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Getting a Refund is a pain in the #$%


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I don't know what to say.... I mean, wow, this one just takes the cake. I feel like there are so many things I want to say, but yet I fear the infraction points I would recieve if I told the OP exactly where his head is, and an estimate of how far up it is.
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Look the game itself is fun, and I was really starting to enjoy the story. I will totally agree with that. I truly wanted to enjoy it. However,.....


Framerate issues

Ability Delay

Other General Performance issues

Worst patching system on the planet

God awful customer service

Hero Engine is Fail




...... completely killed it for me. So, yes I want my money back. The game does not work and doesn't work for a LOT of people. Any of you who don't believe me please go take even a short look at the customer service forums. The game needed another solid 4-6 months of work to fix.


If I had been able to get even 30-40 hours of enjoyable game out of it then I wouldn't be asking for my money back. But 10 hours of mostly trouble shooting BW's broken game is not my idea of $60 well spent. To top it off I am told by customer service I can have my money back twice and then told to go to Origin.


I will figure it out and get my money back or I just won't buy EA anymore, simple as that.


Lastly, I truly feel sorry for you fan boys. I understand game loyalty and approve it to a degree. However, you guys are so dead set on defending this game's massive flaws you don't even realize you should be demanding better. We all deserve better. Just imagine how much better your experience would be if the thousands of people who are about to quit didn't and were also fully supporting this game. That would mean a whole lot more subscribers, which means more money for BW, which in turn means more and better content for everyone.


Instead of flaming the thousands of people demanding the game get fixed why don't you guys try and support them for once? Otherwise enjoy the gaming ghost town you are about to experience.


I don't think we're defending any massive flaws when there really isn't any. Yes, there is bugs and they are annoying as hell, but only for a few moments and then I'm passed them. I have a number of friends and some family playing and damn near all the problems you and everyone else claim to have just don't exist.

Edited by rainbowsix
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Framerate issues

Ability Delay

Other General Performance issues

Worst patching system on the planet

God awful customer service

Hero Engine is Fail





That is just a few short of "hundreds" of game breaking issues.

By my count I see only three game issues , and really all three fall under one, performance issues.

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I don't think we're defending any massive flaws when there really isn't any. Yes, there is bugs and they are annoying as hell, but only for a few moments and then I'm passed them. I have a number of friends and some family playing and damn near all the problems you and everyone else claim to have just don't exist.


LOL ok ok I have apparently must have thrown out the fan boy bait. I mean jeez do any of you ever even READ the customer service forum?


6 months to a year from now when the game still hasn't been fixed and is free to play guess you guys will wish they had fixed them then. ENJOY.


Oh yeah feel free to say anything you want. I don't care. I won't be checking this again. :)

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now i don't consider myself so much of a fanboy, but...



Framerate issues


Been smooth as butter and my 60+ member guild has never experienced any


Ability Delay




Other General Performance issues


My performance has been perfect, and my computer isn't exactly top of the line.


Worst patching system on the planet


What a bold statement considering nearly every single video game ever uses the exact same system. Never had a problem with it.


God awful customer service


Never needed to contact them so can't say.


Hero Engine is Fail


Never had a problem with it. In MMO's engines and graphics don't really bother me.



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I don't think we're defending any massive flaws when there really isn't any. Yes, there is bugs and they are annoying as hell, but only for a few moments and then I'm passed them. I have a number of friends and some family playing and damn near all the problems you and everyone else claim to have just don't exist.


See, that is EXACTLY what he is talking about. Its Ironic really: in an effort to counter his point, you instead proved it.


Just because you don't experience a problem does not mean it doesn't exist. That is the kind of short-sighted thinking I'd expect out of kids or young teens.


Ability delays was the problem I was saddled with. It was massive enough to make me quit a game I loved.


But if you cannot take a hint from a 6x reposted (by mods) thread, if you cannot take a hint from the official reply on the subject... well you just can't take a hint can you?


The problem is real. Get over yourself, just because you are lucky enough to not have it does not mean we lie. That is like saying you don't believe in cancer because no one in your family ever died from it....

Edited by Yvin
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Framerate issues

Ability Delay

Other General Performance issues

Worst patching system on the planet

God awful customer service

Hero Engine is Fail




Framerate Issues: I never see below 60fps with everything maxed.

Ability Delay: At times annoying, but is being investigated and does not make the game unplayable.

Other General Performance issues: Could you vague that up some?

Worst patching system on the planet: In what way? I haven't had any issues with patching since around June in beta. Prior to that it was somewhat annoying.

God awful customer service: Again in what way? Asking for a refund for software you've had for a month is likely to be frustrating and fruitless.

Hero Engine is Fail: vague

Etc: non-issue

Etc: non-issue

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Look the game itself is fun, and I was really starting to enjoy the story. I will totally agree with that. I truly wanted to enjoy it. However,.....


Framerate issues

Ability Delay

Other General Performance issues

Worst patching system on the planet

God awful customer service

Hero Engine is Fail




...... completely killed it for me. So, yes I want my money back. The game does not work and doesn't work for a LOT of people. Any of you who don't believe me please go take even a short look at the customer service forums. The game needed another solid 4-6 months of work to fix.


If I had been able to get even 30-40 hours of enjoyable game out of it then I wouldn't be asking for my money back. But 10 hours of mostly trouble shooting BW's broken game is not my idea of $60 well spent. To top it off I am told by customer service I can have my money back twice and then told to go to Origin.


I will figure it out and get my money back or I just won't buy EA anymore, simple as that.


Lastly, I truly feel sorry for you fan boys. I understand game loyalty and approve it to a degree. However, you guys are so dead set on defending this game's massive flaws you don't even realize you should be demanding better. We all deserve better. Just imagine how much better your experience would be if the thousands of people who are about to quit didn't and were also fully supporting this game. That would mean a whole lot more subscribers, which means more money for BW, which in turn means more and better content for everyone.


Instead of flaming the thousands of people demanding the game get fixed why don't you guys try and support them for once? Otherwise enjoy the gaming ghost town you are about to experience.



"Gamebreaking" I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Edited by SlickDevlan
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Look the game itself is fun, and I was really starting to enjoy the story. I will totally agree with that. I truly wanted to enjoy it. However,.....


Framerate issues

Ability Delay

Other General Performance issues

Worst patching system on the planet

God awful customer service

Hero Engine is Fail




...... completely killed it for me. So, yes I want my money back. The game does not work and doesn't work for a LOT of people. Any of you who don't believe me please go take even a short look at the customer service forums. The game needed another solid 4-6 months of work to fix.


If I had been able to get even 30-40 hours of enjoyable game out of it then I wouldn't be asking for my money back. But 10 hours of mostly trouble shooting BW's broken game is not my idea of $60 well spent. To top it off I am told by customer service I can have my money back twice and then told to go to Origin.


I will figure it out and get my money back or I just won't buy EA anymore, simple as that.


Lastly, I truly feel sorry for you fan boys. I understand game loyalty and approve it to a degree. However, you guys are so dead set on defending this game's massive flaws you don't even realize you should be demanding better. We all deserve better. Just imagine how much better your experience would be if the thousands of people who are about to quit didn't and were also fully supporting this game. That would mean a whole lot more subscribers, which means more money for BW, which in turn means more and better content for everyone.


Instead of flaming the thousands of people demanding the game get fixed why don't you guys try and support them for once? Otherwise enjoy the gaming ghost town you are about to experience.


None of these are Biowares problem, except the ability delay but that will be patched and is not gamebreaking as it isnt a constant.


Framerate is you, get a better machine, I dont have any FPS issues.


Customer service is awful because you are attemting the impossible, you cannot get a refund for opened software anywhere on the planet.


Patcher is a patcher, it does what it does, how can this even be a complaint.


Hero engine is fail? How? list something, anything, 10 hours will not give you an experienced enough feel for that at all.


You havent listed anything but one, and that one will be fixed.

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Framerate Issues: I never see below 60fps with everything maxed.

Have you been standing in one spot? Because there are literally dozens of documented problematic zones in SWTOR, most notably the warzones!

Ability Delay: At times annoying, but is being investigated and does not make the game unplayable.
Playing with a constant 1k ping is unplayable to anyone who is competitive. When the game tells you you have 50 ms, but takes 0.8 seconds before registering your key presses... well if you don't think a lot of us quit because of it, you are blinding yourself.

Other General Performance issues: Could you vague that up some?
Texture problems anyone? Heat issues? Sporadric CPU usage? Model copy protection? The biodrone is strong in this one...

Worst patching system on the planet: In what way? I haven't had any issues with patching since around June in beta. Prior to that it was somewhat annoying.
I'll agree its somewhat of a silly complain, but they did have a lot of issues with graphical preference ingame not matching the patched .ini. Supposedly fixed now... if you have reinstalled the game from scratched since that patch.

God awful customer service: Again in what way? Asking for a refund for software you've had for a month is likely to be frustrating and fruitless.

Actually they do have a terrible customer service. If you have ever called them, you would know. Then again, most american companies have terrible CS. Its a cultural thing.

Hero Engine is Fail: vague
If you think this is vague, its only because you are uninformed. Explaining this one would require multiple walls of text.
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I know It's not right to get your money back at this point, but if you know how to go about it you can probably get it done. I did this with Mortal Online, but that game was crap at release and barely worked. First thing is you need to contact them and tell them you want your money back, and after they refuse you need to go about writing a letter to them. You need to include all info about when you bought the game, the receit, why you deserve a refund(unfinished product) and so on and tell them you are sending a copy of this letter to the Better Business Bureau and your lawyer. Then contact your credit card company and tell them this and this should get the job done, if not contact the Better Business Bureau and talk to them. Edited by raeyk
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God I am getting so irritated with these crappy customer service people. Beyond not being able to read or speak English they don't even read the previous tickets before giving you dumb information. I am fighting to get my money back for the broken game. First email says for me to email swtor.com from my accounts email address to get my money back. HELLO??? swtor.com is not an email address. After many more emails the most recent says no to a refund and I will have to get it from Origin.


Welcome to the lack of national loyalty that corporations have.

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Look the game itself is fun, and I was really starting to enjoy the story. I will totally agree with that. I truly wanted to enjoy it. However,.....


Framerate issues

Ability Delay

Other General Performance issues

Worst patching system on the planet

God awful customer service

Hero Engine is Fail




...... completely killed it for me. So, yes I want my money back. The game does not work and doesn't work for a LOT of people. Any of you who don't believe me please go take even a short look at the customer service forums. The game needed another solid 4-6 months of work to fix.


If I had been able to get even 30-40 hours of enjoyable game out of it then I wouldn't be asking for my money back. But 10 hours of mostly trouble shooting BW's broken game is not my idea of $60 well spent. To top it off I am told by customer service I can have my money back twice and then told to go to Origin.


I will figure it out and get my money back or I just won't buy EA anymore, simple as that.


Lastly, I truly feel sorry for you fan boys. I understand game loyalty and approve it to a degree. However, you guys are so dead set on defending this game's massive flaws you don't even realize you should be demanding better. We all deserve better. Just imagine how much better your experience would be if the thousands of people who are about to quit didn't and were also fully supporting this game. That would mean a whole lot more subscribers, which means more money for BW, which in turn means more and better content for everyone.


Instead of flaming the thousands of people demanding the game get fixed why don't you guys try and support them for once? Otherwise enjoy the gaming ghost town you are about to experience.


but I did not experience any of your problems expect "ability delay" and i will still able to get my main to 40 and alt to 15 , looking at responses a majority of other players did not experience this "game breaking bugs" , most of what you listed is your "opinion" so why would you be entitled to a refund , confused?

Edited by Selaik
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Have you been standing in one spot? Because there are literally dozens of documented problematic zones in SWTOR, most notably the warzones!

Playing with a constant 1k ping is unplayable to anyone who is competitive. When the game tells you you have 50 ms, but takes 0.8 seconds before registering your key presses... well if you don't think a lot of us quit because of it, you are blinding yourself.

Texture problems anyone? Heat issues? Sporadric CPU usage? Model copy protection? The biodrone is strong in this one...

I'll agree its somewhat of a silly complain, but they did have a lot of issues with graphical preference ingame not matching the patched .ini. Supposedly fixed now... if you have reinstalled the game from scratched since that patch.


Actually they do have a terrible customer service. If you have ever called them, you would know. Then again, most american companies have terrible CS. Its a cultural thing.

If you think this is vague, its only because you are uninformed. Explaining this one would require multiple walls of text.



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You're not going to get your money back and it was stupid of you to even try.


The game is far from broken.


Stop being a child.


As a person who played swg from launch, I can say I feel right at home.


This game is the buggiest launch since SWG.


The only thing to rival it is AOC, as a close second.


People saying "mmo's are never finished" are correct, they aren't ever finished.


That being said, you can only make so many excuses for so many things.


Here is a short list of things that really irritated me and should never have made it to launch.


-Terrible graphical options

-Jedi Knight romance with Kira Carsen(my story driven game had no romantic interest)

-Galactic trade network(multiple issues)

-Ilum(terrible design)

-every operation, on every difficulty(more bugs than I can count)

-Directive 7(anyone try bringing a smuggler into this pre 1.1?)

-Athiss(broken doors)

-Terrain bugged(such as boxes)

-Standing on the ball spawn in huttball

-No factional server caps(could have easily been fixed with a 3rd faction, that easily could have contained bh and smug)

-Guild chat broken for weeks


This list is about 1% of known issues that could, and should have been resolved before launch.


It felt like they took half of the money set aside for the "most expensive" game to develop ever and spent it on booze and nachos or something.


This product wasn't even remotely ready for launch, and neither was Bioware.


Even fanboys like myself have limits on how much garbage you can spoonfeed us.


With the current ilum debacle, I can see those who dont have the love for Bioware and Star Wars being a whole heck of a lot less forgiving than I am.


This does not bode well for the future of the game.

Edited by TrakonBazzaak
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