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Everything posted by Virindi_UO

  1. Congratulations on having more insight and foresight than the idiot who is in charge of the pvp on a $100 million MMO. (The same idiot who ruined Warhammer Online)
  2. Good post. All Warhammer had to do was copy DAOC ~2001-2003. They couldn't and it failed. What does Bioware do? Put that same idiot in charge of pvp in their $100 million MMO.
  3. Third faction controlled by npcs to help the losing side.
  4. Never going to have balance in world pvp until a third faction (be it player controlled or NPC controlled) is introduced. Say hello to DAOC proving this 11 years ago.
  5. Virindi_UO

    Grats Bioware

    Never going to have balanace world pvp with only 2 factions, say hello to DAOC making this obvious eleven years ago.
  6. Firefall, DF2.0, D3, Shadowbane Emulator, TERA, Archeage, GW2, PS2, Tribes: Ascension, IPY 2.5(?), maybe MO if Starvault sells it to a competent company....
  7. They need to add a third faction, be it player base or NPC control. It's the only way world pvp is going to get any resemblence of balance. DAoC knew/proved this way back in 2001.
  8. Grow up. Every thing he wrote is completely valid.
  9. I thought I made it clear enough? This game is too awesome for the devs to be making such blatantly terrible design choices. It's not even 50s that need their own bracket, it is 50s in full expertise gear that need their own bracket.
  10. Flashpoints are pretty fun, I mean now that they fixed Darth Malgus after me and some friends wasted four hours trying to figure out a way to knock him off the bridge.
  11. Dude, I don't give a **** about that. I just want to be able to play my character, not have him sit in a queue while I post over and over on the forums.
  12. You too must be gifted with superior than Bioware foresight. Came to this game with a group of friends from UO. This patch split us in half. We're probably going to leave when our subs run dry. IRC log: "Hey Vir, I keep wanting to ask you to pvp but then I remember we can't. :("
  13. The worst, hands down, no comparison, ever had to be Trammel for UO. This patch is bad and game breaking for 1-2 months for most 50s who pvp to play. I feel your pain.
  14. You're right. I'll just pay $15.00/month for a game that I can't play and be patient.
  15. Hutt ball makes the faction irrelevant for warfront queues. You're just on an awesome server for off hour queues it sounds like.
  16. This is not ideal. Not even remotely. Not ever.
  17. I'm sorry I don't live a privileged life like you to play at peak hours. Please forgive me.
  18. One of three things: 1. Get rid of 50 bracket. 2. Get rid of 50 bracket during off hours. 3. Get cross-server pvp. Oh hey look, I know more about this aspect of game design than six figure salary devs at Bioware.
  19. Or Bioware can put some thought into their design choices.
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