoW circa 2004, but current WoW in 2012.


Simple concept is simple.

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How can someone write this and believe in what they're typing.WoW is an amazingly expansive MMO with so many different possibilities and magic at every corner.


At first sure, I felt like that. I very much enjoyed exploring hard to reach places, and all that. After 85? Magic all gone.


It's a ground-breaking game that will go down in history as the most successful game of all-time, at least until they release Titan.


In no way was WoW groundbreaking. They took what had already been established by previous games in the genre, and refined them.

Most successful MMO? For now, but only time will tell.


How can you possibly say TOR is better than WoW? How? Explain your feelings. Honest question. Is it the choppy, laggy gameplay? The lack of ANY MMO features? The phasing?


You selected 3 aspects wherein only 1 holds any truth: phasing. The rest is all bull.

I don't have choppy or laggy gameplay, and the game Is in itself an MMO.


Are you REALLY that into cut-scenes and choosing dialogue which has literally ZERO impact on your gameplay experience?


Yes i for one am as opposed to WoW's purely text based quests. And the choices do impact your gameplay, go look up "literally" before you use it again.


It's so baffling to me. Baffling.


Judging by your above comments I suspect many things baffle you.


..and you'll be back when it goes live. You'll try it, and then remember where home is. You'll explore Pandaria, do the new dungeons, make a monk, and even raid. People are quick to judge and look cool, until they're back putting in their CC info on battle.net.


I chuckled a bit. I will never return to that parody of itself again. I'm quite happy here in TOR.

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was playing both before lvl cap at tor now all "gameplay" is login send crew to investigation missons and logoff just curious how many useles synthweaving schematic will i get (7 alredy sold moar to come lul)


i didn't come from wow and "go back" i wasn't going away in the first place, for now this game need so much more besides Star_Wars™ label and voised quests

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How can someone write this and believe in what they're typing.


WoW is an amazingly expansive MMO with so many different possibilities and magic at every corner. It's a ground-breaking game that will go down in history as the most successful game of all-time, at least until they release Titan.


How can you possibly say TOR is better than WoW? How? Explain your feelings. Honest question. Is it the choppy, laggy gameplay? The lack of ANY MMO features? The phasing?


Are you REALLY that into cut-scenes and choosing dialogue which has literally ZERO impact on your gameplay experience?


It's so baffling to me. Baffling.



I don't really see why you're getting upset over what I find to be more entertaining, especially when it doesn't have any impact on you in the slightest.


I have yet to experience any choppiness or any form of severe lag (there was one case of lag but I fixed that myself). I grouped up constantly for heroics and flashpoints with friends and guildies...basically doing everything that WoW has, but enjoying it more.


RPGs have always been my favorite genre of games. So yes, the story, cut scenes, superb voice acting and dialogue options are something I like. WoW has none of that, or very very very little.

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Why cant you grasp that some people just dont like WoW and hence consider TOR the better game? I dont need to be objective, Im not a critic, I go with what I enjoy and that wasnt WoW.


Because it's simply not possible. It's not. You either are more into the Star Wars world than WoW's and have a connected feeling to the lore. It's not the game nor the gameplay. It's just NOT POSSIBLE. What redeeming features does this game have? All it does is LACK features!?

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How can someone write this and believe in what they're typing.


WoW is an amazingly expansive MMO with so many different possibilities and magic at every corner. It's a ground-breaking game that will go down in history as the most successful game of all-time, at least until they release Titan.


How can you possibly say TOR is better than WoW? How? Explain your feelings. Honest question. Is it the choppy, laggy gameplay? The lack of ANY MMO features? The phasing?


Are you REALLY that into cut-scenes and choosing dialogue which has literally ZERO impact on your gameplay experience?


It's so baffling to me. Baffling.



Bitter much?


Haha so because you don't like cut-scenes nor choosing dialogue everyone shouldn't like it either? seriously?


Lag and choppy? I haven't had no lag, but then again I'm not using a crappy computer either.


I guess the reason people like this game is because wait for it, wait for it, they are having FUN. I like the game and I'm having fun that's why I play it. I left WoW after BC because guess what? I wasn't having any fun anymore and I didn't even have the need to go and rant to people that I was leaving, nah I just uninstalled and left. But the keyword here is FUN. If there is a time when I don't have any fun playing this game I'll unistall and leave simple as that.

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Used to play WoW with my gf, the game is pretty dead even on high pop servers these days. All I have to do is to wait for weekly raid and grind like a mindless berserker.


This game actually made us roll same freaking class twice and have fun from it. Voice acting quest introductions are so godlikely awesome that we cant even realize that its a grindfest.


So WoW can go back to hellhole it crawl from with its pokemon and panda running gags, Im glad that SWTOR is here and Im here to stay.WoW will never be the same after this for me.

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WoW was a great game, it has gotten way too dull over the years. You're going to have alot of obsessed people who have dedicated a good part of their lives in WoW that can't let it go. Sorta like those high school guys still living the dream in their 40's.


It's been 7 years for me, time to move on. Panda's were the last straw anyway...can't see myself taking that game seriously playing with people who actually want to run around as a little ninja panda bear.

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Never left World of Warcraft, just added Star Wars: The Old Republic. I really enjoy raiding with my WoW guild several times a week, but I enjoy the story driven leveling content and relaxed grouping that SW:TOR offers too. Edited by Jezmondene
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I played WoW since it's beta. I had awesome fun in it. As of late I got very very very bored with it. If I logged on it was for the BGs. And what's with the mini dungeons they last released? They got old in a hurry. Then there is the fact the company act as if they didn't give a damn about you. They banned my account without reason..few hour later re-instated my account and gave a bs line that they were acting to protect the integrity of the game world. I asked the what were you protecting it from? Never did get an answer. That experience left a bad taste in my mouth. I been playing the game for way too long and it was well over time to move on.


I love this game, it's fresh and new. Although the last patch made the game laggy as hell...I'm sure they will work it out soon. After all Wow started the just as laggy.

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I came from playing wow since it's original beta. I have never looked back and earlier this month I finally cancelled my wow account for the first time in 7-8 years, i might check it out when MoP comes, but it's unlikely, its become a piece of ****, and i sadly don't see it improving based on what we have seen so far.
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Because it's simply not possible. It's not. You either are more into the Star Wars world than WoW's and have a connected feeling to the lore. It's not the game nor the gameplay. It's just NOT POSSIBLE. What redeeming features does this game have? All it does is LACK features!?


Just a small piece of advice.

Your opinion is NOT fact.

Played WoW for years, i find this game better, and more fun in almost every way.

WoW got boring and repetitive quickly, especially once in Outland, and Northrend wasn't much better.

Cataclysm was ok from 1-60, it made things new again in a way. But form 60-80 it was the same old crap again.

Like many others the deciding factor for me ever going back (in addition to the horrible IN-game community) is the kung-fu panda expansion w/ bonus pokemon battles.

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Because it's simply not possible. It's not. You either are more into the Star Wars world than WoW's and have a connected feeling to the lore. It's not the game nor the gameplay. It's just NOT POSSIBLE. What redeeming features does this game have? All it does is LACK features!?


Feelinestars you are pathetic. You really believe that it is "simply not possible" for people to not like WoW? Get off these forums and go play pokepandas. I feel bad for people like you, I really do man. I hope you're young and still have time to change your outlook on things. Hopefully you'll find something else to do soon besides troll the forums of a game you don't like and try to convince people that its just "not possible" for them to like this game over your precious WoW.

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Just a small piece of advice.

Your opinion is NOT fact.

Played WoW for years, i find this game better, and more fun in almost every way.

WoW got boring and repetitive quickly, especially once in Outland, and Northrend wasn't much better.

Cataclysm was ok from 1-60, it made things new again in a way. But form 60-80 it was the same old crap again.

Like many others the deciding factor for me ever going back (in addition to the horrible IN-game community) is the kung-fu panda expansion w/ bonus pokemon battles.


Honestly, not worth arguing with him. Take a look at his post history, he's just fishing for reactions.

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About 10 out of 150 in our WoW guild gave it a try, since then only has maintained a subscription. How are we not a spectrum for the playerbase at large? Take a college-level statistics class.



Are you saying that 10 people from the same guild is the spectrum for the playerbase? TEN people? - Since you're the expert on the matter do tell me how many subjects are needed in order to validate a statistic?


Not only that, but considering how the social bond with people you interact with (in this case your friends) work you really aren't making much sense.


With that said, I fully respect that you and your friends have left SWTOR and that you just simply like another game more.

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