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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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While your correct that MMO's are suppose to be Group Played Games your also missing the point that BioWare said that one of the cool features about this Game is that you can play the Game by yourself without being forced to do alot of Grouping to do the Major Fun Stuff or great Rewards. So if i understood the person correctly he was just hoping that they would add more stuff to do for People like himself that enjoy being able to play the Game without having to wait and gather a group together to do the things they wanna do.


Which is why i said Legacy. That's what i'm looking forward to as a single player. No idea what it'll give us in terms of character improvements and playstyle but it definitely doesn't need anyone else for it to add more enjoyment. I find that sa you stated the game does have single player elements in it (storylines) it's given me more than enough content to keep me happy for a long while just with that. I havn't even finished leveling my first character yet after over a mnoth. Only lvl 41.

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Im really enjoying the game, for the first time while playing a MMO I am looking forward to playing multiple characters. It was always daunting having to start over, but the class quest are so interesting that it will have me coming back for more. Have one almost 50 and one on its way to 20. The story is interesting, epic, and for a star wars fan a dream come true. I plan on playing for years to come.. Thanks for a great launch and keep it coming.
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those who put in the time get rewarded, all there is to it, if you can't play more then an hour at a time your still going to get what those that play 5 hours a day are going to get, and in the same amount of time just count it by actualy hours played, takes me 5 hours of raiding in one night to get a nice peice of gear, takes you 1 hour a night in 5 nights to get that same piece of gear, same amount of time spent. I don't see a problem here.


now on the other hand, the selectable voice idea, that I would love to see.


Playing 1-2 hours a day, you can spend it doing some dailies, or stuggle to get enough people together that want to raid, which may take anywhere from 15 mins to an hour +, waiting people to get online or finish what they are doing, maybe clear some trash, then have to log off, it simply cant be done.


Groups will not bring people on raids who say they only have an hour, so poeple in my position cant get the same gear those with a more relaxed lifestyle have access to.


I dont really understand why they want me to spend 5 hours like you said glued to a computer screen, surely its unhealthy, there has to be a better way.

Edited by Zerofourdelta
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video looks awesome, little slow but I paused the video for a minute and went back to it and it worked fine. I have a 4 year old laptop which really,really needs updating but video worked ok for me, can't see the video issues others are posting that they are having. for the first month of release and first ever MMO you have made I am very happy :-) keep up the good work.... I can't wait for the updates etc
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... You passed the SATs? How exactly do you pass the SATs? That's like saying you passed an IQ test.

I wonder if he could "talk" an IQ test..


I know there is an oral section to a lot of exams, but "talking the SATs" seems pretty extreme. And by looking at his posts... talking the SATs was probably a better choice.

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While your correct that MMO's are suppose to be Group Played Games your also missing the point that BioWare said that one of the cool features about this Game is that you can play the Game by yourself without being forced to do alot of Grouping to do the Major Fun Stuff or great Rewards. So if i understood the person correctly he was just hoping that they would add more stuff to do for People like himself that enjoy being able to play the Game without having to wait and gather a group together to do the things they wanna do.


Yes that is exactly what I am saying thank you. Don't tell me that I don't have to group because that is what Bioware said, and then everytime I look around group mission, group mission, group mission. I can just keeping playing Rift for that.

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This is kind of the last time i will look or post at these forums.


Bioware made a great game, sure it wasnt 100% perfect at launch like any other mmo that ever launched before. In over a month Bioware fixed serveral issues and is listening to there community. They are fixing stuff, implenting stuff WE want. I definitly call that listening.


Like in every game there are always things people keep failing over and complain about. Hell after playing wow for 5-6 years i got used to that. 1.000.000 + people to satisfy. Change a bit of this and x number will rant, change it again and another x number of people will go mad. You cant make a game that is perfect.


What i simply dislike is that some folks here just keep on ranting, complaning and never appriciate the fact Bioware is working to create a great game. It cant be done over 1 night or a week but i give them credits for atleast working on stuff.


I am happy the majority of this community ( based on my ingame experience , friends , family ) are enjoying it and appreciate what BW is doing and lookign forward to all the good stuff that is comming.


Thumbs up Bioware. Keep it up and dont let these haters get to ya!

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something i would like to see in the updates to come (if it is not here already) is a way to drop the UI when you take screen shots. if there is already a way to do it, please let me know haha, every screen shot i take has my menus and all the stuff up on it. i would like to get some nice uncluttered screen shots. hmmmm all in all thats really my main concern that i can think of right now. i have really been enjoying the game and the story(s) so far have been awesome. cant wait to try out some of the new stuff, even though i have not even come close to finishing the stuff now XD haha keep up the good work guys, hope to see even more success in the months to come


Collector's edition holocamera DLC. That's the only one I know of so far

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People are seriously complaining about the new stuff? Seriously? Damn, you guys really don't have anything else to do, but complain, day in and day out, hu?



User Interface changeable??? HELL YEAH! Been waiting for that since launch. Customizable size and all positioning can be adjusted to my personal needs? Thank you Bioware, that's like number one on my freaking list.


A new warzone? HELL YEAH! Getting a lil tired of the three we have so just in time with that! Can't wait to try it out!!!



Who can not like those changes? Especially all you 'pro' PvPers who always complain that Bioware doesn't do enough for you? Oh come on, seriously...get over yourselves. These changes are great! Stop nagging on everyone and everything you sorry ****s ROFL

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This is kind of the last time i will look or post at these forums.


Bioware made a great game, sure it wasnt 100% perfect at launch like any other mmo that ever launched before. In over a month Bioware fixed serveral issues and is listening to there community. They are fixing stuff, implenting stuff WE want. I definitly call that listening.


Like in every game there are always things people keep failing over and complain about. Hell after playing wow for 5-6 years i got used to that. 1.000.000 + people to satisfy. Change a bit of this and x number will rant, change it again and another x number of people will go mad. You cant make a game that is perfect.


What i simply dislike is that some folks here just keep on ranting, complaning and never appriciate the fact Bioware is working to create a great game. It cant be done over 1 night or a week but i give them credits for atleast working on stuff.


I am happy the majority of this community ( based on my ingame experience , friends , family ) are enjoying it and appreciate what BW is doing and lookign forward to all the good stuff that is comming.


Thumbs up Bioware. Keep it up and dont let these haters get to ya!


No, Don't leave! You're the people we need on these forums! NO, Don't leave us with all the haters! WAIT NOOOOOO!!!:(:(:(

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I am torn on the subject of Wookies as a playable race.


On the one hand, it is great to see more naked muscular men run around.

On the other hand, chest hair is only fun in small quantities. No need to take it to the extreme that makes you look like a giant ape ...

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See what you have to look forward to in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! This new video highlights just some of the new content and game systems coming out over the coming months, including a look at the expanded Legacy system, UI customization, and information on new Warzones and Flashpoints!


Watch Now


Stop adding new content! Just fix what you have! The Launch has been great but for the love of Lucas Fix the damned Bugs! :D


B4 I get flamed let me clarify. We are still getting kicked from game when we accept WZ ques. We still have FP Bosses that are glitching regularly, not to mention the Hard Mode Bosses that still Glitch. Many Mercs still have blasters shooting out of their arse, the GTN is still a bear to use, breaking stacks is still a pain. This game is riddled with many glitches that would be fine, if they were getting addressed. So.. while new content is AWESOME, please fix what is glitched! P.S. start fixing the Memory Leak issue! My PC and ISP don't change every day and yet my FPS still has not stabalized, even after 2 months time...

Edited by Dhagaz
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so BW admitting that PVP is a prime focus of the game means no correction of open world PVP on PVE servers no anti auto flagging from AOE's


a guild bank is all they do for guilds -


Bioware made a great updated KOTRO2 game here but with a minimal amount of Multiplayer



You have failed miserable on the social aspect


Guilds are only good for level 50's to raid with and even that is limited

you cant help lower levels as no mentor system

no guild halls no interaction other than chat or maybe if you have players same levels on same quests


I think my first paid month is my last - good luck with the game

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