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The Next Warhammer Online Failure


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After the events of llum yesterday i can't but notice this game is following in the same pattern as Warhammer Online did.


Warhammer online ruined PVP with the Renown system that highly rewarded the hardcore pvpers who farmed.


Swtor is doing the same thing in terms of pvp gear and now after what happened yesterday any player going from lvl 49 to 50 will be severly gimped in WZ games and instagibbed once they step a foot inside a WZ.


The bracket system is now offically broken, players who are serious about pvp will no longer try to hit 50 and pvp they will "HAVE TO PVP" from lvl 10-49 in order to be viable in lvl 50 WZ's.


Sounds just like Warhammer online does it not?


In warhammer online, players were limited to hit lvl 40 in fear that once they hit tier 4(lvl 40 pvp) they would be gimped because higher renown(valor) players would simply **** them when it came down to pvp. Higher renown = better gear = Dead(insert class to faceroll here)


What did this mean to anyone who was serious about pvp? Simple, they had to grind renown ranks in tier 3 for ages, I myself was one of those people who spent countless hours farming renown ranks so I was viable in lvl 40 (tier 4 pvp)


Grinding renown(valor) is not fun for the simple fact that if you do not farm it, you will be worthless for months to come in lvl 50 bracket.


Think about it, a new lvl 50 player who's valor is oh say around 20 will not be viable until they hit that magical number and be able to wear the better gear. They will simply not stand a chance.


The same thing is happening in this game, the same failure will come to this game without a new system implemented to fix pvp. A valor reroll would be a great thing but BW simply wont do it because that will just enrage those who exploited a game flaw implemented by BW. Those who farmed for a day straight to gained such a huge advantage on the new players coming into the game at this time. It's sad that BW is to stupid to realize that this will make or break the game in the weeks, months, maybe even years to come, but mark my words, this game will slowly die off, as it shows now will the constant flow of people unsubbin. Anyways I have 1 day left on my subscription so I'll just try and enjoy it.

Good luck to those that stay and those who do not.

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Farming pvp has never happened, besides these two games. People don't farm honor in wow or anything. That game has 11 million people handing out 16 bucks a month. People need to realize that this is a new game. I played on Archimonde on wow release and the server was down the first 3 or 4 days, couldn't play at all. Games have bugs, they get fixed. You can't judge an mmo for the first few months. If you don't want to play don't play. After they change a lot they will have a come back for a week thing and try to get your money.
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Farming pvp has never happened, besides these two games. People don't farm honor in wow or anything. That game has 11 million people handing out 16 bucks a month. People need to realize that this is a new game. I played on Archimonde on wow release and the server was down the first 3 or 4 days, couldn't play at all. Games have bugs, they get fixed. You can't judge an mmo for the first few months. If you don't want to play don't play. After they change a lot they will have a come back for a week thing and try to get your money.


That's a crock and you know it.

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Solution: PvP gear for open world PvP only. You get in a warzone, you are given a menu... heal, tank, or damage. You pick one and are auto equipped with gear until you exit the warzone. Successful PvP comes from an even playing field. Gear progression has no place in PvP.
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Solution: PvP gear for open world PvP only. You get in a warzone, you are given a menu... heal, tank, or damage. You pick one and are auto equipped with gear until you exit the warzone. Successful PvP comes from an even playing field. Gear progression has no place in PvP.


Yes. This is why MOBAs are made. Go play Bloodline Champions or Wrath of Heroes, you'll love it.

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Farming valor has almost no benefit other than to get rank 60 for the battlemaster's bags.


The only thing they need to do is an an elementary pvp set of gear easily accessible to fresh level 50's. Make them cost warzones commendations a la the level 20 and 40 sets and viola.


Has nothing to do with valor, more so the accessibility of gear. With the current system of place, obviously those who have been 50 will have an advantage via gear bags.

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Did anyone play RIFT? Wasn't a perfect game, but seemed to have a really good PVP set-up.


Even though this game is in its infancy and deserves more time to get things fixed, I'm SHOCKED at how bad the PVP experience has been.


As for the PVP/MMOs comment above, I'm perplexed. Why play an MMO if not for some element of PVP action? What's the point if you don't have that as a major focus?

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This is the reason why I don't like pvp gear it adds such huge gaps between players and it removes all elements of skill from pvp just watch when a new 50 hits pvp they are going to be curb stomped by those who champ and battlemaster. I know because I do it with my level 50 before brackets when fighting other 50's without pvp gear. This is the reason why I am trying to enjoy pvp from 1-49 on my new character because now I actually have FUN when playing pvp.
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Dont be mean, this games state of pvp is worse than Warhammer's ever was. Plus it lags like hell with way fewer players than WAR did.


Mike Wyatt at Mythic is kicking Gabe's butt.

Edited by Ratham
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Dont be mean, this games state of pvp is worse than Warhammer's ever was. Plus it lags like hell with way fewer players than WAR did.


Mike Wyatt at Mythic is kicking Gabe's butt.


I agree, Warhammer's pvp was better compared to this atrocity.

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Guys, you get to 50 in 2 weeks and max pvp gear in like 4 weeks. This isn't even an MMO to compare.


Enjoy it for the story-based online game it's intended to be, and then move on.


Not anymore, takes 10-30 mins on my server (2+ hours past 10 pm) for a game and its always low geared 50s vs entire 8 mans filled with all battlemaster geared players. End result is a 5 minute game for a whopping 23 commendations.


Yea, good luck if you did not PvP prior to this patch; a fresh 50 aint gonna have no chance against a dude who had the luxury to beat up lvl 10s for free gear.


Long ques, no rewards, and all the glory to people who took advantage of an easy system prior to this recent patch.


Awsome game design, BW. /not

Edited by fixit
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Warhammer online ruined PVP with the Renown system that highly rewarded the hardcore pvpers who farmed.


agree 100%


i've gone back to WAR more than to any other MMO, every time i play and have a lot of fun doing only pvp, but then i reach endgame and i hit the impenetrable brickwall that are high level players, with more experience than me, but most importantly high lvl PvP armor that i cannot touch them in. They dont need the advantage, they already have more experience.


From there i can only try to do the massive grind while being gimped, and i never succed, i quit or reroll another lowbie, and continue having fun.


I love PvP, but its only fun if its on somewhat equal terms.



SWTOR isnt there yet, not by a mile, but if the development just keeps adding more and more pvp levels and more and more pvp armor, eventually we will reach the stage when players who reach max level wont be able to do anything in high level pvp. Its a direction i hope we can avoid.

Edited by Tikume
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Umm.. thats how MMOs work. Deal with it.


Congrats. This is the dumbest post in the history of these forums.


It's like someone having the idea for an ipod and someone else saying "bro, they already have walkmen. that's how you listen to music. deal with it."


Honestly. Open your tiny brain up to new ideas.

Edited by JediMasterShake
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