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Can I hide my online status?


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I don't mind helping people out and doing so has gotten me some friends. However, it has gotten to the point where when ever I come on, they want to group with me or randomly talk with me. I'm all for this, but sometimes I just want to play by myself and not have to deal with anyone else.


I don't want to ignore these people since they are still friends. Is it possible to hide my status so people don't interrupt me when I don't feel like talking or playing with them?


Your friends want to talk with you and be social? ;)


Actually, a hide status might be a good idea. Although it is going to be AWKWARD when I log on and PVP and suddenly am fighting a team made up entirely of my own guild ;)


- Arcada

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Would it be nice to have a /anon? Sure. Is it a travisty that there isn't one? No.


Just politely tell people no. Maybe explain it to them all at one time...set some boundaries. Use /dnd as an agreed to boundary flag. If they won't respect your boundaries... how can you actually call them friends? Not respecting boundaries should be reserved for family. :p

Edited by Andryah
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i have to say i also enjoy helping people alot but at the same time would like some solo time so if any one asks i just say "i cant atm abit busy doing stuff", which works, if they ask if i can help later then sure i will let them know when im available, also if people start to follow you around just go some place they are unable to and they will soon wonder off or get killed lol
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