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Can I hide my online status?


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I don't mind helping people out and doing so has gotten me some friends. However, it has gotten to the point where when ever I come on, they want to group with me or randomly talk with me. I'm all for this, but sometimes I just want to play by myself and not have to deal with anyone else.


I don't want to ignore these people since they are still friends. Is it possible to hide my status so people don't interrupt me when I don't feel like talking or playing with them?

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Not at the moment.


Sort of defeats the purpose of being an "MMO".


My suggestion is to just tell them that sometimes you want to play alone and won't be responding. I haven't tried to set a specific afk message (like you can in WoW) but if you can, set that. If they're genuine friends, they won't mind leaving you alone.

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I don't mind helping people out and doing so has gotten me some friends. However, it has gotten to the point where when ever I come on, they want to group with me or randomly talk with me. I'm all for this, but sometimes I just want to play by myself and not have to deal with anyone else.


I don't want to ignore these people since they are still friends. Is it possible to hide my status so people don't interrupt me when I don't feel like talking or playing with them?


Being a celebrity is not all it's cracked up to be is it? No way to do that as far as I know.

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Grow up and just tell them your not available to help at the moment. Your wanting to solo some. If you cant deal with people on a VIRTUAL game then god help you in real life.


Where on earth did he say he "can't deal with people" in his post. It was very reasonable, maturely written and intelligent (all three of which are lacking in yours). Perhaps take a breath and realize its not always "you vs. the internet" when you post here.

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Where on earth did he say he "can't deal with people" in his post. It was very reasonable, maturely written and intelligent (all three of which are lacking in yours). Perhaps take a breath and realize its not always "you vs. the internet" when you post here.


He came onto the forums and stated that he was being pestered by people that wanted his time in game. Being an adult I would tell these people I am busy or such. Since he came to the forums asking everyone for advice on how to deal with it, I did.

As far as maturely written I would disagree. He came here looking for a way to make an excuse to virtual people. Telling him to grow a pair is what he needed to hear in my opinion. What was your advice to him?

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Grow up and just tell them your not available to help at the moment. Your wanting to solo some. If you cant deal with people on a VIRTUAL game then god help you in real life.


I sent god a email to help me and he never got back what I do now! D:

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He came onto the forums and stated that he was being pestered by people that wanted his time in game. Being an adult I would tell these people I am busy or such. Since he came to the forums asking everyone for advice on how to deal with it, I did.

As far as maturely written I would disagree. He came here looking for a way to make an excuse to virtual people. Telling him to grow a pair is what he needed to hear in my opinion. What was your advice to him?


I can see, by your example, you're not familiar with what a "maturely written post" looks like. I'll help.


I don't mind helping people out and doing so has gotten me some friends. However, it has gotten to the point where when ever I come on, they want to group with me or randomly talk with me. I'm all for this, but sometimes I just want to play by myself and not have to deal with anyone else.


I don't want to ignore these people since they are still friends. Is it possible to hide my status so people don't interrupt me when I don't feel like talking or playing with them?


He doesn't mind helping people but sometimes wants to play alone. He likes to socialize but sometimes would like a solo experience. He wants to keep them as friends so clearly a kind response is desired. He's not sure if there's an option to hide his status so he asks in non-offensive matter.


You, on the other hand, enter the thread like a bull in a china shop and all you can see is red. I understand that most of the threads here are like warfare and you have your guns loaded, safeties off, but not every single thread is like that. If you're in that mode and just replying willy nilly to every thread you see, its not healthy. Perhaps stay out of threads asking an honest question in a mature fashion. Perhaps take a breather between replies.


There are choices when you reply - not every post has to be a battle.

Edited by aznthecapn
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He came onto the forums and stated that he was being pestered by people that wanted his time in game. Being an adult I would tell these people I am busy or such. Since he came to the forums asking everyone for advice on how to deal with it, I did.

As far as maturely written I would disagree. He came here looking for a way to make an excuse to virtual people. Telling him to grow a pair is what he needed to hear in my opinion. What was your advice to him?


Well excuse me for wanting to know if a game feature existed or not. I didn't have to tell you my reasons but I did anyway so that we could get right to the point of the discussion. If I just said "Is there a hide online status feature?", I'd bet you all of my credits that each response would be "Just ignore them."


I don't want to ignore them and I don't want to tell them to go away. I have no problems telling people I don't like to stop bugging me, but I have my reasons to not want to do it with these people. That is why I asked if this was a feature.


And before you say anything, yes I already tried Google and it yielded no results. That's why I came to the forums.


Now if you'd please get lost. You aren't contributing anything constructive to the discussion.



@ aznthecapn:

Thank you for the advise.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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Grow up and just tell them your not available to help at the moment. Your wanting to solo some. If you cant deal with people on a VIRTUAL game then god help you in real life.


He came here looking for a way to make an excuse to virtual people. Telling him to grow a pair is what he needed to hear in my opinion.


Somehow I don't think saying "god help you in real life" is telling him to grow a pair. In fact it sounds a little more like a personal attack on him than the "advice" you were trying to give him.

Edited by SSakura
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Grow up and just tell them your not available to help at the moment. Your wanting to solo some. If you cant deal with people on a VIRTUAL game then god help you in real life.


You should become a social worker! With a do-gooder attitude like yours, you'll have them jumping off the building in no time.


Also, it's "you"re not available". "You're wanting". If you can't spell then god help you in real life.

Edited by RevansSoul
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I don't mind helping people out and doing so has gotten me some friends. However, it has gotten to the point where when ever I come on, they want to group with me or randomly talk with me. I'm all for this, but sometimes I just want to play by myself and not have to deal with anyone else.


I don't want to ignore these people since they are still friends. Is it possible to hide my status so people don't interrupt me when I don't feel like talking or playing with them?


I mean, you gotta grow a backbone and politely decline. I get asked to help or do things all the time. If I'm in the mood and have the time, sure. But if for any reason I can't or don't really want to then I'll politely decline.


Give it a try...

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  • 1 year later...

No way to hide status, as yet, but try entering the command /dnd


This is the "Do Not Disturb" command, which will flag you as wanting to be left alone, without having to have the conversation every single time (which, in itself, is an interruption).


The people who can take a hint will see the flag and leave you in peace. The others? You're on your own, I'm afraid.



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I don't mind helping people out and doing so has gotten me some friends. However, it has gotten to the point where when ever I come on, they want to group with me or randomly talk with me. I'm all for this, but sometimes I just want to play by myself and not have to deal with anyone else.


I don't want to ignore these people since they are still friends. Is it possible to hide my status so people don't interrupt me when I don't feel like talking or playing with them?


I do feel your pain! I did not join a guild for nearly a year because of this.... I tried a few, most were a pain in the rear and wanted too much of my time. My wife and I, avoided them and even swore we would not join another. However, we finally met a couple of players that approached us after a HMFP, and we told them the way we like to play and their reply "You would be a perfect fit than"... For the last 3 months we have been with them, it is a perfect fit.


For the longest time I wanted a "hide me" key I could press... Not anymore though, this guild is great for people like me.

Not sure what to tell you.... you could make a new alt and do not tell anyone the name of the alt, gives you a way to hide.

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Isn't there a "do not disturb" mode?


I thought people were abusing that because it was bugged where the auto-logout feature wouldn't actually log you out. I know it was in patch notes sometime back.


No, but a feature like this would be great for rateds or operations. Easy to implement too

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