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Bioware caved in to the forum whines, prepare for the start of a doomed pvp game.


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The title says it all, Bioware like every other developer caved in to the very vocal forum minority which also usually tends to be some of the very worse MMO players in MMOs. This is the beginning of the end. Scoundrels/Operatives did not need a nerf Bioware, as a healer I say this. You need to test your game and use your own metrics before implementing any class changes in game. Do not go by made up scenarios and imaginary numbers that forum posters use to try to make a point. That's the mistake of past mmo devs that has caused their subscriptions to dwindle in the past and I say that as an MMO veteran since 1997 UO, that has played nearly every MMO since then. You should, if possible release surveys in game to also see how players feel about x and x changes before implementing them. You can also use surveys to see if players think some classes are over the top, currently. You will see that the majority of people that actually play the game at 50, don't feel like the random forum whiners/posers that aren't even 50 yet.


Who are you, MMO Nostradamus? This is nothing but a whining, "the sky is falling and we're all doomed" post.


You're the only one here making up scenarios, i.e. saying Bioware doesn't test their own game before making a change. They have metrics for everything. Are you involved in their development process? I play a tank spec Jugg in PvP and right now I think mitigation is the real issue, but any class that currently can pop out of stealth and knock off 10k hp within 2 seconds from a tank needs some burst reduction.


Just because you're an MMO veteran doesn't mean you're any good at the games.

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Who are you, MMO Nostradamus? This is nothing but a whining, "the sky is falling and we're all doomed" post.


You're the only one here making up scenarios, i.e. saying Bioware doesn't test their own game before making a change. They have metrics for everything. Are you involved in their development process? I play a tank spec Jugg in PvP and right now I think mitigation is the real issue, but any class that currently can pop out of stealth and knock off 10k hp within 2 seconds from a tank needs some burst reduction.


Just because you're an MMO veteran doesn't mean you're any good at the games.

I'm better than you and anyone else that plays this game. Me and my collective clan of pvpers. We don't ***** and moan to try to get things that might kill us nerfed into the ground, we learn to counter it. We have been doing it for years in MMOs, so you trying to call me bad is laughable at best. I learned to deal with WEs when they were "overpowered" (On my healer mind you, when every other terribad healer in the game was crying about them.) in Warhammer by running in my premade with my clannies, and guess what? Those supposed OP'd WEs were perfectly balanced to me in a team pvp setting. So the bads on here are you moronic nerf herders that believe pvp MMOs should be balanced around 1v1s, when they should be balanced around team pvp.

Edited by Chaos_Distortion
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The title says it all, Bioware like every other developer caved in to the very vocal forum minority which also usually tends to be some of the very worse MMO players in MMOs. This is the beginning of the end. Scoundrels/Operatives did not need a nerf Bioware, as a healer I say this. You need to test your game and use your own metrics before implementing any class changes in game. Do not go by made up scenarios and imaginary numbers that forum posters use to try to make a point. That's the mistake of past mmo devs that has caused their subscriptions to dwindle in the past and I say that as an MMO veteran since 1997 UO, that has played nearly every MMO since then. You should, if possible release surveys in game to also see how players feel about x and x changes before implementing them. You can also use surveys to see if players think some classes are over the top, currently. You will see that the majority of people that actually play the game at 50, don't feel like the random forum whiners/posers that aren't even 50 yet.


wah I can't one shot wah I want to have power not skill wah yes they will cave to the masses your 15 a month<<<<<<<<< those 10000 peoples 15 a month

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I could tell this was someone QQ'ing about the much needed nerf from just the title...


/disregard post


/tips hat to Bioware


Thank You for attempting to bring balance...


(to the OP)

Embrace your anger it only makes you stronger...



:csw_fett: /pew pew i <3 PvP

Edited by Massyma
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I'm better than you and anyone else that plays this game. Me and my collective clan of pvpers. We don't ***** and moan to try to get things that might kill us nerfed into the ground, we learn to counter it. We have been doing it for years in MMOs, so you trying to call me bad is laughable at best. I learned to deal with WEs when they were "overpowered" (On my healer mind you, when every other terribad healer in the game was crying about them.) in Warhammer by running in my premade with my clannies, and guess what? Those supposed OP'd WEs were perfectly balanced to me in a team pvp setting. So the bads on here are you moronic nerf herders that believe pvp MMOs should be balanced around 1v1s, when they should be balanced around team pvp.


Why complain about a nerf if you are so good your 'skill' should carry you. Oh wait...

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How do you know they didn't test it themselves? How can you think 7-8k crits is fair against most classes 3-4k crits max. Please behave and have evidence of everything you say. They've so far listened to noone suggestions about illum, world pvp, champ bags etc etc and just because they make one class balanced you start crying on here.


He was addressing people like you who come up with old numbers which have no relevance of the balance in current version of the game.


7-8k Crits were fixed with 1.1

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Aww, pumpkin.


I hope you didn't waste too much time FOTM'ing it up, just to now be forced to start over.


How is your Sorc coming?


sorry but scoundrel / operative has never been FOTM... it's always been Sorcs.


So.. hows your FoTM sorc?

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I would love to see this scenario every game from now on after the patch.


Operative/Scoundrel pops out of stealth to knock someone down but only takes them down by 30%... then a ranged scopes them out every time and just gatlings them down because of what they were able to do. That's how it worked out with rogues, didn't it?



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honestly i never had a problem with the OPS/SCOUNDRELS in the first place either but now that i see this "NERF" that they recieved i really dont understand the QQ about it.


so many are crying that they cant insta kill anyone anymore.

they are now on par with the other classes in the game and going against a team of 4 or so of them doesnt mean that they will win.

1 operative before was nothing i would kill them fast and laugh the whole time but having 2 or more jump the same person meant insta death.

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The title says it all, Bioware like every other developer caved in to the very vocal forum minority which also usually tends to be some of the very worse MMO players in MMOs. This is the beginning of the end. Scoundrels/Operatives did not need a nerf Bioware, as a healer I say this. You need to test your game and use your own metrics before implementing any class changes in game. Do not go by made up scenarios and imaginary numbers that forum posters use to try to make a point. That's the mistake of past mmo devs that has caused their subscriptions to dwindle in the past and I say that as an MMO veteran since 1997 UO, that has played nearly every MMO since then. You should, if possible release surveys in game to also see how players feel about x and x changes before implementing them. You can also use surveys to see if players think some classes are over the top, currently. You will see that the majority of people that actually play the game at 50, don't feel like the random forum whiners/posers that aren't even 50 yet.


Another last ditch attempt at ignoring the obvious truths of these two classes.

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This will start a nerfing trend that will get all dps classes nerfed eventually and then healing will be to high, so they will have to nerf healing and buff dps again. Then the nerfing/buffing cycle will just repeat itself, until the players get tired and the game dies. Good job at killing another game, that is what you forum whiners wanted after all.


Pretty ironic you are talking about the forum whiners whilst being one yourself. You haven't even played with the changes and you are already crying lol. Also it's nice to see you can see into the future and already know how this games gonna progress. Get over yourself and stop being such a baby gamer.

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While i understand your point , and agree that most of the nerf cries come from biased voices.


I also agree that BW should listen to the forums , be them the smaller pop or not , really we are the ones who lose time to give our opinion , be it bad or good , call other player to do the same , or they get what others make them get.

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The title says it all, Bioware like every other developer caved in to the very vocal forum minority which also usually tends to be some of the very worse MMO players in MMOs. This is the beginning of the end. Scoundrels/Operatives did not need a nerf Bioware, as a healer I say this. You need to test your game and use your own metrics before implementing any class changes in game. Do not go by made up scenarios and imaginary numbers that forum posters use to try to make a point. That's the mistake of past mmo devs that has caused their subscriptions to dwindle in the past and I say that as an MMO veteran since 1997 UO, that has played nearly every MMO since then. You should, if possible release surveys in game to also see how players feel about x and x changes before implementing them. You can also use surveys to see if players think some classes are over the top, currently. You will see that the majority of people that actually play the game at 50, don't feel like the random forum whiners/posers that aren't even 50 yet.




Never making QQ posts, I just enter them defending even when I have no clue what I'm argueing about, lol cause I know majority rules informed or not :o

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How do you know they didn't test it themselves? How can you think 7-8k crits is fair against most classes 3-4k crits max. Please behave and have evidence of everything you say. They've so far listened to noone suggestions about illum, world pvp, champ bags etc etc and just because they make one class balanced you start crying on here.


You're not going to get crit for 7-8k post 1.1 and if you're in full PvP gear. If you are, please provide proof.

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the game is doomed because of people like you who are upset because you rerolled an fotm class and are now butthurt it got brought in line with other classes.


So now you want to give the appearance that you not being able to kill people in 3 seconds while they can't fight back somehow equals the game being doomed.



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PvP in general needs fixed. One the imperial side, I'm sorry but must be said, RUSHED to 50 for pvp. Honestly if you want end game THAT BAD, go back to WoW. Reason why everything is all screwed up is the Elitist gamers for pvp/end game content ruin all games. They complain about not having enough content and not worrying about the balance of the game. AoC was ruined cause of that.


Imperials need to be balanced with the republic. EVERY class. Not just operative/smuggler. Sorcerer and Jugg's need nerfing too. Also on republic, certain classes need augmented. Once this is done, PvP will be getting to a point of being balanced. Also, the whole 50 bracket did NO good cause most of the 50s on Imperial were already geared out in battlemaster gear. Yes the people that rushed to 50 are already geared out in battlemaster. TOTALLY not fair for people who are 50 and want to pvp and are not geared good enough.


In conclusion, PvP in general is screwed up atm. It needs to be balanced. Not on just one or 2 classes, but on ALL classes til everyone is on equal footing in pvp.

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When one player can 2 shot me before I even get up (and I'm in mostly Champion gear) then a nerf is necessary. Ops are the most OP class in the game right now.


youre a liar. nobody was 2 shotting you. You are one of these forum whiners that needs to shut the hell up.


I've gotten a 5K medal 3 times since buff stacking was removed with my Scoundrel. Is that OP? 3 times in at least 50 warzones? Thats with using wz adrenals and my crit/surge relic.

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The title says it all, Bioware like every other developer caved in to the very vocal forum minority which also usually tends to be some of the very worse MMO players in MMOs. This is the beginning of the end. Scoundrels/Operatives did not need a nerf Bioware, as a healer I say this. You need to test your game and use your own metrics before implementing any class changes in game. Do not go by made up scenarios and imaginary numbers that forum posters use to try to make a point. That's the mistake of past mmo devs that has caused their subscriptions to dwindle in the past and I say that as an MMO veteran since 1997 UO, that has played nearly every MMO since then. You should, if possible release surveys in game to also see how players feel about x and x changes before implementing them. You can also use surveys to see if players think some classes are over the top, currently. You will see that the majority of people that actually play the game at 50, don't feel like the random forum whiners/posers that aren't even 50 yet.


Do you actually think they don't research the information first themselves before taking action? All this makes you is a troll who is trying to keep a class overpowered so that you can "has your iWin" button.


If you want the damage back - make them change the vanishing skill so that you can't double dip your opening from stealth attack. All other games I know of with a vanish skill intend it for one thing and one thing only... getting away... not for applying a second obscenely huge amount of damage in the same fight. There's a reason MOBS reset to full health when you vanish fighting them. Maybe you'd prefer player's health reset to full as well when you vanish on them?

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The title says it all, Bioware like every other developer caved in to the very vocal forum minority which also usually tends to be some of the very worse MMO players in MMOs. This is the beginning of the end. Scoundrels/Operatives did not need a nerf Bioware, as a healer I say this. You need to test your game and use your own metrics before implementing any class changes in game. Do not go by made up scenarios and imaginary numbers that forum posters use to try to make a point. That's the mistake of past mmo devs that has caused their subscriptions to dwindle in the past and I say that as an MMO veteran since 1997 UO, that has played nearly every MMO since then. You should, if possible release surveys in game to also see how players feel about x and x changes before implementing them. You can also use surveys to see if players think some classes are over the top, currently. You will see that the majority of people that actually play the game at 50, don't feel like the random forum whiners/posers that aren't even 50 yet.


the only bad players are the ones thinking that overpowerd class's dont need a nerf.

im sorry but Operatives need the armor pen nerf and the knockdown nerf.


bioware is doing the right thing in nerfing this overpowerd class.


its clearly overpowerd and people know it is

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