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Update on Ability Delay from Georg


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Have you been drinking?


why ? , .. does it show :p ..


and yes when i reread it now , most sentences dont look too good XD , if not all :p

no spaces and some typo's here and there ;s


but well ... english isnt my prime language and i was F**ed up pretty good yesterday yeh ;P, dont rememeber it tho

Edited by Genesizs
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I have noticed some marked improvement. When running eternity vault last night After a bladestorm I had hit hilt strike twice on one mob as opposed to the 8 times that I could press hilt strike and have nothing happen before. So while there is improvement it's not perfect.
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Easy Solution to PvP outside of bugs and imbalance:

1. give players a gear score

2. rank players based on valor rank and the gear score

3. group servers into "battlegroups" so when you Q for a warzone you Q with many other servers.

4. some *********** entry level pvp gear (player made gems/gear)

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As noted In the thread, ill post here as well:


Having played last night It felt like a different game completely from the previous night. This was the first time I could enjoy the combat and PvP to a similar degree as in WoW. If I had to estimate the improvement, I would say 60-75% which is incredible.


Both myself and my fiancee noted that we were running out of energy, force, cells faster than before because we were not limited by delay to our ability usage. I think any higher level and more competitive player will notice the big Improvement.



Having said that, there are still issues, most notably with sync of Animation/Sound and Effect to the keypress/input. I can give examples but I am sure you guys know what is meant...



Once again, thank you very much for this Improvement, it is absolutely noticeable and a very big step in the right direction. I hope that this does not mean that you let up on this issue of gameplay and more importantly the "feeling" of complete control and responsiveness of one's Avatar that WoW has done so magically.


Once further progress has been made on the more crucial aspects, I would urge re-visiting the details such as rotations, jumping, strafing etc etc. to perfect this "feeling" that has lead to all of this.



Thanks again Bioware (more specifically the ones Involved in this project)

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Thanks alot for the fix so far, it does play alot better. But as others have stated I would also agree it is not 100% fixed. There are some input issues that are annoying, although I am not sure if they are intentional. The example I would use is my Jedi Guardian.


When I am in that situation where I am being pounded by half the enemy team, I like to use the 40% damage reduction, Saber Ward, and Enure abilities. All these abilities do not appear to be affected by global cooldown, but I cannot use them back to back. It still feels sluggish, and it has caused problems because I expect them to happen and they do not.


One more example I do have is one that can apply to everyone. On the Alderaan Civil War warzone, the speeder bikes apparently are affected by global cooldown. I am not sure if this is "working as intended", but it is at times frustrating, because I cannot fully buff up before grabbing a bike or else I may lose valuable time from flying down to defend a turret.


But I am very happy, as many others are, that this has been addressed so well and so quickly. This has truly made me satisfied to have been on the first wave of subscribers for this game. Thanks alot for your care and hard work :)

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Last night was a hoot! Finally able to electrocute ->force speed -> jump 180 maul ^_^

First time I felt as though I was able to stunt a little bit.


Sadly my canceled sub runs out tonight and I have already diverted the funds elsewhere. However at least I was able to see a sessions worth of the game holding its head up high before I go. I can honestly say if it werent for the latest patch I wouldnt be comeing back next week.


Thankyou Bioware I'll remove my trollish siggy for you now <3

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So... yeah.. I am still constantly getting frustratingly pissed off at the ability icons not being dimmed when u can't use them. I have counted at least 50 times today where i go to click and ability and it doesn't work (ability being bright and me not seeing that blue scroll cooldown line thingy) I wish you would just dim or fade the whole ability button/icon so that we KNOW we can't use the darn thing. It really messes up gameplay like when im trying to shield someone at the last second of their incoming death and i can't. WHY? because the clearly visible icon/button that im clicking on thats bright as day is not activating. You say you fixed it but it was better before you fixed it. Please if you can Dim the buttons/icons if you are not able to use them. It might actually save some players lives. Thank you for your time.



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Easy Solution to PvP outside of bugs and imbalance:

1. give players a gear score

2. rank players based on valor rank and the gear score

3. group servers into "battlegroups" so when you Q for a warzone you Q with many other servers.

4. some *********** entry level pvp gear (player made gems/gear)


Cool, so now the game is World of Warcraft with lightsabers. Just what I wanted.

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Agree major improvements to gamplay. There are some major class specific problems still though. These seem to be multi-core processor issues rather than engine issues, hence bargain basement pcs not finding a problem.


I agree with all the specifics of the gunslinger post earlier (re cover delays, aimed shot). My Shadow has issues - one major one being spinning kick knocks the target unconcious, then... delay.


I have noticed that on the recieving end with certain abilities eg. certain cc - i cannot use any ability with a cast time until i move from that spot, this does not include knockbacks actal movement is needed. This could be one reason why the game seems so overloaded wth cc and why it is difficult to identify which combination of rotation is causing the problems.

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I consistently redo some animations at some times before they go off. Is this problem occuring to anyone else? I realize I spam push the buttons until the gcd is up but still this is a common way to play the game.


I was wonding if this is a common problem for people still and if there is still some work being done to fix this?

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YES this is the problem I mentioned with some CC. Just confirmed. First problems i had with my Trooper, which is low level so not many abilities. It seems:


Some git following me around force strangling me kept killing me with almost no hp lost, so I payed extra attention - after i get force choke lift, if it goes to the end of the ability, ANY ability i use has animation but no effect/damage etc until i move from the spot, i spam healed 3 times and used sticky grenade and cryo grenade none of which had any effect after the animation played. Step back and i can heal and pwn like normal. I don't think it is a problem if it is interupted.


edit:- also the knockdown dynamic is broken. When i get knocked flat on my back there is a whole clambering back up animation - ok fine nice - but why after i finally fire my next ability do i suddenly fall back down and have to clamber back up again? Again this effect persists until i move from the spot.


Also this is a gamebreaker still - if i can't heal out of a stun i am dead, so if i am targeted in a WZ i am dead. They are still working on it like their livelihoods depend on it, which they do!

Edited by Spangles
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I don't see why there was any tampering with the ability cool-down animation to begin with. There wasn't anything wrong with it. The ability was blacked out if it wasn't available. When it was recharged it light back up. Simple. Efficient. Please revert. No need to have developers looking into other ways to make this easier... just change back. Have them focus on other things.



Muphys law applies here: If it's not broken, don't fix it.

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I don't see why there was any tampering with the ability cool-down animation to begin with. There wasn't anything wrong with it. The ability was blacked out if it wasn't available. When it was recharged it light back up. Simple. Efficient. Please revert. No need to have developers looking into other ways to make this easier... just change back. Have them focus on other things.



Muphys law applies here: If it's not broken, don't fix it.


I think its already fixed for me. Yesterday evening I played on the Operative and abilities on CD were greyed out already.

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I think its already fixed for me. Yesterday evening I played on the Operative and abilities on CD were greyed out already.


Doesn't seem fixed to me. What he's talking about is, yes, abilities on CD are greyed out.


But, as the CD refreshes, the grey part of the icon crawls down to the bottom to let you know how much time is left. This is kinda handy...


Except for things with a fairly long cooldown, you can have the icon 99% lit up, so that to the human eye it looks completely lit up and available. However, you press it, nothing happens, you press it, nothing happens...


because its still on cooldown another 15 seconds. But it looks like it isn't.


For anything that has a cooldown longer than a few seconds (30 seconds or longer) you can't really distinguish between when its almost ready and when it is ready.


These need to be EXTREMELY clear, and they're ambiguous.


This is why WoW doesn't use a vertical bar, it uses a pie chart style indicator, where it moves in a circle, not top to bottom. That way, its more obvious when a tiny bit is left, it still takes up a sliver in the middle of the icon, not the very bottom where it can't be seen.


Can we just have an option in the preferences to turn off the cooldown countdown? Just have it be binary; either they're lit up, or they're not. Its nice to know how long until an ability is off cooldown, but its much MORE important to know what is and what isn't available right now.

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Any competent WoW player uses OmniCC. The WoW pie timer is just as useless as the TOR effect.


Add an option to show numbers on the bars. Grey out any abilities that are not usable until they are. Use OmniCC as an example of what options to provide.

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Any competent WoW player uses OmniCC. The WoW pie timer is just as useless as the TOR effect.


Add an option to show numbers on the bars. Grey out any abilities that are not usable until they are. Use OmniCC as an example of what options to provide.


quoted for truth, numbers over ability icon with minutes for long ones, seconds and split seconds for short.

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This still aint fixed I have a instant bind to E and it just wont go of when mouse turning when am trying to generate rage :/ and even in my force charge i am leaping to no one as they have long gone as the animations have executed so late with a latency of 50ms :confused: Edited by skotish
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Any competent WoW player uses OmniCC. The WoW pie timer is just as useless as the TOR effect.


Yep, and SWTOR will either provide a 1 million and a half cheboxes and sliders in their preference menu or develop a simple LUA kit (and im sure even with 2 million checkboxes they will not pleasure everyone with UI as much as a simple WoW addons doing that job).

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I would just like to say, for me, this issue is not fixed. I will list when and where this is still a problem.


Playing a Jedi Shadow:

In PvP for example I will be stealth, come up behind a target and have to spam Shadow Strike cause 'not ready yet' is spamed back at me. In some cases eventually it will go off after me clicking the botton 10-20 times or in most cases the target I am trying to strike turns around and looks at the retard staring at him and pops me out of stealth.

Another PvP example: The match will start I will move forward and try to go into stealth 'not ready yet', with the ability clearly ready seeing how I am not in stealth for 1+ mins till the round starts. Again spam clicking it works eventually.


Another example on PvP and PvE targets being stuned and I move to the backside of the target to Shadow Strike, I again get 'not ready yet'


I'm not sure what makes me PO'ed more. The 'not ready yet' or the fact my char does a animation that looks like I don't know what I am doing. Like a spasms animation.


My friends and I play together and love the game. However, this is killing the game for us and you can hear the frustration when we are all on vent trying to have a good time.


I do not see how it can be our computers or connections. We all have PCs that run Battlefield 3 on Ultra and Broadband connections.


I hope my expierence helps in the process of fixing the issue.


Thank you for your time in reading this Bioware.

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