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Hell has no fury like a gamer scorned


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What has Bioware gotten themselves into lmao. Bioware has created one of the most expensive games of all time, with perhaps the most expensive license attached, placed years into development, and yet still with hardly a month on the shelves people are whining. They insist on polluting forums with their personal resignations, as if they'll be missed by the community at large. They mourn their lost subscriptions and the cash they placed on the game, and threaten to return to their ex-lover, which would in this case be WoW.


I find this hilarious. If it was WoW repackaged, they'd be pissed, yet if it's not enough like it, they're going to place WoW on a golden pedestal and worship it. At least right up to the point when they're on trade chat in it going "Yeah, this has been going downhill since Burning Crusade. Can't wait for something better to come out."


What is the sense in that? WoW was awesome, but if I think it's passed it's prime, then it's passed it's prime. Anymore, it consists of quickly leveling through dumbed down vanilla, forcing my way past Burning Crusade, getting stuck for weeks in the not as of yet noticeably nerfed Lich King, before I can play in the current content of Cataclysm. And 90% of this is done through queues. You can go out questing in the world, but the only thing you'll get for it that you wouldn't get from an instance or pvp are crafting materials. So essentially, alot of your time is spent waiting on a timer to connect you to random people who may or may not know what's going on. People will complain of noobs, but the casual atmosphere right up to raiding level breeds nothing but noobs. Don't get me wrong, WoW was once an experience in itself, but now that there's serious competition rising, it seems WoW is settling for quantity rather than quality. Which isn't to say it's terrible, but its not the setting I care to be in anymore. If WoW is your game, thats fine, just don't rant in your game about how terrible the experience is.


What many people don't seem to understand is that the reason why WoW runs so smoothly isn't because of Blizzard's mastery of immaculate conception. It's because when the game came out flawed, it was still the best the market had to offer. And so by the laws of economics, Blizzard was swimming in cash, and wisely chose to reinvest in their franchise. They used that cash to work on content, server speeds, bugs, balancing, and hence increased their lead in the market. They raised the bar, and in so doing became a standard for the genre AND a near monopolized behemoth.


My point is, if you don't like the monster, stop feeding it. Newer games don't have 7 years of profits behind them, just the cash the publisher was willing to risk on the project. Things WILL get better on SWTOR, as long as economically it can stand. The more it makes, the more polished it becomes. When someone "settles" for WoW because it has things figured out already, they essentially eliminate the chances for another game to usurp it's throne, or at least compete.


SWTOR right now is in it's infancy, yet it's done so many things already that WoW wouldn't dare to do. Regular voice-acting besides "BLOOD AND THUNDER!!", good luck. Personal stories for each of your characters? Not a chance. Even something basic, like having enough room to make multiple expansions, is getting increasingly hard for WoW to do.

SWTOR is setup so that if they need to recycle a planet for an expansion, they can just do another region on the other side of the planet. SWTOR has exceeding potential, and it'll be a shame if it's thrown aside due to the impatience of people wanting a perfect experience immediately. Hell, you can't even get that from a console game anymore, with bug patches and DLC correcting most every flaw.


So basically just leave your opinions on SWTOR, WoW, any other game, and why people need to relax as far as jumping ship and ragequitting.

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I totally agree.

It saddens me to see people pull out when they're needed most right now, and settling with something that doesn't really need their business.


All the problems I have in this game seem fixable in the relatively near future and I wish others would look into the long term a little more. (Unless the ability lag is fundamentally part of the engine itself, in which case things don't bode well. But that's supposedly being fixed in the next couple patches...)


Of course, developers can't be too transparent in what they're working on, or they'll get eaten alive if even 1% of what they say or do doesn't happen.

Edited by Stenrik
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What has Bioware gotten themselves into lmao. Bioware has created one of the most expensive games of all time, with perhaps the most expensive license attached, placed years into development, and yet still with hardly a month on the shelves people are whining. They insist on polluting forums with their personal resignations, as if they'll be missed by the community at large. They mourn their lost subscriptions and the cash they placed on the game, and threaten to return to their ex-lover, which would in this case be WoW.


I find this hilarious. If it was WoW repackaged, they'd be pissed, yet if it's not enough like it, they're going to place WoW on a golden pedestal and worship it. At least right up to the point when they're on trade chat in it going "Yeah, this has been going downhill since Burning Crusade. Can't wait for something better to come out."


What is the sense in that? WoW was awesome, but if I think it's passed it's prime, then it's passed it's prime. Anymore, it consists of quickly leveling through dumbed down vanilla, forcing my way past Burning Crusade, getting stuck for weeks in the not as of yet noticeably nerfed Lich King, before I can play in the current content of Cataclysm. And 90% of this is done through queues. You can go out questing in the world, but the only thing you'll get for it that you wouldn't get from an instance or pvp are crafting materials. So essentially, alot of your time is spent waiting on a timer to connect you to random people who may or may not know what's going on. People will complain of noobs, but the casual atmosphere right up to raiding level breeds nothing but noobs. Don't get me wrong, WoW was once an experience in itself, but now that there's serious competition rising, it seems WoW is settling for quantity rather than quality. Which isn't to say it's terrible, but its not the setting I care to be in anymore. If WoW is your game, thats fine, just don't rant in your game about how terrible the experience is.


What many people don't seem to understand is that the reason why WoW runs so smoothly isn't because of Blizzard's mastery of immaculate conception. It's because when the game came out flawed, it was still the best the market had to offer. And so by the laws of economics, Blizzard was swimming in cash, and wisely chose to reinvest in their franchise. They used that cash to work on content, server speeds, bugs, balancing, and hence increased their lead in the market. They raised the bar, and in so doing became a standard for the genre AND a near monopolized behemoth.


My point is, if you don't like the monster, stop feeding it. Newer games don't have 7 years of profits behind them, just the cash the publisher was willing to risk on the project. Things WILL get better on SWTOR, as long as economically it can stand. The more it makes, the more polished it becomes. When someone "settles" for WoW because it has things figured out already, they essentially eliminate the chances for another game to usurp it's throne, or at least compete.


SWTOR right now is in it's infancy, yet it's done so many things already that WoW wouldn't dare to do. Regular voice-acting besides "BLOOD AND THUNDER!!", good luck. Personal stories for each of your characters? Not a chance. Even something basic, like having enough room to make multiple expansions, is getting increasingly hard for WoW to do.

SWTOR is setup so that if they need to recycle a planet for an expansion, they can just do another region on the other side of the planet. SWTOR has exceeding potential, and it'll be a shame if it's thrown aside due to the impatience of people wanting a perfect experience immediately. Hell, you can't even get that from a console game anymore, with bug patches and DLC correcting most every flaw.


So basically just leave your opinions on SWTOR, WoW, any other game, and why people need to relax as far as jumping ship and ragequitting.


I say piss on these so-called "gamers"



Half of them aren't the gamers they pretend to be, because if they were they would know what to expect from a just launched MMO.

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I fully support the OP in his thoughts here.

I feel like Ive found the MMO I'm going to play for the indefinite future.

Ive been here since beta and Im excited to see it grow and get better, which it already is.


Most of all, Im enjoying myself, every night when I log in I have fun.

These forums in general seem nuts compared to what I see in the game.

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This, sadly, happens with every new MMO. This more often than not happens with single player and multiplayer games as well. The battlelog for BF3 is just as full as bile as this forum.


I use these forums as a distraction at work and to laugh at these sad people (trolls, not those genuinly concerned with the state of the game that provide well written, thoughtful suggestions and not "I QUIT SKY IS FALLING WHAAAAAAAAAAA!"" threads).

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It's just a bunch of immature people that expect an MMO to become their gf/bf for life. When it's apparent that it isn't going to happen, some lose all perspective. I have said it many times.


It's just a video game. It's ok to not like it, and it's ok to like other games. If you are not having fun, by all means, feel free to stop playing.

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100% agreed


If OP's post was too long basically:

Stick around it will get better




I'll pay WHEN it gets better. But I'm not paying for a sub par product.


WHEN BW get their act together and produce something decent I'll happily sub up, until then, they can have as much time as they want, but no more money.

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The worst thing about all this is EA supports SOPA and PIPA. So a lot of the money made from this game is probably going to lobbyists to assist in pushing those unconstitutional bills.


Well said. Keep in mind Bioware was bought out by EA, and Bioware Austin is comprised of members of Mythic (Warhammer) and SOE. Say hello to NGE.

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100% agree. This has been one of the smoothest launches for a mmo I have played. For other's not so much, but I feel that is due to them probably not playing too many other mmo's at launch. Unless of course the issues are due to hardware problems, which are serious.
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100% agree. This has been one of the smoothest launches for a mmo I have played. For other's not so much, but I feel that is due to them probably not playing too many other mmo's at launch. Unless of course the issues are due to hardware problems, which are serious.


When Trion screwed up a small part of their first patch (world event), they gave everyone free items and consumables and PERSONALLY APOLOGIZED.


When EA/Bioware Austin screwed up yesterday, they're asking us to sub again so we can get a title.

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When Trion screwed up a small part of their first patch (world event), they gave everyone free items and consumables and PERSONALLY APOLOGIZED.


When EA/Bioware Austin screwed up yesterday, they're asking us to sub again so we can get a title.


DCU also gave a bunch of stuff for the problems people were having. So did STO, as a matter of fact, I think it's becoming a normal thing to do to smooth things out in the beginning. Hell, Final fantasy XIV was free for a year.

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I'll pay WHEN it gets better. But I'm not paying for a sub par product.


WHEN BW get their act together and produce something decent I'll happily sub up, until then, they can have as much time as they want, but no more money.




I really don't understand the "stick around it'll get better" argument.


Are you people really in the habit of giving your money away and getting nothing in return? I'm I really supposed to say "here Bioware, take my $15/month even though what you're giving me in return is unplayable?"


I'll check back in a few months, if improvements have been made I'll resub, dust of my lvl 50 Assassin and see if how it goes.


The only reason to keep playing now would be if it was F2P. Paying for the product as it currently exists is ludicrous. I'm not in the habit of giving charity to multi-billion dollar corporations because they screwed up their product.

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I really don't understand the "stick around it'll get better" argument.


Are you people really in the habit of giving your money away and getting nothing in return? I'm I really supposed to say "here Bioware, take my $15/month even though what you're giving me in return is unplayable?"


I'll check back in a few months, if improvements have been made I'll resub, dust of my lvl 50 Assassin and see if how it goes.


The only reason to keep playing now would be if it was F2P. Paying for the product as it currently exists is ludicrous. I'm not in the habit of giving charity to multi-billion dollar corporations because they screwed up their product.


Maybe I will change my tune when I get 50. But, as of right now, the game is not unplayable for me, hence why I am still playing/paying. The only problem I have had was the random loading screen from yesterday. Hoping the patch fixed that.

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I really don't understand the "stick around it'll get better" argument.


I don't understand it either. I also don't understand the constant reference to WoW. I haven't played WoW since 6 months after its release. I've unsubbed because PvP sucks among other reasons. There are plenty of other games to play and real life is a good time sink as well :)

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