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No, You May Not Roll on Items for Another Class and Strip Out the Mods


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You people whine too much. inb4yourealootninja. (I've never done what OP and others are shedding tears over). If the guy wants it, and he participated in killing the mob, he has equal rights to it no matter his class.


Ok so say you win something that is a huge upgrade for your healer in group but you "need" it and win. Rest of the run goes fine so you guys do another.


This time, in a harder run the healer has a tough time keeping up and the group wipes.


"omg the healer sucks,he cant even heal this place" blah blah blah.


well ya,you're right,probably has a lot to do with people like yourself needing on all his upgrades.


Or how about all the times over the years in every mmo,tanks and healers are in short supply. Moron dps rolling need on the upgrades healers and tanks need to do their job well are partially to blame for this.


Healers can't heal without the gear

Tanks cant tank without the gear


Stop being a douchebag and rolling need just to vendor the stuff that will help people do their jobs.

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This loot problem is old, its been happening for many years now. Its becoming more common now and it just proves that "kids" today are mostly a bunch of selfish, entitled little brats.


Solution: kick from party, /ignore <insert brat name> and get someone else for his spot.


Happy days!

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Go to an NPC and sort under useable items. Everything pops up not only for you but also your companions, your gimping yourself if you don't look after them. I played with a dude who was afew lvls above me but his companion was inferior. Just saying they are important (But always ask!). To OP its true the guy who did that to you needs and /go away button :p But there will always be people who click need on stuff that effectively gimps themself, tis but life. Edited by Jimudthesecond
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This. There is a reason people PUG, its because they are socially inept and cannot form stable groups of friends in a game.


If you don't want have to deal with crappy behaviour like this then don't swim in the pool with the babies and *******. Join a guild, make some friends and leave pugging to the hopeless.


It's not every day I get labelled "socially inept," 'hopeless," and a "baby" by someone instructing me on how to build friendships.


I'm a considerate teammate and a thoughtful player, not to mention an effective healer. Most of my experiences PuGging have been quite fun, as I've said - but I don't find guildmates or friends for every run, and this 'anything I want' loot approach has been a problem more than once.




Ah yes. Item drama. Once reason I never EVER PUG.


That's been posted several times in different ways; I'm glad you're always able to find groups with people you know.


I'm not. I keep a good friends list and enjoy teaming with my guild, but I always find the need to PuG for quests. They're usually good experiences, and I often find new solid teammates that way. This isn't an anti-PuG rant.


This is a thread about a behavior I hope the SWTOR community shuns. Everyone loses with it; if I start doing the same kind of 'I can, so I will' rolling, that Sith Marauder loses half his chances to upgrade items, too.


As a team, we're weaker for the roll he made. So's my next team. Bad choice on his part, all around.

Edited by CBGB
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With a PUG, not only do you roll for loot, you're also rolling the dice on what type of players you will be grouping with, and what motives they have for grouping, in this case, for a repeatable mission.


Everybody at one point joins a PUG for whatever reason, so you can have anyone from, skilled and considerate, to useless and obnoxious, and every combination in between.

Same goes for their motive for grouping, from "enjoys challenge of group content" to "just gimme the lewt already!"


So really, the whole mission is a throw of the dice, from the beginning up until the blue glowing end.

That is the nature of the beast that is the PUG.

You will always get people who follow group etiquette, some who don't quite understand it, and some , who plainly don't give a toss about it.

Luckily though, the majority of players in this game are fairly considerate in groups, when it comes to loot, but there will always be a few that are not.


The problem is though, a game can only implement so many rule mechanics before it becomes too restrictive, sterile and just not fun.

So it falls on the playerbase to fill in the gaps where needed.

A bit of consideration and some common sense is normally all that is needed to keep things running smoothly for everyone.


I feel the OP's pain in losing that roll, as imo those are some sweet threads.

My Andronikos has the RD-04B version and he looks bad***!!

I was messing about and put them on Ashara and she looked superbad***.

Swinging away with her 2 sabers, and the trenchcoat flowing with her moves, looks really awesome.

So now, I have been solo grinding that FP for a day ,hoping to get that drop, still no luck, but I did get the pants for it, so small victories:)

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The sad thing is this is an instance that you can go back to later and easily solo farm.


In the meantime someone rolled against you on an actual upgrade for their dress up funzies.


Just put him on a list and never play with him again.



I'd like to ask you why your "funzies" are more important than someone else's choice to focus on appearance rather than stats. Not to mention we all KNOW that orange items are almost completely neutral with the exception of armor type.


You could have asked for the mods if he wasn't going to use them. Orange items are a dime a dozen if you don't care about appearance, which you don't.


There are many aspects to this game and just because you don't value a piece of it doesn't mean that no one else does. Have some empathy and see it from someone else's perspective.

Edited by Jaerin
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If you don't have this discussion when you group up and get agreement on it or boot dissenters, you have no one but, yourself to blame. BioWare leaves it to the individual to define what "need" means and it tends to vary wildly person to person. Your priority may to be optimizing your stats while another player's may be creating a cool looking companion. There is no one defined playstyle so, don't be surprised when not preparing for different priorities blows up in your face. Edited by Matte_Black
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I just wanted to throw in here....that the Cademimu Agent chest piece is a black trenchcoat and I used it all the way up til I got my 50 gear piece, and would still rather have it, as it is the coolest looking piece of agent gear I have found.
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In the situation listed in the OP, I personally would see if the class whose item it was needed it for looks or usage, and if he didn't need it for either, I'd ask if it was okay for me to roll Need because I liked the look on it. If they're cool with it, then I'd roll Need. If not, then I'd hit Greed and pray for the best.


Really, extremely simple way to deal with it no matter your situation.

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funny thing is that my main stat is actually CRIT.


yes, i am boutnyhunter, arsenal specced. i need crit, because with crits i vent heat (aka: mana regen)


and what do i have to do? get rakata & pvp sorcerer gear to get the crit mods because none of the bounty hunter items has crit on it (only self crafted, which has worse stats)


before i started getting items with ilvl56 mods in it, i was happy with the crit mod i could get from the ilum daily hc2, but even those mods are now too bad.

Edited by zandadoum
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Selfish idiots are plentiful in mmo's. Same as in RL. Until some sort of restriction is implemented - which I doubt very much will happen - there will always be arse-hats who will ninjaroll stuff they can't use. Just like having a sign that says 'no parking' won't prevent idiots from parking there anyway.


Frankly I'm amazed that Bioware didn't think this through when they made the game. In the mean time, all you can do is /ignore these supreme examples of humanity so you won't group with them again ;)

Edited by kifa
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I loathe this behavior, and generally will drop a group as soon as it happens.


I have grouped with people that genuinely did not understand the need/greed concept and simply needed it explained to them. That is a different story altogether. I will give someone the benefit of the doubt the first time it happens and assume they don't know.


"Well I can equip it, so I need." "It looks cool even though it's for a different class, so I need."


Those attitudes will leave you in a flashpoint short a tank or healer (i.e. me).

Edited by Kirska
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It's probably more endurance/armor but he loses a good chunk of main stats for cunning, which does literally nothing for a Sith Warrior. Not only that, but what do you think he is going to keep doing if he isn't educated on what to do? He's just going to keep taking gear, gimping himself and griefing other players in the process.
It's not line you're going to keep those mods for very long anyway... If he's going to wear the item and replace all the mods that's fine by me.
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While I don't like that behavior either..



You do realize.. They can sell said item on the AH for some serious coin?



So just because you can wear it.. doesn't mean you should automatically get it.


Maybe the other guy, needs it for cash? Ever though t of that?


Ask, to buy it off of him perhaps?

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Maybe the other guy, needs it for cash? Ever though t of that?


Yes, it's called "greed".


If you don't need cash (who doesn't?) it's called "pass".


"Need" has been well accepted in the MMO community for years to mean you will equip it for a stat increase.

Edited by Kirska
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And considering they keep you alive by keeping the mobs off you is the only reason you get a chance to loot.


Symbiotic relationship, groups are.


The only immaturity you exposed, was your own.


Actually, he exposed that he is a raging narcissist. His entire argument was predicated on his role in the group - not the symbiotic relationship of the entire group. The basic tenents of MMO gameplay are beyond his ken.

Edited by Xabana
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Yes, it's called "greed".
meh, "I need it to wear is" is no less greedy.


"Need" has been well accepted in the MMO community for years to mean you will equip it for a stat increase.
It's accepted in some places and not in others.


personally, I think that anyone kicking up a fuss about not getting what they think that they personally need is clearly being more selfish than any of the people they're ranting about.

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