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  1. im done with it to be honest, im voting with my feet and dropping subscription, I'll look at star wars the old warcraft in a years time, pvp is impossable as republic, plus many of us missed the battlemaster gear exploit (took two of my friends 1 week to get what will take me 6 months plus) but honestly if it continues to be wow... ill never come back.
  2. read the post then engage brain troll
  3. tried pvp a few times... never again, all the people who used the bag exploit before it was fixed are impossable to kill. Welcome to starwars the old warcraft.
  4. I enjoy soloing as im a working parent and need to be able to drop everything at half a seconds notice. I have very good gear from just kicking around by myself, though would love to get some raiding gear. Now the question is, That if you like, and have the time to group and raid, why dont you have superior gear to me? so much stuff is unobtainable for soloists. Dry your eyes sweetheart and toughen up, there is always going to be someone better then you.
  5. I've left other MMORPG's because they feel old, familiar and boring.... grind to max level, do dailies, raid, etc. For a game to be released and in a month feel old, familiar and boring.... well? No hate, no bitterness, but maybe playing it safe and adopting the statis quo instead of daring to to be great and breaking the mold was a mistake? Still looking for that dare to be great game.
  6. Playing 1-2 hours a day, you can spend it doing some dailies, or stuggle to get enough people together that want to raid, which may take anywhere from 15 mins to an hour +, waiting people to get online or finish what they are doing, maybe clear some trash, then have to log off, it simply cant be done. Groups will not bring people on raids who say they only have an hour, so poeple in my position cant get the same gear those with a more relaxed lifestyle have access to. I dont really understand why they want me to spend 5 hours like you said glued to a computer screen, surely its unhealthy, there has to be a better way.
  7. This is intended as constuctive, please dont take this as an attack: More of the same that every other MMORPG has. We have had over a decade of exactly what is in the video in other games (we all know them), its stale and boring. The legacy system looks like its rewarding people for bum in seat time infront of a monitor, something I REALLY dislike. Things id like to see however; i- A way to gear up and/or have something to do at end game for employed gamers who cannot and will not sit in front of a monitor for 3-4+ hours, in one sitting, "raiding", I work 10 hour days, with a wife and little girl, gaming time is a precious commodity. Simply treating the guys and gals that slug it out in real life like second class citizens because we cant glue ourselves to a computer game is why world of warcraft has pandas. ii- An option to select a voice for your charictor, I find myself not being able to tolerate some classes solely due to their voice. I realise that this is a new game, but watching the video i get the sinking feeling, that there is again nothing for me here... please dont have pandas, try to keep us working adults interested
  8. This is the reason I quit World of Warcraft and the reason im already frustrated with this game, I work 10 hours a day 6 days a week in construction, 33yr old married bloke with one little girl. As nearly all employed gamers know its absolutely impossable to spend 4-6 hours in one sitting doing a "raid", when i could be kicking back with my wife, gardening, having a beer with the boys, entertaining the little one, home repairs... I wont go on, but yeah life comes first, game comes last! Something that WoW / SWTOR do not promote. I'd buy the raiding gear, i work my butt off to have an expendable income (although the unemployed gamers would have a very graceless meltdown), but why not make a quick bit of cash before everyone jumps ship for the next best thing that isnt a carbon copy of WoW?
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