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Such a dead game


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I played (and still am) EVE from 2003. So you just sat docked inside the station all the time chatting?

Somehow i find that very hard to belive.

EVE doesnt need to grow, it is and allways will be a underground MMO and thats perfect!


No I didn't chat I paid and never logged in. Find that hard to believe? Tough $hit, it happened.

I never said it needed to grow, I said I wanted it to grow. Any other questions?

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I really dont want to move servers and have to start all my toons over, which is why i really wouldnt mind some server merges, I also have grown quite fond of the community on my server(when there is one) for once I can play without having anal spam blasted all over my general chat....


I think they should server merge looking at how it is now there is a few light servers even at primetime. I mean it's going to take another influx of players to get these servers back to standard so I think they should just merge a few of them. The problem is the negative press that comes with a server merge...


I think it would be good for the players though and they should do it simply because people will leave a MMO if they feel it is emptying out.

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Yeah, I think they should merge the few light servers there are, so people aren't discouraged to leave or forced to re-roll. Personally, my server is light during the weird morning and night hours that I play, but it's Heavy / Standard for "normal people time." I'd consider a west coast server if my latency didn't jump from 15ms to 110ms.


I'm glad everything's looking okay though. :)

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Yeah, I think they should merge the few light servers there are, so people aren't discouraged to leave or forced to re-roll. I'm glad everything's looking okay though. :)


Why do you keep saying such smart, thought out comments. Your making us look bad.

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Run the same test 3 months from now.


I think you'll find different results. The dedicated hard core level 50 endgame players are the ones who are unhappy. Right now all the scrubs are truly happy and indignant at the reprisals of the people with genuine grievances. "Why should those unhappy complain? I'm perfectly happy!" When you understand the higher level concepts of the game you will find it lacking at a much more important level.


The vast majority of players are indeed very happy, because frankly.. They just don't know any better. And that is wonderful! For them. But.. those folks tend to get .. distracted by "real life" quite a bit and quit and a much brisker pace once they get bored, and believe me this is an eventuality. Eventually the serial altoholics and lookieloos will reach endgame, and figure out.. hey.. ***?


You know your hedging your bets at this rate.


"Some day America will fall!"


Yeah it will... someday, give anything enough time and whoop there it goes. are you going to keep doing this cause if so tell me now so I can start an ignore list.


Cause yes we all know all things end. Someday our universe will collapse in on itself imploding and unless you have a TARDIS I'm going to take comfort in the fact you won't be around to laugh that you are finally right.

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Nope. Then I would only like to thank you for funding my favorite game sir.


It was my pleasure, it was and always will be an amazing game. Graphics may not have been great and gameplay (minus some crucial fleet battles) may have been dull. However, the devs have a vision for that game that I would love to see them achieve. I only hope the devs here are aspiring for greatness and I think they are but only time can tell.

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Run the same test 3 months from now.


I think you'll find different results. The dedicated hard core level 50 endgame players are the ones who are unhappy. Right now all the scrubs are truly happy and indignant at the reprisals of the people with genuine grievances. "Why should those unhappy complain? I'm perfectly happy!" When you understand the higher level concepts of the game you will find it lacking at a much more important level.


The vast majority of players are indeed very happy, because frankly.. They just don't know any better. And that is wonderful! For them. But.. those folks tend to get .. distracted by "real life" quite a bit and quit and a much brisker pace once they get bored, and believe me this is an eventuality. Eventually the serial altoholics and lookieloos will reach endgame, and figure out.. hey.. ***?


referring to players as "scrubs" just shows how immature and elitist you think you are.

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Run the same test 3 months from now.


I think you'll find different results. The dedicated hard core level 50 endgame players are the ones who are unhappy. Right now all the scrubs are truly happy and indignant at the reprisals of the people with genuine grievances. "Why should those unhappy complain? I'm perfectly happy!" When you understand the higher level concepts of the game you will find it lacking at a much more important level.


The vast majority of players are indeed very happy, because frankly.. They just don't know any better. And that is wonderful! For them. But.. those folks tend to get .. distracted by "real life" quite a bit and quit and a much brisker pace once they get bored, and believe me this is an eventuality. Eventually the serial altoholics and lookieloos will reach endgame, and figure out.. hey.. ***?


I think that video games and fun are quite definately not for you. The dedicated hardcores, (one of which you obviously profess to be) that are so much better than, and so much more needed than the rest of us scrubs, will leave. Then those of us, ( the great many) will bid you all good riddance and have a minutes silence out of sheer respect for WoW and the fact that you few will be headed back there.

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I just dont get the motivation behind these posts...



I mean no one cares if you cancel or keep your subscription except maybe some accountant for bioware...


You are quitting the game so what do you get out of wasting your time posting here....


How bad does your life have to be to decide SWTOR is not good enough for you , but a pointless forums on that game is worth your time?


I am way more into Star trek then wars but the Trek MMO blew... This game is actually fun. yes there are bugs and could use more content but does anyone notice that these are easily fixable things... Unlike STO the core game is not flawed... The core game is actually very good.

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You are crazy! What server is that exactly??? I've seen nothing even remotely close to those numbers....


Maybe I need to reroll? Please reply with what server. Thanks in advance.


our server is usually around 300 people on the fleet at primetime (east coast), and this past monday night there were 2 shards of imp fleet...


our population is healthy... we are consistently heavy...



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To all these people crying no end game.


Tell me 1 game that had more endgame content at release than this 1?


WoW certainly did not. It had 1 functioning dungeon for max lvls players and the loot tables were broken. AoC wasnt even close. Rift had some, but it was less than this. EQ wasnt even close, most came in well after release.



I never played Aion or EQ2 so I cant speak to them. But in all fairness, I have never played a themepark MMO that had much to do at max lvl, at least not when game was released. This game actually has some things, even if it still isnt enough.

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However, these issues are very insignificant, and are only affecting those who were to impatient to sit through a 15 minute queue at launch time. Also, this seems to be more of a faction imbalance issue - not a Server Population issue.


There is a difference.


Lolwut? The queues took a lot more than 15 minutes in the beginning, and how could anybody NOT know that - you can see all servers in EU and US at any time.


And apparently you missed it completely, but BW were encouraging people to roll on light servers.


Even at prime time most servers are now down to Standard, which is way too low for a healthy population. If you have 50 on Imperial Fleet on weekend evenings, you know something's wrong.


So basically, everything you've said in this thread so far is pretty much 100% wrong.

Edited by DashFiss
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Lolwut? The queues took a lot more than 15 minutes in the beginning, and I'm surprised you don't know that - anybody could/can see all servers in EU and US at any time.


And apparently you missed it completely, but BW were encouraging people to roll on light servers.


Even at prime time most servers are now down to Standard, which is way too low for a health population.


So basically, everything you've said in this thread so far is pretty much 100% wrong.



LoL BW raised the population cap by a lot to...

Edited by xXcronicXx
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This game isn't going anywhere - also, note how there is 0 talk of Server Mergers. No on is even asking for them, nor will they within any notable time frame.


That game is being bought up by more and more people each day - and there will be several waves of new players. We haven't even begun to see the beginning of the sustained population of players that will be participating in this game over a general length of time.


I assure you - this game will be fully operational (and populated) several years from now, maintaining the same subscription based model it has today.



There are no serve mergers in the forum becouse they are geting deleted... Look at this image does it look like a standart server?



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Yeah my server seems to have held up pretty good despite all the prophets out there.


^ Yup same here.


To all these people crying no end game.


Tell me 1 game that had more endgame content at release than this 1?


WoW certainly did not. It had 1 functioning dungeon for max lvls players and the loot tables were broken. AoC wasnt even close. Rift had some, but it was less than this. EQ wasnt even close, most came in well after release.



I never played Aion or EQ2 so I cant speak to them. But in all fairness, I have never played a themepark MMO that had much to do at max lvl, at least not when game was released. This game actually has some things, even if it still isnt enough.



Edited by Seeiphiel
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To all these people crying no end game.


Tell me 1 game that had more endgame content at release than this 1?


WoW certainly did not. It had 1 functioning dungeon for max lvls players and the loot tables were broken. AoC wasnt even close. Rift had some, but it was less than this. EQ wasnt even close, most came in well after release.



I never played Aion or EQ2 so I cant speak to them. But in all fairness, I have never played a themepark MMO that had much to do at max lvl, at least not when game was released. This game actually has some things, even if it still isnt enough.


But when there's already an options with more endgame and less issues than this, why play SWTOR?


You can use the trump card of " X years ago when game Y was released" how much you ever want, but casual players and normal people live in present. They really won't care how some other game was years ago.


And before you say "they can go play other games" it means you're left with only a handful of elitist players willing to pay for waiting for more content and fixes. I dare to doubt that group would be very large and it's definitely super-unfriendly to new players even if the game was getting better.


I personally see no point for waiting for things to get better, I can happily try again after 2-6 months, if the forums suggest at the time that game is now worth playing and there are some other players too. Well, assuming that I haven't found something funnier to do or play meanwhile, which isn't very likely since there's quite many MMMO's coming out soon(ish).

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Are you serious...the FIRST thing he mentioned was his FLEET being the same size, most people hang out in fleet so that they can run endgame content. The fact that it is the same size means that some people had to have left because more and more people should be floating into the fleet as they level.


Ergo, gathering point for endgame content being the same size means that either nearly the entire population of his server was already at cap and therefore no change occurred (doubtful this early in the game) or that its not growing, implying that some people left the game.


Seriously, use a little logic.


Or because there are more people at 50 they are in fact off running the end game content rather than sitting in the station.


Without facts and numbers this can be spun any which way you want.

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I know at least 10 people just from my server I played with who left. All the people who haven't done much endgame love the game, those who have are disappointed at the bugginess of it all. Why raid when the loot only works when it feels like? why open world pvp when there isn't any republic? Why play huttball all day? Those are bad enough alone, let's not get started about horrible fps issues lots of random comps are having even if they are top tier.
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