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  1. Losing "some" subscribers doesn't necessarily equate to dying a slow death. Oh no, they are only making billions instead of 100s of billions! /end sarcasm Not only does Blizz still have ALOT of subscribers, it knows how to maximize profits from those it has. Thousands of people hand Blizz 25 bucks for a digital mount every time one is released for instance. People also pay to change their race, faction, server, guild's server etc. I know many people who have race changed and server changed 5+ times. WoW isn't dying, it's just not making as much as it maybe once was. Big difference.
  2. I make millions off of farming and selling Grade 5 and Grade 6 Bioanalysis mats. Quick Growth Agent, Neurochemical Extract, Psychoactive Compound, Red Goo, and Mutagenic Paste all sell pretty darn well on my server.
  3. It makes sense to call it that sure. Imagine you are watching a cast bar timer fill up, and then it gets "pushed back" and it takes even longer to cast. The term comes from seeing the cast bar itself be pushed back.
  4. Pushback = Delaying an activation time on a cast so it takes longer, or shortening the channel time on a cast so it loses tick/s. This occurs when you are damaged and are casting something. Knockback = Physically knocking a character back from where they are standing.
  5. Something else noone mentioned. Heroic Moment: On the Trail. Electro Dart him early on and hit On the Trail, then sometime shortly after he is unstunned you can re-Electro Dart. Use ALL of your cooldowns. Use your relic, use an adrenal if you have one, hit your sheild, hit kolto overload, put a stim on, use a medpac, bring a healer(Mako). This provides you with a severe amount of tools to solo content.
  6. Where your ability bar at the bottom of your screen is, off to the left is a little icon that looks like a padlock. You can left click it to toggle it on/off. When it is in the unlocked position you can drag abilities on and off your bar, and you cannot if it is in the locked position. Anytime you are finished setting up your bar it is a good idea to lock it so that you won't accidentally drag abilities when clicking them. Now that I have said that, there is an easy way to get Hammer Shot back on your bar. Press the "P" button on your keyboard to open your character's abilities menu. There are several tabs for this menu(General, Trooper, WhateverAdvancedClassYouChose). Hammer Shot will be in the Trooper tab, find the ability and just left click to drag it back onto your bar.
  7. It was inevitable to get haters. Let's look at this logically. 10 people using the same exact computer specs have a conversation with the devs about how combat feels in the game. 5 of them say it feels great, smooth, etc. The other 5 say it feels smooth at times and other times it feels clunky and unresponsive, or abilities pretend to channel but don't actually fire. From a logical standpoint who do the devs listen to? It's the 5 who found problems. Why? Because it is more likely that 5 simply didn't notice issues than that 5 people are making it up. In this regard I think we can begin to see that maybe, just maybe, those of us who do claim we have an issue aren't just making it up.
  8. Game still prioritizes animations, who knows if they'll ever fix that. For example, play a Sith Sorcerer and cast Lightning Strike then immediately follow it up with Force Lightning. Or better yet, hit Recklessness and then hit Force Lightning immediately after. The game is still trying to animate Recklessness so Force Lightning acts like it's channeling(and starts the gcd)...but no dmg.
  9. Fusion has always been the obvious choice, but for non AoE I use it mid rotation to keep me under 40 heat and keep spamming my normal single target damage that much longer.
  10. I would love a more obvious graphic as to its area of effect. The Trooper Pulse Cannon is so much better in this regard. You have to guess with Flamethrower.
  11. Ninja looting sucks. Rolling for your companion against other people's main specs also sucks. I kinda wish BW made companions gear-less.
  12. I've noticed it doing this primarily if you try to follow up a Vent Heat immediately with an Unload.
  13. ^ This Arsenal Merc should have 0 alacrity, it does so very little for our dps. The only thing it really increases is the dps efficiency of Unload, and even then you run into the problem of starting to overheat because your abilities are coming around faster than heat dissipation. The lack of an auto attack in this game honestly makes Alacrity pretty bad for alot of dps specs.
  14. What really grinds my gear is all the people pointing out how Recount somehow spoiled WoW. Yes I can see how Recount really caused the downfall of WoW and so many people don't play because of that add-on...oh wait... It is ridiculous how many people don't want this ion ToR simply because it is in WoW.
  15. You might say with damage meters people will abuse them and kick some poor soul for doing just slightly less dps than everyone else. But WITHOUT some way to track who is doing the worst, you simply have to guess and possibly throw out baseless accusations. Would you rather be kicked for actually being the lowest performer or because someone guessed you might be? Damage meters provide a great tool for guilds who are recruiting new trials etc. If you are a Merc and come in and are doing much much better than say the guild's current Mercenary, they might actually give you a spot in raid. Otherwise you may join a guild, run a few times with them, and they might simply not find you as funny as the other Merc is. So they sit you, having no idea what you can really bring to them because you might be a quiet person or not super funny. Or perhaps you suck but they sit their current Merc because they are guessing that the reason they got that recent boss kill is they switched you in. The other Merc just can't understand why and nobody can tell him with any certainty whether or not he wasn't pulling his weight. Do people seriously want a game environment where each guild has to sift through hundreds of players hoping and guessing to put together a good raid team that they are actually certain performs through rigorous trial and error. But whoops, someone quit, gotta go play the guessing game again. Maybe this actually sounds good to you, enjoy wiping and having no idea why. I think this whole debate comes down to which is the lesser of two evils. I feel more tools for players is always better. Just because you're afraid of how someone might use that tool doesn't make the tool evil or bad.
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