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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove Spit from emotes.


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If i kill someone in pvp i would either walk away or salute them , no need to spit . If i saw this happen in RL well lets say blood would spill.


If you were in a fight to the death situation in RL and you lost and they spit on you.... you would be dead...... and the blood has already been spilled. What are you going to do about it? :rolleyes:


If you saw someone kill someone and then spit on them after they were killed..... it's the spitting that would push you over the edge to "spill some blood"? :rolleyes::rolleyes:



Edited by MiZrYdj
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what bothers me about spitting is even in real life spitting on another person is considered the highest level of disrespect. If someone was to spit on me i would be filled with rage, immedialty shoot for a double leg lift him as high as i could and dive to hell with my shoulder in his gut. after knocking the air out of him i would immediatly pass to side control and top wrist lock him and pop his shoulder out of place and make sure the tendons rip for a long reovery time.


BUT this is the enternet, its safe to do these things behind the safety of a computer.

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what bothers me about spitting is even in real life spitting on another person is considered the highest level of disrespect. If someone was to spit on me i would be filled with rage, immedialty shoot for a double leg lift him as high as i could and dive to hell with my shoulder in his gut. after knocking the air out of him i would immediatly pass to side control and top wrist lock him and pop his shoulder out of place and make sure the tendons rip for a long reovery time.


BUT this is the enternet, its safe to do these things behind the safety of a computer.


Especially safe considering you aren't really doing anything, all that flashes up is some orange text. If you find that offensive, well, you have some issues.

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Especially safe considering you aren't really doing anything, all that flashes up is some orange text. If you find that offensive, well, you have some issues.


You'd be surprised how many issues some people might have. The OP is an Imperial player in a game that's predominantly catering to the Empire in many subtle ways both aesthetically and game mechanically. If he wanted to be respected by his foes, he probably should've played the game on hard mode by being Republic instead of ez-mode Empire.


And honestly, what's with the OP about talking about spilling blood IRL? Does he really think with absolutely certainty if he tried to pull this tomfoolery IRL that he'd be the one spilling the blood instead of the receiving end of it? All this over a game too. Issues indeed.

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what bothers me about spitting is even in real life spitting on another person is considered the highest level of disrespect. If someone was to spit on me i would be filled with rage, immedialty shoot for a double leg lift him as high as i could and dive to hell with my shoulder in his gut. after knocking the air out of him i would immediatly pass to side control and top wrist lock him and pop his shoulder out of place and make sure the tendons rip for a long reovery time.


BUT this is the enternet, its safe to do these things behind the safety of a computer.


Did you actually think about this before you typed it? If yes; did you actually read what your wrote?


I mean wow......simply wow.


Additionally, I somehow doubt you're quite as Chuck Norris-like as you describe in your post. But, people can be whatever they want to be on these forums.


My response to being spit on in reality would be to use the force IRL and push him into a hard object somewhere nearby........ :rolleyes:

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I was involved in a open world pvp fight with a republic soldier , which i lost badly which is fine. But what i didnt like was his need to /spit on me , does anyone else think this is just rude and inappropriate.

If i kill someone in pvp i would either walk away or salute them , no need to spit .

If i saw this happen in RL well lets say blood would spill.




I spit on people all the time because I know it makes them feel the way you do now


Haha, Epic.

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Would be better if we could simply ignore opposite faction chat/emote text by default in preferences. That way kids can still feel like big boys on the interwebz, and mature people can have a better time pvping. Win win. Edited by Joeymtl
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  • 3 years later...

i vote on removing /spit, it's highly offensive. i belong to a large active guild with 450+ players. anyone not active gets removed after a 2 weeks absence, thats how active we are. whenever i'm on fleet random people /spit on me, i ask why and they say they hate my guild therefore me and spit again. i can take the hate and abuse, that means we as a successful guild is doing something right.


but /spit is just wrong, it creates a bad image and environment for the game when the game actively promotes this behaviour. i understand players gunna hate and act out in whatever way they invent, but the game shouldnt actually provide the means to be offensive.

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i vote on removing /spit, it's highly offensive. i belong to a large active guild with 450+ players. anyone not active gets removed after a 2 weeks absence, thats how active we are. whenever i'm on fleet random people /spit on me, i ask why and they say they hate my guild therefore me and spit again. i can take the hate and abuse, that means we as a successful guild is doing something right.


but /spit is just wrong, it creates a bad image and environment for the game when the game actively promotes this behaviour. i understand players gunna hate and act out in whatever way they invent, but the game shouldnt actually provide the means to be offensive.



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Meh. I agree with one of the earlier posters who pointed out that if seeing words on a screen regarding a fictional digital character affects you that much, the Internet is probably not a good place for you. Personally, I'd be more than happy to remove it, but it's only one of an infinite variety of other ways that players try to abuse each other online. Are you going to censor everything?


Honestly, I think if you did, at least a third of the playerbase would leave the game because they wouldn't have an outlet for their immature temper tantrums.


Oh, and for anyone who really *is* affected by this, there's always /ignore. Is that so hard to use?

Edited by georgemattson
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Racism, bigotry, antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny... these are the things you should be railing against, and not a silly /spit emote...


Unless you're role-playing oral sex. Then /spit is just super rude!


Edited by Kyhlum
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Good necro, now we anthropologists.


what bothers me about spitting is even in real life spitting on another person is considered the highest level of disrespect. If someone was to spit on me i would be filled with rage, immedialty shoot for a double leg lift him as high as i could and dive to hell with my shoulder in his gut. after knocking the air out of him i would immediatly pass to side control and top wrist lock him and pop his shoulder out of place and make sure the tendons rip for a long reovery time.


BUT this is the enternet, its safe to do these things behind the safety of a computer.


This specimen undoubtedly unsubbed long ago, so we may never know how many tapout t-shirts adorned the closet in his cave.

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Good necro, now we anthropologists.




This specimen undoubtedly unsubbed long ago, so we may never know how many tapout t-shirts adorned the closet in his cave.


but seriously, who doesn't know how to spell internit now adays? Sigh...

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Honestly, I think if you did, at least a third of the playerbase would leave the game because they wouldn't have an outlet for their immature temper tantrums.


Pfft, haha, you say this like it's a bad thing.

Edited by Ridickilis
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look at it like this: how do you feel about people quitting? now, how do you feel about ppl quitting your ranked team? it's "uncool." it violates some unwritten rule about sportsmanship that even the geekiest, unathletic dweep subscribes to in video games.


I find it hypocritical to get all butthurt about ppl quitting when you're happily/purposfully taunting them to make them miserable.


I'll sometimes taunt my friends. never a stranger.

Edited by foxmob
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