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The problem isn't Bioware....


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First off...No I am not quitting


The problem lies with EA, EA has a long history of ruining MMO's IE: Ultima Online, Warhammer Online...just to name a few. Add in Bioware's inexperienced team at an MMO is just compounding the issue's. Sadly if this wasn't a Star War's IP...I prob would be gone. For those of you who will say door is <----- that way...keep saying that and you will have your very own single player MMO very soon. People said the same thing about SWG and we know how that turned out. I like alot of things BW has done in game....but the death of a thousand cuts is killing this game. There are a few game breaking bugs(few). But there are so many many many little one's it becomes quite frustrating. Yes, This is a game less then one month pass release...but to have as many bugs as it does for a next gen mmo is just not acceptable.

People will wait for new content if work is done on bug's...not long. Sooner or later someone WILL make a Star War's MMO that will work(hoping its Swtor) But lack of communcation and outright sticking your head in the sand will not pass muster. I have faith in Bioware...But EA's past track record doesn't bode well for this or any other MMO put out under EA's leadership.

Long time Star Wars fan.....Long time Star Wars MMO sufferer

Edited by Taorus
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You just want to think its EA's problem. But whos doing the bug fixes, etc? Bioware...simple as that.




EA decides what the money is spend on and how much after support it gets. They also decide when the game needs to launch, regardless if it's finished or not.


Welcome to the world of publishers.

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EA decides what the money is spend on and how much after support it gets. They also decide when the game needs to launch, regardless if it's finished or not.


Welcome to the world of publishers.


True that, but the game is finished, its just the bugs and how badly the game design is CREATED by Bioware.



Dragon Age was great under EA. Mass effect 1 and 2 were great. Then dragon age 2 flops and now this?

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Add in Bioware's inexperienced team at an MMO


Every MMO creator was inexperienced before they put out their first MMO.


Blizzard's team was inexperienced at an MMO when they first released WoW.

Cryptic Studios was inexperienced at an MMO when they first released City of Heroes.

Etc. Etc.

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Under EA's direction




Under Rich Vogel's direction. Who has ruined every MMORPG he has ever touched. He was also responsible for the SWG NGE which destroyed the game.


EA has nothing to do with it. This is because it's Ex-SOE Austin/Mythic employees formed under a new label, and the people make the game. And this game is just as horrible as their previous incarnations.


How they were hired astounds me.

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Didn't they fail with this game too?










EA should stick to console!

Luved Fight Night


Anyways ,..I have friends/coWorkers who have been at EA and been laid off,.then moved,..then laid off,...that company is a mess I would not subject myself to.




btw,..I am having fun in this game:rolleyes:

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I agree that the bugs are a serious problem.


That said, I'd like to point out something that seems to get overlooked a lot on these forums:


I played the other MMO for 5 years, and it had frequent, really annoying and sometimes gamebreaking bugs and failures, and continued to thrive.


I don't think the bugs are going to kill the game. What matters is that BW acknowledges them and diligently works to fix them in a reasonable period of time, communicates with the community and provides compensation if things get too bad. That's what will make or break the game.

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Lets face it, the day of the small time developer/big hit MMO days are over.


Verant releases Everquest- Sony kills it

Mythic releases UO- EA kills it

Sony releases DCUO- Sony....end of discussion

Blizzard releases WoW- Activision slowly killing it


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I think some of you are confused. First of all, this isn't the first MMO for many of the developers that worked on SWToR. Many from the development team have worked on other MMOs prior to this, some you may have loved or hated.


This is also not the Bioware team from Canada that brought you all the Bioware titles you probably love. This is a new team created in Austin, and for many of them it's probably their first project under Bioware's name.


That's why it's so confusing when gamers make the faulty assumption that SWToR = Bioware's great game history = up on a pedestal time. These are not those guys. This is a new team in a new studio making their own legacy. Judge them by that, not Bioware's reputation that was created long before many of them ever worked for that company.

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You just want to think its EA's problem. But whos doing the bug fixes, etc? Bioware...simple as that.

EA still calls the shots. If they're going to push for a bad decision then Bioware doesn't have much to say about it, they have to do it anyway. You want a good example? Launchdate, it's obvious the game was unfinished even if we take into donsideration that MMO's are always sort of unfinished at launch. There's so many things that should've been in the game in launch, a modern game just cannot be without them, customisable UI etc.

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Every MMO creator was inexperienced before they put out their first MMO.


Blizzard's team was inexperienced at an MMO when they first released WoW.

Cryptic Studios was inexperienced at an MMO when they first released City of Heroes.

Etc. Etc.


Blizzard didn't have a big corporation with bigwig's breathing down their necks.

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Thats part of what I am saying...The communcation has been at the least very very very bad.

I really want this game to do well...but at this moment in time, it doesn't look very good.

Yes all games have bugs on release...I expected that....But things that should be in a Next gen MMO aren't...and no I'm not talking about LFG(god i hate that) But if you check...they put in AA in the game a month after release....WAIT they didnt hover of the AA button and get back to me.

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Under EA's direction


Per the Dr.'s themselves, there is no seperation of EA/Bioware, they are one and the same. So to attempt to put blame on one without the other is moot. It's all sad as far as I'm concerned, because regardless of who is to blame for the shoddy mess, it's those of us who have been on the wagon for these past several years, and supported with our wallets by pre-ordering, that get the shaft. the game is good, for what it is, a re-skinned version of WoW, with a few minor additions/takes on old mechanics. I am immediately reminded of why i left wow years ago, and this game only brought that feeling back to the front. For those of you who are enjoying it, please continue to do so. for those that are not, including myself, Pack up and move on. constantly posting in a futile attempt to sway people to your view is, well...futile. I'll keep checking in, see whats improved, but for now, I'm an x-SWTOR player.

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Blizzard didn't have a big corporation with bigwig's breathing down their necks.


Blizzard has Activision breathing down their necks.


As for EA I have zero love for them. Some games they have released I play, like this one, but usually when I see the EA Logo I immediately get my hairs on the back of my neck up and do alot of extra research just in case because I know how they operate.... Badly


But the point here is. When the NGE hit SWG everyone was blaming SOE or LEC. First it was SOE's fault. Then it was LEC's fault. Then SOE again. Stop pointing. They are all responsible for this game. From Bioware to EA to LEC. Save us alot of headaches later on if another NGE is tossed out there.


If I was Bioware I would trying really hard to get out from under EA as soon as possible. I have seen EA assimilate way too many companies in the past. The first time Bioware fails with a game we could lose Bioware forever. Get one of those press releases "Bioware is now known as EA South" or whatever like they did with Bullfrog and Westwood.


As for the game. I love TOR. I just hope they fix these issues created by the 1.1 patch sharpish. Cause its almost unplayable for me right now.



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I do have to say the OP is correct. I use to work for EA in the Mobile department and everything is driven from top down management. An example of this is War Hammer the game was rushed and not complete, then EA gets rid of the people who made and developed it, so the original people are no longer around. EA fired 1500 people when they bought Bioware to make up for the purchase. I sat in meetings with Bioware upper management saying are you going to screw us over and over ride our decisions in game development so you can make a quick buck and have crappy games. Papa EA is driving a lot of these decisons. Just look at Medal of Honor: Airborne Assualt not nearly as good as Medal of Honor Pacific Assault. The lack of issues being addressed is coming from EA. the rush to get out the door before the Holidays was EA so they could look better on the books and say they had a strong fourth quarter.


I love playing my Trooper and Consular, I refuse to play my level 50 Sentinal until they fix the delay issue on the abilities and adjust the damage mitigation and buff the off hand light saber. It is sad I use her to farm matts. My Sentinal seems like a Paladin from original WOW and Burning Crusade.

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