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Modable belts and bracers?


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I thought these didnt exist until i inspected a lvl 41 Operative wearing a TD-07A Panther belt which was....ORANGE and fully moddable. I was like what the heck? Of course being the d-bag that he was, he refused to tell me where he got it, like its some kind of holy secret. In any case, has anyone else encountered moddable belts in this game? or bracers for that matter? Because until yesterday i was under the impression that belts/bracers were the only two armor pieces that didnt exist in the Orange (aka moddable) form. Edited by Amonet
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I thought these didnt exist until i inspected a lvl 41 Operative wearing a TD-07A Panther belt which was....ORANGE and fully moddable. I was like what the heck? Of course being the d-bag that he was, he refused to tell me where he got it, like its some kind of holy secret. In any case, has anyone else encountered moddable belts in this game? or bracers for that matter? Because until yesterday i was under the impression that belts/bracers were the only two armor pieces that didnt exist in the Orange (aka moddable) form.


Hmm going around inspecting people and then harassing them to try and get them to tell you where they got the item from, Then asking on forums where to get the item, is it really that difficult to go out and enjoy the game without having to be spoonfeed information or harassing others?

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I have both the belt and bracers on my BH, and my wife (an Operative) has her bracers. These are only dropped on the first and second planets for each faction, and are class-specific. Best of luck!





That in itself is a contradiction because there are multiple starter worlds. And then the fact people often call the "faction homeworlds" the first planet discounting the starter worlds.


So which do you mean they drop on?:

1. Korriban & Hutta / Tython & Ord Mantell.

2. Korriban & Hutta & Dromund Kaas / Tython & Ord Mantell & Coruscant.

3. Dromund Kaas & Balmorra / Coruscant & Taris.

Edited by AngelousWang
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Battle Expulsor's belt and braces are also moddable. They are for Jedi Knight though so they are heavy armor. Found them from that kiosk or whatever in Carrick Station.


Actually the whole Battle Expulsor's set is moddable.

Edited by Zeratho
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There are two sets per class at least. Besides ones bought on planets or with comms, or from quests.


One low level and one higher.


Some classes have a third set in the mid tier levels. Bh is Imperator (19), Hydra (43) and the third one I can't recall have the belt in my bank though level 35ish set.


They are exceedingly expensive on the GTN.


Despite being moddable, what you end up with is a choice. More base stats or more ratings. I do not wear my moddable stuff anymore, finding that crit artifacts with artifact augments are better for my ratings than even than my moddables with Level 51 armoring and level 50 mods, obviously artifact level armoring and mod.





Edited by Caille
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All classes have a moddable set of bracers and belts EXCEPT FOR MARAUDERS AND SENTINELS. I guess they just forgot to add them in for us... Yet another area that bioware decided to shaft marauders and sentinels.
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So far have got the following bracers:


Blade Tyrant Lvl15 Sith Warrior Heavy Armor(drop on dromund kaas and from the blue lvl 16 storage box you buy with comms)


Saber Marshall lvl 15 sith Inq(drop on dromund kaas)


TD-17A Imperator lvl 15 Bounty Hunter(drop on Balmorra)

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Looks like each class has at least a couple (to cover the different level ranges, 10-20, 30-40 and 40-50)


This TORhead search will show all the mod'able orange belts:




From what I've read the belt and bracers are all random world drops.


Given the level spread, they should be available on each set of worlds.


Champions have the highest % chance to drop orange gear, so that would be the target of choice, but Elite, etc also have a smaller % chance.

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thats quite odd because i literally LIVE on the GTN and i have yet to see any orange belts or bracers, for any class, at any lvl. And im on a very high pop server.


Unless they have fixed it recently, the search for orange is broken. You have to search "all" because if they don't have a mod in them they count as white items instead of showing up with the blue like they are supposed to. Maybe you already knew that but if not it might help. That said, they are pretty rare so wouldn't expect to see a lot of them but I'd think you should be able to find one occasionally.

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