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Neutral or Gray Alignment is a handicap.


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I'm very annoyed with that fact that I do not have the option to get any gray or neutral gear. I'm a bounty hunter, so it only makes sense that I shouldn't hold any particular allegiance to some sort of light or dark alignment... if anything, Bounty Hunters and Smugglers should be thoroughly rewarded for managing to remain in neutral alignment throughout so many dialog options... I'm only 200 points away from 100% neutral and I'm level 32. I'm actually quite confident that I remember hearing the devs say there would be neutral gear way back before launch. If there is no neutral gear then all you're doing is forcing people down a path they may not typically choose, which can be a good thing but is also a rather suffocating method of story telling... it takes away a bit of freedom.


so... Devs, are there any plans to incorporate neutral alignment relics and other gear?? or do I have to start making decisions I would usually not make and build a character that I may not be a fan of just so I'm not horribly handicapped?


tags: neutral rewards, gray alignment, in between dark and light side, grey.

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Except compared to the best endgame relics, the ones that are alignment restricted are practically trash.


Yeah but you are left with NO relics (except matrix farmed which is PITA) until you get endgame ones. That's the main problem imo - the other light/dark stuff is not as important but they have to come up with relic solution while leveling.

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I hope they do in the future. I've noticed many times in dialogue I have the option to take a light side or dark side choice and then follow that up with another choice of the opposite alignment. For example sparing someone (LS) only to get a follow option to say "Haha I was only kidding!" *Kill* (DS).

Situations like that could be interesting, but there is no point to them since they get no rewards :(

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well I guess since it's been confirmed, now I'll just sit here and patiently wait for yet another patch to give us something that should have definitely been available at launch... but hey, at least us early comers get a pretty little badge and title, yay right? that should make up for the neglection of such simple concepts. ::sarcasm:: Edited by MrMack
fixing typo
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Sitting at around Dark III on my BH I'm finding it rather annoying in the 40's that I cannot get any relics that are for my level. I'm playing my character how I imagine him to make decisions, I don't want to have to make ridiculous decisions for no reason just so I can use level appropriate relics.


The DS/LS choices should be cosmetic or fun in nature, not actually affect your gear and stats.


Make relics DS/LS/Neutral...there shouldn't be Dark IV and V relics unless there are level equivalent ones for Dark II and III. Maybe I don't want my character to be completely evil, but in order to have a level appropriate relic while leveling I have no choice.


That's bad design if you ask me.

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