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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dual Spec - It's a must! (NOT ACs)


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So the solution to your problems is to reduce the game from 8 classes down to 4 classes because in reality that is what you are proposing


...what are you talking about?


This thread isn't about advanced class respecs. It's about respecs WITHIN your advanced class between different skill trees.


To paraphrase The Princess Bride...I do not think this thread means what you think it means.

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Dual specialization.


Flashpoints -


Problems = Can't find a tank or healer. OR to many tanks/healers

Solution = Dual Spec. With how the loot drops in swtor it's easy enough for all the hybrid classes to have both sets of gear. This would be promoting more Hard Mode flashpoints.


Operations -


Problems = To many players of a particular spec.

Solution = Dual Spec. Having the flexability of choices allows for your group of friends to mix and match their specs to better accommodate the particular fight.


PvP -


Problems = No healers/tanks in the warzone to give a fighting chance for PUGs.

Solution = Dual Spec. you have 1-2mins before each fight to determine what your group makeup is . Then you have the chance to make balanced group.



The true bottom line is this.


Dual Spec helps EVERYONE!


DUal spec ok, really needed...but with this "one patch each day" solutions we couldn't see any dual spec in next days...

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Having gotten my Smuggler to 45 and begun more PvP/Warzones, I'm beginning to see the major flaws with the Sharpshooter tree for PvP. Sure it's amazing for PvE, but it seems to only have two defaults in PvP.



If our team is winning: Highest damage in the group



If our team is losing: Lowest damage in the group.




Almost makes me begin to want a duel spec..

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What I am saying is that you won't gain a significant enough number of healers or tanks to dent the need if your server does not have them. Dual spec is awesome when switching between a PvE healer and a PvP healer because the specs are slightly different, but it is a fallacy to say that there will be more tanks and healers as a result of dual spec.


That's valid, but I think you're underestimating the number of players who are willing to play a spec they do not prefer if it's needed. Especially for guild purposes. But it could be that I have too much faith in my fellow players.

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Or.... You can stop being lazy and just roll another toon. Problem solved. It's an MMO, and to be only rolling 1 character is a mistake on your part. I have a DPS, a Tank, and a healer. I switch characters according to the groups needs. Like others have said, Dual spec will reduce the diversity in character classes.
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What I am saying is that you won't gain a significant enough number of healers or tanks to dent the need if your server does not have them. Dual spec is awesome when switching between a PvE healer and a PvP healer because the specs are slightly different, but it is a fallacy to say that there will be more tanks and healers as a result of dual spec.


Its not the "amount" its the "availability"

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...what are you talking about?


This thread isn't about advanced class respecs. It's about respecs WITHIN your advanced class between different skill trees.


To paraphrase The Princess Bride...I do not think this thread means what you think it means.


naybe he needs a WoW comparison to properly understand. Dual spec would be a Holy priest switching to a shadow priest. Or in this game a Healing Sorc switching to a DPS Sorc.

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It's the trinity driven content that is creating this shout for Dual Specs.


That said,..check out RIFT's soul system. ...really cool,...maybe too much,...but cool.



So if this imbalance of healers/tanks are driving demand for Dual Specing,...what about the , perhaps, larger issue of Faction Imbalance.



Give us Dual Faction!:D










Edited by WelbyWars
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...what are you talking about?


This thread isn't about advanced class respecs. It's about respecs WITHIN your advanced class between different skill trees.


To paraphrase The Princess Bride...I do not think this thread means what you think it means.


well we can already respec between our roles in our AC thus it must be about respecing between AC's as the op did not say that the cost of respecing in ones AC is cost prohibitive

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Or.... You can stop being lazy and just roll another toon. Problem solved. It's an MMO, and to be only rolling 1 character is a mistake on your part. I have a DPS, a Tank, and a healer. I switch characters according to the groups needs. Like others have said, Dual spec will reduce the diversity in character classes.


Roll another char???


Hmm I don't want to spend my time on 2 chars when I want to play just 1. I have a job, School, girlfriend, and social life. I want to spend my time playing the game how I like. Leveling another toon doesn't fit in.

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Dual specialization.


Flashpoints -


Problems = Can't find a tank or healer. OR to many tanks/healers

Solution = Dual Spec. With how the loot drops in swtor it's easy enough for all the hybrid classes to have both sets of gear. This would be promoting more Hard Mode flashpoints.


Operations -


Problems = To many players of a particular spec.

Solution = Dual Spec. Having the flexability of choices allows for your group of friends to mix and match their specs to better accommodate the particular fight.


PvP -


Problems = No healers/tanks in the warzone to give a fighting chance for PUGs.

Solution = Dual Spec. you have 1-2mins before each fight to determine what your group makeup is . Then you have the chance to make balanced group.



The true bottom line is this.


Dual Spec helps EVERYONE!


I feel the solution to each of these problems is easily solved by making friends. Join a good guild. And being patient.


I dont see the need for Dual Spec and I have no desire to see it placed in game for the next 4 years 8 months.

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Or.... You can stop being lazy and just roll another toon. Problem solved. It's an MMO, and to be only rolling 1 character is a mistake on your part. I have a DPS, a Tank, and a healer. I switch characters according to the groups needs. Like others have said, Dual spec will reduce the diversity in character classes.


It's not necessarily about laziness. It's about what's more fun for you. I have a sniper I'm currently levelling so that I can DPS with him and tank with my Assassin, but I still ENJOY dpsing as deception more than tanking as darkness on my assassin. So I'd rather tank only when necessary and be able to DPS some of the time on that toon than have to either


a) pay outlandish respec costs frequently


b) only be able to DPS on my Sniper, and miss out on a playstyle I enjoy for my assassin

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Please hurry up with the dual spec implementation.


play the spec you want, not the spec you want and a backup spec just cause.


The spec I want changes depending what I'm doing.


It might be useful for folks that want one spec for PvP and a different one for PvE, but it won't make a difference to the number of healers or tanks there are. People don't switch roles with dual spec.

History says otherwise. I'm one who uses dual specs for different roles, and so do a lot of others.


that's fine all I'm saying is that I'd rather take a healer into my OPS group who wants to heal not one who just does it when he feels like doing it.

Many players are perfectly capable of learning multiple specs and/or roles.


I'll take a healer who just does it when he feels like doing it over not finding a healer to begin with.


Yes! Me too.


So the solution to your problems is to reduce the game from 8 classes down to 4 classes because in reality that is what you are proposing

We're not asking to be able to change advanced classes. Just talent specs.


Interesting games are not about clicking a button and be done with it.


There's nothing interesting about a trip to the mentor.


well we can already respec between our roles in our AC thus it must be about respecing between AC's as the op did not say that the cost of respecing in ones AC is cost prohibitive


Now you're just being obstructive. You know what he meant.

Edited by Caelrie
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Dual spec hurts no one, and benefits everyone. I fail to see the reasoning behind not implementing it.


Dual Spec very much hurts people. OH i rolled need for my offspec


Agrument starts, group falls apart, now your back to the beginning needing to find more people.

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well we can already respec between our roles in our AC thus it must be about respecing between AC's as the op did not say that the cost of respecing in ones AC is cost prohibitive


Dual spec /= respec.


Yes, we can respec within our AC. We do NOT currently have dual spec within that AC. That's what this thread is about.

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Infinity spec!!!!

It is a must!!1!


Why must I be limited to only having 2 specs with only ONE Advance Classes skills available.



I should be able to choose any skills throughout all classes. Isn't it annoying being a marauder tank in a 25 man flashpoint and thinking damn, I wish I was specced heals instead?!


Also any opinion is wrong except mine. feel free to argue I will just ignore anything you write with "this is how I want to play"

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The true bottom line is this.


Dual Spec helps EVERYONE!


Untrue, it doesn't help advanced classes that have only one possible role to fulfill (

Gunslinger, Sentinel, their imp. counterparts) and will only make it even harder for people who don't want to tank or heal to get into groups.

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it doesn't matter how YOU play .. I'm talking about how the MAJORITY play.


and its not just because.. maybe its because i like to play differently with my class.


Maybe it doesn't matter how YOU play....because you don't necessarily speak for the MAJORITY. I know I didn't vote you in as my spokesman.


I don't personally think dual specs are needed. If they implemet them, thats fine, if not, roll one of those under-played classes. I rolled a healer and I get groups pretty much when I want them.

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Dual Spec very much hurts people. OH i rolled need for my offspec


Agrument starts, group falls apart, now your back to the beginning needing to find more people.


I would LIKE to say that this shouldn't be an issue because everyone should agree that mainspec takes priority over offspec (and main spec in this case meaning whatever you're CURRENTLY playing as in that encounter unless otherwise specified and agreed on BEFORE starting). But there are a lot of idiots and ninjas out there who won't follow that. Companion looting has shown us that.


But on the same note, this issue already exists because people do this for companions and for offspecs NOW. So I don't know that dual spec would really make much of a difference in that respect.

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Dual Spec very much hurts people. OH i rolled need for my offspec


Agrument starts, group falls apart, now your back to the beginning needing to find more people.


Thats why the leader sets loot rules at beginning of instance, and then just kicks the idiot who decides to do that if either A. He doesn't ask first, or B. the rules state no rolling for OS. Its quite simple, i mean even an IDIOT can grasp this concept.

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Maybe it doesn't matter how YOU play....because you don't necessarily speak for the MAJORITY. I know I didn't vote you in as my spokesman.


I don't personally think dual specs are needed. If they implemet them, thats fine, if not, roll one of those under-played classes. I rolled a healer and I get groups pretty much when I want them.


It still helps them ... pvp vs pve spec..


It helps when their dps sorc specs heals to do a flashpoint.

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