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To Everybody thinking about quitting


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To the contrary, people who actually know something about this industry do exactly that. They look at a new game and say, Well this one just launched. It isn't this other game but what kind of potential does this new one have?


The thing about potential is it needs to be tapped, no point living in the future hoping your game is going to be amazing when all its just a prediction.

Edited by llhavikll
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Okay I know Im probably gonna get hated on for posting this thread but whatever. Im seeing alot of people sit here and talking about quitting the game or Im bored as hell or this is whats wrong with the game blah blah blah...listen you all have to realize that this game has JUST started. This isnt like WoW where it has take 5+ years to build itself up. There are going to be bugs there is going to be missing content. Patience.


They just now released a video today talking about upcoming content. New Warzones, New Flashpoints and Ops, UI CUSTOMIZATION (Been seeing alot of people wanting that) and Finally! Legacy features. So just have patience people, its gonna take time for this game and devs to build this game. If you have suggestions post them in the forums not you making a thread talking about how the game is boring and how you hate it doesnt have this feature because you arent helping the game at all by doing that. You wanna see a change or improvement then make a good logical post in the suggestions forum.


Yes, This MMO is a lot different that alot of those other ones out there. Why? Because this isnt the type of MMO that you just rush through and try to get to 50 within a week that way you can get the 50 gear. The devs made the game to where you take your time with each character. The game is still FAR from perfection. Problem is is that you got ALOT of people coming from WoW over to this MMO and they are so used to WoW that this is something completely 100% different than what they are used to. If they made this game exactly like WoW than what would be the point in buying it. WoW has been the dominator in the MMO industry for years and nobody has been able to even touch it. But SWTOR is doin a very good job on making some competition for them. But all thats irrelevant. All Im saying is be patient and the features you love and miss will come.


May the force be with you!


I do realize the game just came out, but do you realize that in general beta most of these things BW is all of a sudden paying attention to like the UI customizations, were brought up in general beta by testers that knew these things would be wanted by the masses at release. We got no response from the devs. Now magically they are pretending "they are listening to the customer and giving us what we want"...BS they already knew the issues people had with the game in beta, they just chose to ignore those testers and keep listening to the bum kissing ones instead.

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I've seen this arguement made a lot and it just isn't true. The only way for SWTOR to possibly catch up with WoW in terms of content and polish would be to triple or quadruple their programming staff.


how can people think that an MMO that has been worked on for 7 years straight should be the same as a MMO fresh out of the box.


This isn't a question of 'releasing too early' or 'technology has evolved since then' If you are looking at any new MMO and compare it to WoW in terms of polish and content you are going to be disappointed every single time!


Well said but hey WoW doesnt have much longer to go I dont think cause they are coming out with races like Pandas-------Pathetic

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To the contrary, people who actually know something about this industry do exactly that. They look at a new game and say, Well this one just launched. It isn't this other game but what kind of potential does this new one have?


Exactly, you're just proving my point. The vast majority does NOT do this.

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I've seen this arguement made a lot and it just isn't true. The only way for SWTOR to possibly catch up with WoW in terms of content and polish would be to triple or quadruple their programming staff.


how can people think that an MMO that has been worked on for 7 years straight should be the same as a MMO fresh out of the box.


This isn't a question of 'releasing too early' or 'technology has evolved since then' If you are looking at any new MMO and compare it to WoW in terms of polish and content you are going to be disappointed every single time!


Exactly. This is exactly what I'm saying.


People will continue to compare new MMOs to WoW, it's a vicious cycle.

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completely agree with OP.

if anyone remembers first LIVE day of wow..it wasnt pretty. servers crashing. that first week was terrible and they gave out free game time cuz of it. patience and things will get better!


Yes it was released in 2004 not 2011 practically 2012 to compare it is ignorant at best.


So what your saying is players of SWTOR should get free playtime?

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I kind of agree with what you're saying.


They ARE trying to fix the game, and they ARE trying to add content.


But you don't compare vanilla WoW to current SWTOR. You compare current WoW to current SWTOR.




And that's exactly why I'm staying with SW:TOR. The current WoW sucks. It maybe good for children and young, impatient people. However, it's no good for me. I like this game, and will stick with it. WoW can have it's crappy audience back.

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I do realize the game just came out, but do you realize that in general beta most of these things BW is all of a sudden paying attention to like the UI customizations, were brought up in general beta by testers that knew these things would be wanted by the masses at release. We got no response from the devs. Now magically they are pretending "they are listening to the customer and giving us what we want"...BS they already knew the issues people had with the game in beta, they just chose to ignore those testers and keep listening to the bum kissing ones instead.


And do you realize how much it takes to program these games. They don't want to just release that...They want to release a bunch of stuff all at the same time.


So Patience My Young Apprentice. The time for you to achieve Power and Domination will Come!

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Ok lets compare a new mmo like Rift to tor.


1. Rift had macros


2. Rift had guild love (man the guild missions and guild skill trees were pretty cool imo)


3. Rift had lfg tool at launch (may be misremembering this one so someone let me know)


4. Rift had pvp brackets AND you could queue for the one you wanted (God I loathe you huttball)



Sorry but this game is missing alot of standard features that it shouldnt be. Also the fact that Legacy was marketed as a key selling point pre launch and isnt included at launch just ticks me off to no end. Yes I decided to sub for another month, maybe even two but unless they wow me, no pun intended, I will be moving on. On a side note I am impressed that they are implementing UI customization so quickly I just hope it comes sooner then the march patch

Edited by AaronPenick
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I kind of agree with what you're saying.


They ARE trying to fix the game, and they ARE trying to add content.


But you don't compare vanilla WoW to current SWTOR. You compare current WoW to current SWTOR.


Context matters. If you want to talk about comparing SWTOR's market competetiveness to WOW's, then it's really only relevant to talk about them both as they are now. If you want to constantly complain about an MMO's bugs and issues during the first month after it launches, then it really only makes sense to compare SWTOR now to vanilla WOW. You can yammer all you want that new MMO's should have magically been able to launch without any issues whatsoever and somehow have learned from all of WOW's early (and some horrifying) mistakes, but that just isn't even remotely realistic.

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I kind of agree with what you're saying.


They ARE trying to fix the game, and they ARE trying to add content.


But you don't compare vanilla WoW to current SWTOR. You compare current WoW to current SWTOR.





different people, different levels of experience, etc.


if you expect a bunch of, well, 'noobs' to be able to make a perfect game out of the gate; you are a moron.


make sure you report me for hurting your feelings, too.

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Why do people keep bringing up pandas? The next WoW expansion is right around the corner. People bring up pandas like they are the end of WoW. Not sure how to break it to the fanbois gently, so I'm just going to come out and say it. Mist of Pandas will sell more copies in North America during the first week than total copies of TOR sold from day 1 through the MoP release. It is almost like there is something like substance or enjoyable gameplay behind the Blizzard release that continues to retain subscriptions....


As for sticking around while BW works to fix the game. How about you shoot me a PM and we'll work out how you can pay the $15 subscription fee for me. Back in 2005--there were very few options for MMOs. Sure WOW had its problems--but it had the least problems of all the current options at the time. TOR does not enjoy the same luxury in 2012. The notion we need to give BW more time to finish the game is a joke. Rift was developed in a shorter time frame with a far smaller budget--yet Rift was able to include many of the modern accepted norms in MMOs--why is that? TOR feels like the development team spent 4 years collecting salary and one year of hard work...

Edited by Zhit
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Hearing about Legacy system and how it'll give skills you normally wouldn't have...I got chills going up and down my spine. God I hope they don't do something profoundly idiotic like let characters borrow abilities from each other.


Yeah its going to get interesting lol

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Ok lets compare a new mmo like Rift to tor.


1. Rift had macros


2. Rift had guild love (man the guild missions and guild skill trees were pretty cool imo)


3. Rift had lfg tool at launch (may be misremembering this one so someone let me know)


4. Rift had pvp brackets AND you could queue for the one you wanted (God I loathe you huttball)



Sorry but this game is missing alot of standard features that it shouldnt be. Also the fact that Legacy was marketed as a key selling point pre launch and isnt included at launch just ticks me off to no end. Yes I decided to sub for another month, maybe even two but unless they wow me, no pun intended, I will be moving on. On a side note I am impressed that they are implementing UI customization so quickly I just hope it comes sooner then the march patch


Let's not forget, Rift also had a functioning dye system so you didn't have to look just like everyone else, and BW is not responding to the UI customization quickly, they've been told for months and months and months in general beta how we all wanted to be able to customize the UI.

Edited by Tiam
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Ok lets compare a new mmo like Rift to tor.


1. Rift had macros


2. Rift had guild love (man the guild missions and guild skill trees were pretty cool imo)


3. Rift had lfg tool at launch (may be misremembering this one so someone let me know)


4. Rift had pvp brackets AND you could queue for the one you wanted (God I loathe you huttball)



Sorry but this game is missing alot of standard features that it shouldnt be. Also the fact that Legacy was marketed as a key selling point pre launch and isnt included at launch just ticks me off to no end. Yes I decided to sub for another month, maybe even two but unless they wow me, no pun intended, I will be moving on. On a side note I am impressed that they are implementing UI customization so quickly I just hope it comes sooner then the march patch


Agreed, too bad the average SWTOR player cannot see or understand missing features are not bugs but a result of no or little planning.


Game has been slapchopped together.

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Why do people keep bringing up pandas? The next WoW expansion is right around the corner. People bring up pandas like they are the end of WoW. Not sure how to break it to the fanbois gently, so I'm just going to come out and say it. Mist of Pandas will sell more copies in North America during the first week than total copies of TOR sold from day 1 through the MoP release. It is almost like there is something like substance or enjoyable gameplay behind the Blizzard release that continues to retain subscriptions....


The go be a Panda Hunter Ill sit here and Run around as A Sith with my Lightsaber.

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I'll give it 1 more month but as of right now the 50 cap pvp is killing low population servers try 2 to 3 wz matches a day and thats being generous.Low population server sorta had the ilum incident happen but on a smaller scale so the republic was able to sneak out.



If you want pvp gear on a low population server at a decent pace after 1.1 patch its not going to happen.For people who just want to pvp the rotation goes ilum daily then log out for the day unless your helping friends lvl up, i find it funny on low pop servers if you start pvp early lvls 10-49 you will end up with more valor then our current 50s that cant do warzones.

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Okay I know Im probably gonna get hated on for posting this thread but whatever. Im seeing alot of people sit here and talking about quitting the game or Im bored as hell or this is whats wrong with the game blah blah blah...listen you all have to realize that this game has JUST started. This isnt like WoW where it has take 5+ years to build itself up. There are going to be bugs there is going to be missing content. Patience.


They just now released a video today talking about upcoming content. New Warzones, New Flashpoints and Ops, UI CUSTOMIZATION (Been seeing alot of people wanting that) and Finally! Legacy features. So just have patience people, its gonna take time for this game and devs to build this game. If you have suggestions post them in the forums not you making a thread talking about how the game is boring and how you hate it doesnt have this feature because you arent helping the game at all by doing that. You wanna see a change or improvement then make a good logical post in the suggestions forum.


Yes, This MMO is a lot different that alot of those other ones out there. Why? Because this isnt the type of MMO that you just rush through and try to get to 50 within a week that way you can get the 50 gear. The devs made the game to where you take your time with each character. The game is still FAR from perfection. Problem is is that you got ALOT of people coming from WoW over to this MMO and they are so used to WoW that this is something completely 100% different than what they are used to. If they made this game exactly like WoW than what would be the point in buying it. WoW has been the dominator in the MMO industry for years and nobody has been able to even touch it. But SWTOR is doin a very good job on making some competition for them. But all thats irrelevant. All Im saying is be patient and the features you love and miss will come.


May the force be with you!


It all starts with some bad PR moves in the early stages of development, particularly they should not have announced their budget. When I hear 100 mil I imagine my bathroom's volume filled with banknotes, but when I look at this game I don't see 100 millions worth. I believe a lot of people don't. One would imagine if 100 mil was invested in anything commercial in the entertainment field it should be close to flawless - personally, I don't see that. A whole list of bugs can be made starting from "my lightsabers are turned on when I ride my speeder" to "my game crashes when I'm on a taxi" and abilities not firing off. Everyone with some MMO history will know that there will always be bugs, but the wide variety and their severity is troublesome, given the amount of money invested.


While I agree that there isn't a case where there are no bugs upon release, I have to point out that in the materialistic and commercial society we live in strives for improvement. Having said that, the amount of bugs and flaws in the game would be considered normal at about the time WoW was released - some 8 years ago. By today's standards, at least in my opinion, the game is way too buggy and has some unacceptable conceptional flaws (this is my opinion). I dare say Blizzard, for example, would have made a lot more with this kind of money

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Okay I know Im probably gonna get hated on for posting this thread but whatever. Im seeing alot of people sit here and talking about quitting the game or Im bored as hell or this is whats wrong with the game blah blah blah...listen you all have to realize that this game has JUST started. This isnt like WoW where it has take 5+ years to build itself up. There are going to be bugs there is going to be missing content. Patience.


They just now released a video today talking about upcoming content. New Warzones, New Flashpoints and Ops, UI CUSTOMIZATION (Been seeing alot of people wanting that) and Finally! Legacy features. So just have patience people, its gonna take time for this game and devs to build this game. If you have suggestions post them in the forums not you making a thread talking about how the game is boring and how you hate it doesnt have this feature because you arent helping the game at all by doing that. You wanna see a change or improvement then make a good logical post in the suggestions forum.


Yes, This MMO is a lot different that alot of those other ones out there. Why? Because this isnt the type of MMO that you just rush through and try to get to 50 within a week that way you can get the 50 gear. The devs made the game to where you take your time with each character. The game is still FAR from perfection. Problem is is that you got ALOT of people coming from WoW over to this MMO and they are so used to WoW that this is something completely 100% different than what they are used to. If they made this game exactly like WoW than what would be the point in buying it. WoW has been the dominator in the MMO industry for years and nobody has been able to even touch it. But SWTOR is doin a very good job on making some competition for them. But all thats irrelevant. All Im saying is be patient and the features you love and miss will come.


May the force be with you!


I plan on checking back in a few months to see the state of the game and what BW has improved since. I can't afford to pay for a game I have performance issues in, and hopefully by the time I check back on it, BW will have finally addressed it (and other concerns I sent them, but that's neither here nor there). I appreciate your positivity and civility, however. More of that is needed in this cesspool called the TOR forums...before it drives new players and disgruntled ones away permanently.

Edited by VorpalCheese
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Why do people keep bringing up pandas? The next WoW expansion is right around the corner. People bring up pandas like they are the end of WoW. Not sure how to break it to the fanbois gently, so I'm just going to come out and say it. Mist of Pandas will sell more copies in North America during the first week than total copies of TOR sold from day 1 through the MoP release. It is almost like there is something like substance or enjoyable gameplay behind the Blizzard release that continues to retain subscriptions....


I dunno man. I have to admit I had completely had it with WoW by the time we were trying Black Temple and quit shortly thereafter because the grinding and mindless farming needed to keep playing was too much, so I might be a little biased....but when I saw them coming out with the panda crap, the first thought that went through my head was Fonzie waterski jumping over a shark, immediately followed by "boy am I glad I walked away from that mess."

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Ok lets compare a new mmo like Rift to tor.


1. Rift had macros


2. Rift had guild love (man the guild missions and guild skill trees were pretty cool imo)


3. Rift had lfg tool at launch (may be misremembering this one so someone let me know)


4. Rift had pvp brackets AND you could queue for the one you wanted (God I loathe you huttball)



Sorry but this game is missing alot of standard features that it shouldnt be. Also the fact that Legacy was marketed as a key selling point pre launch and isnt included at launch just ticks me off to no end. Yes I decided to sub for another month, maybe even two but unless they wow me, no pun intended, I will be moving on. On a side note I am impressed that they are implementing UI customization so quickly I just hope it comes sooner then the march patch


They didn't have LFG at launch. They added server only a month or so later and then added cross server (I think) a month or so after that. but yeah, Rift is a great game and blows WoW out of the water. That's why it took 600k-1m of their subs. But honestly, I think macros actually hurt Rift more than it helped.

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Ok lets compare a new mmo like Rift to tor.


1. Rift had macros


2. Rift had guild love (man the guild missions and guild skill trees were pretty cool imo)


3. Rift had lfg tool at launch (may be misremembering this one so someone let me know)


4. Rift had pvp brackets AND you could queue for the one you wanted (God I loathe you huttball)



Sorry but this game is missing alot of standard features that it shouldnt be. Also the fact that Legacy was marketed as a key selling point pre launch and isnt included at launch just ticks me off to no end. Yes I decided to sub for another month, maybe even two but unless they wow me, no pun intended, I will be moving on. On a side note I am impressed that they are implementing UI customization so quickly I just hope it comes sooner then the march patch


Yeah, I mean the content is really good that ToR has right now for being 5 weeks old. But try getting to the content and it feels like WoW pre LFG. I dont even mean the current LFD tool, I mean the old LK one where you could at least say "I'm a DPS or TANK and I want this dungeon or this raid" or stick your raid group in there with a note stating what you need.


  • Also, seriously in 2012 I have to remap keys for each toon?
  • And the AH is a giant steaming POS? Do a search for cloth to Synthweave where it should be under Underworld Trading. Nothing comes back? OH RIGHT CAUSE IT STILL THINKS WE ARE IN BETA AND ITS UNDER DIPLOMACY?!@#?!@#?@!?#!@
  • In fact, filter by "usable by me" and zip comes back.
  • Why is there no global LFG channel if there is no LFG tool?
  • Why is Bar 1 ABOVE Bar 2? Who does that? Even COH 10 years ago didnt do that.


I like what this game could be. In fact I found a message to a friend like 9 months ago saying this is a great single player RPG, but its a fail MMO. My thoughts havent changed since Release hit.


So I will sub for another 30-60 days while I do another story or two, then probably quit. Maybe I will be back, maybe I wont.


I want to be, I really do.

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Okay I know Im probably gonna get hated on for posting this thread but whatever. Im seeing alot of people sit here and talking about quitting the game or Im bored as hell or this is whats wrong with the game blah blah blah...listen you all have to realize that this game has JUST started. This isnt like WoW where it has take 5+ years to build itself up. There are going to be bugs there is going to be missing content. Patience.


They just now released a video today talking about upcoming content. New Warzones, New Flashpoints and Ops, UI CUSTOMIZATION (Been seeing alot of people wanting that) and Finally! Legacy features. So just have patience people, its gonna take time for this game and devs to build this game. If you have suggestions post them in the forums not you making a thread talking about how the game is boring and how you hate it doesnt have this feature because you arent helping the game at all by doing that. You wanna see a change or improvement then make a good logical post in the suggestions forum.


Yes, This MMO is a lot different that alot of those other ones out there. Why? Because this isnt the type of MMO that you just rush through and try to get to 50 within a week that way you can get the 50 gear. The devs made the game to where you take your time with each character. The game is still FAR from perfection. Problem is is that you got ALOT of people coming from WoW over to this MMO and they are so used to WoW that this is something completely 100% different than what they are used to. If they made this game exactly like WoW than what would be the point in buying it. WoW has been the dominator in the MMO industry for years and nobody has been able to even touch it. But SWTOR is doin a very good job on making some competition for them. But all thats irrelevant. All Im saying is be patient and the features you love and miss will come.


May the force be with you!

What are you kidding me. Sapose to take your time is what Devs. designed? Then why in the hell is people already in full battle master gear to pvp? I watch people gear up whole suit of champion in 2 weeks while some of us get crap, nothing for ever champ crap pvp bag we open. **** and move on with your crap

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