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Bioware caved in to the forum whines, prepare for the start of a doomed pvp game.


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Scoundrels are insanely OP.


My buddy plays a 50 champ geared Scoundrel and I marvel at his DPS. He can kill virtually anyone before is KD stun wears off them. By level 36, a scoundrel becomes almost impossible to beat with virtually any class because the burst is through the roof. Even my buddy admits - it's OP, which is why he rolled one up. I've seen him dish out 50% of someones health in a single hit!


It needed a nerf, let's face it.

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Unless my computer is send me to the wrong video but the one I'm click is a Sentinel. Or you sent the wrong link.



That's the video. Okay, we're even on stupid mistakes.


BTW: The fact this guy took on a 3v1 AND chose Final Fantasy 7 music for his video, I think, is exceptionally damning. I half-expected keyboard turning.

Edited by McVade
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That's the video. Okay, we're even on stupid mistakes.


BTW: The fact this guy took on a 3v1 AND chose Final Fantasy 7 music for his video, I think, is exceptionally damning. I half-expected keyboard turning.


Half the video is someone getting ganked and the other is cc'd then the teamamate tries to run away for easy kills.

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What a joke, any competent player who has played an Op knows all your damage is upfront. They should of just made the knockdown shorter and left the rest the same. At least there's still lethality tree I guess until more bad players complain about that too.

Yep, anyone who has played a scoundrel/operative dps spec at some point knows that the burst was all they had. Sustained dps is non existent so this nerf will destroy the class.

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The title says it all, Bioware like every other developer caved in to the very vocal forum minority which also usually tends to be some of the very worse MMO players in MMOs. This is the beginning of the end. Scoundrels/Operatives did not need a nerf Bioware, as a healer I say this. You need to test your game and use your own metrics before implementing any class changes in game. Do not go by made up scenarios and imaginary numbers that forum posters use to try to make a point. That's the mistake of past mmo devs that has caused their subscriptions to dwindle in the past and I say that as an MMO veteran since 1997 UO, that has played nearly every MMO since then. You should, if possible release surveys in game to also see how players feel about x and x changes before implementing them. You can also use surveys to see if players think some classes are over the top, currently. You will see that the majority of people that actually play the game at 50, don't feel like the random forum whiners/posers that aren't even 50 yet.


I agree totally mate, sadly now they are moving on to Sorc, then its gonna be guardian tanks (isdnt fair a tank can actually tank), then it will be something els. Trouble is Blizzard pandered to these people, now its all they expect. You couldn't drop these....."gamers" into a real MMO they would loose the plot with far to much diversity. Even a game as simple an narrow focused as tor is proving far to in depth :(. It's sad because tor had every little diversity in first place. Now it's going to lose it all, an just become Rift V2.0.


Hell there's even a crusade in place to demand botting/farming BG's be easier as its far to hard to farm shinys.


I think it just shows how far MMO's have fallen.

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Half the video is someone getting ganked and the other is cc'd then the teamamate tries to run away for easy kills.


Always a justification.


It's fair that ops can kill someone in 2.5 seconds because... <lame *** excuse with made up numbers>


It's fair that ops can kill 3v1 because... <lame *** excuse that isn't even true, but why bother pointing that out>


It cannot possibly be: "My class needs a tweak." That's just not even a consideration.


Enjoy your extremely justified nerf. I sure as heck will.

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Yep, anyone who has played a scoundrel/operative dps spec at some point knows that the burst was all they had. Sustained dps is non existent so this nerf will destroy the class.


Dude you must really suck at PVP I trashed people on my level 11 operative and didn't even stealth half the time. With all that CC they don't need all that burst. If all you want is a one button win where's the fun in that. PLUS YOU CAN HEAL!!!! Massive burst plus heals come on. Your not a pure dps class if anyone needs buffs it's Sent/Mar.

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Here's how to win, stand up>dot>snare>get out of 10m. It's not hard


lol you say this as if one can just stand up when one wants to.....doesnt work like that and you know it.



I play one of these op'd classes and am angry that I will need l2p instead of just hitting my easy button.

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Dude you must really suck at PVP I trashed people on my level 11 operative and didn't even stealth half the time. With all that CC they don't need all that burst. If all you want is a one button win where's the fun in that. PLUS YOU CAN HEAL!!!! Massive burst plus heals come on. Your not a pure dps class if anyone needs buffs it's Sent/Mar.


you are flat out making things up sorry. I have a 20 scoundrel an I do at a maximum crit 360 as an opening. Normally non crit is 200-210 You did NOT "wreck" anyone as you call it at all, that is made up sorry. As a dps class out of stealth you hit for double digits at best, an you dont do much dps over time at all. Couple that with no survivability an you really just made this up to jump on the band wagon.I dont bot BG's they are insulting to be called pvp, so in World pvp a scoundrel has to put up with fighting 1v21v5 an as we know if its more than 1 v 1 hes dead...


People that get insta killed are quite obviously low hp an ignoring the fact they are alone. They refuse to group up, refuse to have a tank "guard" them, an just wanna rambo it.


Now we will have sorcs nerfed then guardians then next class an next, an since there's only 4 it isn't going to take long. Irony is the same greedy players who are now making up complete fantasy will be back when their class is nerfed demanding it be changed.

Edited by BegaTasty
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you are flat out making things up sorry. I have a 20 scoundrel an I do at a maximum crit 360 as an opening. Normally non crit is 200-210 You did NOT "wreck" anyone as you call it at all, that is made up sorry. As a dps class out of stealth you hit for double digits at best, an you dont do much dps over time at all. Couple that with no survivability an you really just made this up to jump on the band wagon.


Actually he is not making things up. I have a lvl 12 Op. My RL friend has the same thing. We had a ball killing people with these toons. They were a **** TON easier to kill with at this level than my assassin was. Nice try though.

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Sounds like the rogue-bi...err complaining that went on for years in World of Failcraft until they rolled the stuns into the DR mechanic.


"Jeez man - they stunlock me and burst me down, *** am i supposed to do."



I played feral, so I thought rogues were yummy. :)


Gotta say about the AP though...not the best choice of mechanic. Its cool and stuff, but prolly too buffy. Easy to dial stuff around it and get high damage. Might be better to just use a flat damage buff as a dial instead of AP if those classes fail out of line with the loss of AP.


Its funny. AP on a rogue class.




Edit:I should prolly get an OP up huh? :)



Edited by Geglad
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Always a justification.


It's fair that ops can kill someone in 2.5 seconds because... <lame *** excuse with made up numbers>


It's fair that ops can kill 3v1 because... <lame *** excuse that isn't even true, but why bother pointing that out>



I'm sure in your mind this is very pithy.....But your argument is predicated on lies and is therefore invalid. :rolleyes:


Operatives just don't kill people in 2.5 seconds. I played a healing operative, and it usually took level 50s more time than that to kill me when I was in my 30s. Imagine if I'd been a sorcerer with the stun on my bubble when it breaks? Come the **** on. Hell, sometimes I was even able to escape. There's one scoundrel I'm thinking of in particular....he was tough, and he had it in for me every time he saw me (as a low level healer, I probably looked like a tasty lunch, I'm sure). He was in a "leet" PvP guild, so I can only assume that his gear was top-notch. Even he couldn't kill me every single time he saw me.


Furthermore, there is no way in hell an operative is going to beat 3 equal level players (let alone equally geared).....unless they are very, very bad players or are having internet issues or something.


Look, I'm not going to say that the opening burst didn't need to be toned down. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Maybe it's really an issue with the way bursty abilities stack with buffs like adrenals, etc. It's not for me to say, and I don't play concealment, so I don't have a lot of first-hand experience with it.


I will say that there is no way in hell that BW gathered enough information in two days to justify such large nerfs. There is just no way. What concerns me is that it seems so clear to me that they simply caved in to screechers on the forums. That's a very slippery slope, and I don't like what it might indicate for the future of the game.

Edited by belialle
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I have always played stealth classes sicne days of UO an I gotta say I rolled my scoundrel days before the nerf, an I just dont play it past 20 its boring an not remotely fun. My gunslinger is 43 an he's as bigger snore as the scoundrel is. Plus its same story an my eyes will bleed if I have to go through it again.
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Actually he is not making things up. I have a lvl 12 Op. My RL friend has the same thing. We had a ball killing people with these toons. They were a **** TON easier to kill with at this level than my assassin was. Nice try though.


every single word I said is fact, on IMP my 26 sniper is as bad as the scoundrel an twice as boring. What this is about is changing tactics in hopes you can get everyone nerfed. As always happens in MMO's it's SOP since wow gave you everything you demanded.

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I'm sure in your mind this is very pithy.....But your argument is predicated on lies and is therefore invalid. :rolleyes:


Operatives just don't kill people in 2.5 seconds.


Don't know how many more times I have to link this video in this exact thread.



Let's play the IA Justification For Insane Burst drinking game. Take a shot if the reply is:


A. Video was Doctored.

B. It's all Biochem.

C. Video maker Lied about His Gear (even though you see exactly what he's wearing).

D. Operative Hacked.

Edited by McVade
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What's stupider is that I don't think some Operatives know that it has cooldown. Then again, if I could 3 shot anyone I encountered in 2.5 seconds like this guy...



... I wouldn't need to use it ever myself, so I totally get why you might not know that.


Sigh, I know you're trolling but god you're awful at it. At least find a relevant video first. The days of full biochem against non-expertise targets are over sorry.



There, he opens with a clip of him killing somebody in 3 gcds.


Your turn, please find an operative video of him hitting a whole team for 5k+, go!

Edited by Agroovesak
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Don't know how many more times I have to link this video in this exact thread.



Let's play the IA Justification For Insane Burst drinking game. Take a shot if the reply is:


A. Video was Doctored.

B. It's all Biochem.

C. Video maker Lied about His Gear (even though you see exactly what he's wearing).

D. Operative Hacked.


Go back to wow baddie. Obviously there are too many variables for you to understand.

Edited by GutPunch
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Don't know how many more times I have to link this video in this exact thread.


Look, as I already stated, I could conceivably agree that their opening burst might need to be toned down. I still think your video is fairly pointless. A video made by a clicker who just stands there and takes damage without bothering to break CC or even bubble before the duel is useless.


The knockdown in that video takes 1/3 of the sorc's HP. He lags, takes more damage and dies. If he'd been bubbled, if he'd used the CC breaker right away (which would have happened more slowly for him, I'm guessing, since he doesn't really seem to have his abilities bound very well at all).....If he'd been trying, in other words, things could have gone down very differently.


Also, notice the buffs on that operative? You don't think there's an issue with how their burst is affected by stacking all those buffs? Rather than seeing that toned down (which it was, a bit....this video seems to be from before 1.1), you'd like to see them gutted?


I am concerned that BW could not possibly have enough data to warrant a nerf of this magnitude only 2 days after the last patch was released. I am concerned for what it could indicate for future changes to the game that they are so clearly caving in to forum whiners.


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How can you think 7-8k crits is fair against most classes 3-4k crits max.



There are no more 8k hits. Stop lying.


Adrenal nerfs fixed the problem. There was no need to nerf ops further and the current changes literally make the class totally useless.

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