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George Lucas Blames 'Star Wars' Critics for Killing Series


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This whole thing kind of reminds me of Nintendo saying that "the customers don't understand the product yet" when they had to lower the 3DS price tag...


Because that's usually who is to blame for a failure - the people who had no say at all in how the product was designed... right.

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Episode 1 and 2 were not particularly good. I mean, they're good movies, just not up to the standard of the original trilogy. Episode 3, however, was great. I feel like it was quite worthy to have been a prequel film to the OT. While there were a few things I didn't like, it had a much more serious and well thought out approach. When I watch Episode 3 I feel like I'm actually watching a Star Wars film. Anakin played a much less annoying character than in Episode 2.


If anything, parts of the film felt rushed. By rushed I mean they could have been longer and more fleshed out. I think the way Darth Sidious convinced Anakin to be his apprentice was too brief and unconvincing. He had a few brief conversations and suddenly Anakin is betraying everyone that matters to him? I feel like his final steps toward the darkside could have been improved upon a lot. Also, that ******** with Padme 'losing her will to live' was awful. Made zero *********** sense.

Edited by Tsukae
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/giant facepalm


No one suddenly becomes calm and calculating. Anakin always was. It was his nature. His downfall was his emotion but that was supposed to be a moment in time. A spark, if you will. All through 1, 2 & 3 he nothing but a whiney, bratty little boy.




Would you call the Emperor a bad sith because he's not emotional? He's the epitome of evil and he's naturally calm, cold and ruthless.


So your theory is totally bunk. Anakin was butchered as a character in the first 3 movies. Ask anyone who is a genuine fan what they thought Anakin was supposed to. Hell, listen to Ben talk about Anakin in episode 4. What Ben describes and what Lucas filmed were totally different.


I disagree with what you are saying, to say people can't change, and become calm and calculating is totally stupid. As you get older, life changes, things can happen, and these all can alter your personality and your perspective on life. Have you ever taken in the fact that Anakin was young in all three of those movies? You even said it yourself he was a little boy. Compare a sixteen year old kid to an old man, you'll see a big difference in the way they act.

I mean look what happened in the third movie, I'm pretty sure that his lover dying, killing young children, and all of those random things could have changed him into what later on became Darth Vader? Perhaps Darth Vader was so good at being bad and really just didn't give a **** because he already screwed everything up, I mean he screwed up the whole Jedi order, republic, he lost the love of his life and all he really could do was keep on moving forward with Darth Sidious and the empire? He fought Obi Wan in the moment and the same thing goes for the way he acted out against Padme, perhaps he was just caught up in the glory of the darkside? Do you not remember at the end of the third movie, he was outraged by Padme's death and perhaps all these dark events are what made Darth Vader's personality in the other movies? I mean it's not like he could go back and tell Obi Wan that he's sorry for what had happened, his only chance of redeeming himself was helping Luke in the last movie to defeat Darth Sidious. He had no choice after his actions in third movie, and he later on probably just became so numbed from all of his actions and that is what made him act the way he did in the older movies?


Also perhaps he is like what twenty five years older in those movies? As you get older, you become wiser and less ignorant, and have you ever considered the fact that maybe Darth Sidious wasn't always the way he was? Sorry for the rant, I just felt like saying that, although I do agree the movies aren't too great and it is more of the Old Republic that keeps me in to Star Wars. People just take it too serious and either way, George Lucas is rich.

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The difference is a lot of the hate for the LOTR movies had nothing to do with the writing, acting, CGI or directing, which were all top notch. The hate came from obsessed fans who felt the movies deviated too much from the source materials.


The newer Star Wars films are deeply, deeply flawed. The writing was awful and so was a lot of the acting. Several great actors like Samuel L Jackson and Liam Neeson were completely underutilized. The only thing that redeemed the movies at all was the CGI - which btw is quickly becoming dated when compared to the latest generation of sci fi and fantasy films. Yes, maybe people had too high expectations - but it's not a good thing when the best Star Wars movie I've seen in the past 10 years was the opening sequence for SWTOR.


Yea, I guess I can see your point. But I never really thought of the Star Wars trilogy as any great piece of literature anyway. All of them have come off to me as fairly juvenile and poorly acted. As a kid though, of course, I thoroughly enjoyed the Episodes 4,5, and 6 and I have to admit even as an adult that for sheer entertainment sake the first 3 episodes are fun to watch (lots of great CGI, special effects, action, fights, etc....). But, no I don't think there is anything profound in them and I have to agree some of the acting and scripting is not done well but for that matter, again, I don't think the earlier episodes were really any better in all honesty. In many ways they are less entertaining as of today because of the dated effects.


The bottom line regarding my original post was that it's funny to watch these obsessed fans get so inflamed over deviations from source material or other perceived injustices (such as adding digitally enhancements to the new Star Wars Saga on Blu-Ray). Holy crap I actually thought it gave a nice addition to the film and looked kinda neat. Why would I want to watch EXACTLY the same thing again?? If I have the choice between seeing the exact same thing or something new I would choose something new every time. What is the problem there when seeing a slightly altered scene? No, really. What is the issue you are struggling with as a viewer who is trying to be entertained? How is your enjoyment of that scene blocked by the addition of some slightly new digital enhancements to the scene? What it begins to look like is this is just nerd bit**ing for nerd bit**ing sake.


And someone else earlier in this thread mad a great point. They basically said "it's not your universe so stop whining about changes, source material, characters you don't like, altered footage, etc.... because if it that matters that much to you then go write your own saga where you can exactly as you wish.". And it makes sense too. If your enjoyment is so directly tied to your vision of the "correct" way to portray a story then why not write your own story? I couldn't possibly agree more with that statement. If you are so bent on having it EXACTLY how you need it then why not write your own epic tale?


Look, I get it. If you're a big fan and you want to banter about something you wish they didn't change (or omit from source) then fine. A good example from LOTR is the Tom Bombadil chapter that was decided to be left out because the film creators didn't think it had enough importance to the story to take up that much screen time (and money). Yea, it would have been cool to have that scene but, oh well, it's still an amazing movie. To get so inflamed and angry and to hurl such criticisms at the makers in such scenarios is just ridiculous and childish.

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I would have hated to be most of your guys parents, I could just imagine what a nightmare bed time story time would be.


The man had a dream to tell a story, he lived out his dream and all he got was pissed on. I'm not talking about, "I didn't really care for the movie" I'm talking "He's satan and he ruined my childhood and touched my naughty spot!".


It's his story, let him tell it how he likes, if you don't like it, don't buy it.

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yeah had nothing to do with his obsession of special effects resulting in the prequels being packed with special effects and no focus on characters.

Also had nothing to do with the way he screwed over authors.


He may have given us Star Wars but he's been intent on dismantling the franchise for a while it seems


Star Wars as a universe is technologically ADVANCED, HELLA ADVANCED, and the races are diverse, the locations just as much. Maybe the man took a little advantage of the locations the scenes took place in, the battles that were fought. He didn't get that kind of technology with 4-5-6 ...so why not take advantage, show people some things about the planets, the people, the conflict?



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I would have hated to be most of your guys parents, I could just imagine what a nightmare bed time story time would be.


The man had a dream to tell a story, he lived out his dream and all he got was pissed on. I'm not talking about, "I didn't really care for the movie" I'm talking "He's satan and he ruined my childhood and touched my naughty spot!".


It's his story, let him tell it how he likes, if you don't like it, don't buy it.


Star Wars has probably whinniest fanbase in whole world.


Your prequels are not what I wanted them to be so they are crap and you suck.


Your SWTOR is not what I wanted it to be so it's crap and you suck(craploads of those threads after release).


Your opinion is not like mine so it's crap and you suck(just try telling them that you liked anything other than orginal trylogy).

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If he would have just left Star Wars Alone nobody would be complaining. I know it was his dream to make the other movies and to redo the old movies how he originally envisioned them. However you can see with the original remaster of the episode 4 where Greedo gets the drop on Han!?!?!? He did it because he didnt want to make Han out to look like a scoundrel. Well he was a scoundrel and an self centered greedy bastage. I can put up with the new trilogy because it was geared to the new generation of movie goers not us old crusties. However when he defiled my favorite movies from my youth with his latest travesty of revisions I washed my hands of lucas.



I thank him for his dream because without it we would not be playing this. i just wish he would not have let marketing get in the way of his dream.

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Im sorry but I find the folks that bash him somewhat laughable.


To those folks I'd just like to state: You do realize that George Lucas created Star Wars right? It was his creative vision, his movie, his scripts, characters, etc and without him there would be no Star Wars "universe" at all. In my mind that therefore makes him the "god" (for lack of a better word) of the entire Star Wars universe for better or for worse and as such, he is free to change any and all aspects he wishes to.

I realize that since that time many other authors have written books, comics, etc. whose storylines unfold within his fictional universe, but the fact still remains that it is his underlying fictional universe to control. If you dont like aspects of the movies, books, etc thats fine, but attempting to say (unless you're George Lucas yourself) that something he's done is wrong or impossible is laughable considering the above statements.


Just my two cents....



(Let the flames begin...im sure i'll see plenty for these statements)

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I have a hard time feeling sorry for the man considering he got obscenely rich in the process. Beyond that it takes more then one person to make a movie, so even though George Lucas might have had the original idea and written the story so to speak he is not alone in having made Star Wars what it is. Lots of talented artists, designers and actors also helped create Star wars and while George Lucas might believe in his mind it's all his I personally find his behavior disrespectul to those who was instrumental in making him a fortune.


For example like when he replaced Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen in the DVD version of Return of the Jedi. Now Star Wars might belong to George Lucas but unless you can tell me that he did everything from writing the manus, to creating all the special effects, music and also doing all the acting for every role in the entire movie I personally think the man should show some respect to those who helped him instead of changing their work or even writing them our out of the movie on whim twenty years later.

Edited by Adelaine
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I, who buy the movies, read the books, and play this game. Don't care what critic's say.


They get paid to dislike things, their function, when it serves their purpose is to find fault with it.. Their sliding scale rankles me.


It is like how, Gamespot rates games, arbitrarily. They like GTA in all it's forms, not one has gotten less than 9.4. They dont really like large RPG's, we all know this who read their site..


I am my best critic. I put my money where I want it to go. People who take critic's opinions as serious commontary on their products, needs to step back and take in the whole picture.


I loved THX1138, It was a great movie, Robert DuVaull was superb in it. I have followed Lucas since the day I saw that.


I have not gone to one fan meeting dressed or cosplayed as anything, nor will I.


He needs to just get on with the fun of creating his world, and let SW's find itself.




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This whole thing kind of reminds me of Nintendo saying that "the customers don't understand the product yet" when they had to lower the 3DS price tag...


Because that's usually who is to blame for a failure - the people who had no say at all in how the product was designed... right.


Pretty much.


Obviously Star Wars is his IP (as most would agree... I hope) and he can do with it what he chooses. If he wants to edit, change, reimagine, that's his right and nobody can stop him.


But in making a movie, heck, a media empire at this point, that he hoped to sell to the world over, he has to understand the territory that comes with it. Any public figure, particularly one with as huge an icon as Star Wars, should know this. There will be criticism. Sometimes, it will be a bit harsh. But criticism in itself is not a bad thing. Without the very fanbase who has supported him over the years, Star Wars would not be where it is today. If he doesn't mind that, that is fine. But it's a reprecussion to consider.


And as for the "critics," they don't determine a movie success, or Michael Bay would be dirt-poor and jobless right now.


The majority of people thought the prequels were much, much worse than the originals. I would agree with some that he has completely lost sight of what made Star Wars so fun. But George, don't pin you retirement or whatever on the people who bought the DVDs and tickets tons of times over, and then complained (which, just like you can change your movies, they can complain if they so choose). Your retirement and detachment from Star Wars is your choice, too.

Edited by GoodEnoughForMe
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I don't blame Lucas, I would have had enough (and I like to think I have some thick skin,10 years in the military helps build that) of the "Han shot first" BS and all that crap. How about this you critics, go put up a few million bucks of your own money, put what YOUR vision is of Star Wars together and make it happen then sit back and let all of the other critics bash your vision with stupid Han shot first comments.

Better yet come up with something as original as Star Wars was and what it represents in terms of the allegorical subject to it.

Get a life, it's a movie.

He OWNS it, you DON'T, you are NOT entitled to manipulate Mr. Lucas's ideas and vision of how he wants HIS movie to go.

The guy owns the idea and vision if you don't like it dont watch it, go watch Star Trek.

I always held out hope that something along the lines of the Old Republic would come out in a movie, looks like not gonna happen.

I agree with the other poster, you can't walk out your door without some nimrod telling you how you did it wrong.

Thanks again to the idots who love to ruin good stuff like this, looks like now you won't have anymore movies to spout off about Han shot first BS.

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I think the issue that people had with the prequels is that they felt like a totally different setting and genre.


The originals - especially Empire Strikes Back - felt like serious movies for the most part. Yeah, there were silly parts like R2-D2, but it was measured and metered. It was just the right amount usually. (Ewoks notwithstanding) By and large the rest of the series felt like there was a significant gravity about what was going on.


Then in the prequels, it often just felt like a full on comedy:


"Oh Jar-Jar tripped and grabbed that cart of bombs and it fell open and the bombs all hit some bad guys and oh hahahaha"


"Oh Anakin accidently turned on that fighter and flew up into the bad ship and accidently blew it all up and oh hahaha"


Even most of the villians seemed like a complete joke for the most part, aside from the sith characters themselves. The Trade Federation guys felt like Keystone Cops. The alien characters all seemed like caricatures, just full of silly voices, silly mannerisms, etc. Not just different or exotic, just perpetually silly.


That's probably what put people off the most. The fact that much of the time it felt like we were watching Spaceballs, not Star Wars.


You pretty much summed up my thoughts on those movies. It felt more like a joke then a serious movie about the fall of one of the greatest jedi. How the dark side no matter how strong one is with the force will always corrupt and destroy one's humanity.


Also the two serious and probably most favored characters of Phantom were Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul. Yet they were killed within minutes of each other in the first movie. Darth Maul in his few minutes of screen time was build up to be this deadly combatant that seemed to put some fear in Qui-Gon in thier first encounter. And the final battle was the one of the most epic of all the Star Wars movies to that date. Yet it ends terribly with the death of those 2 important characters. After Darth Maul we get some old man, Count Doku that does backflips like a 15 year old gymnant.

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If the prequels had not been made, there would be no KOTOR fandom.


Let's keep in mind that the release of the prequels is what re-energized a dying IP. Whether bad or good, they brought attention back to a new generation.


I disagree, without the EU there would not have been the new trilogy not the other way around.


Lucas has thought of nothing in the last 25 years that eclipses Timothy Zahn or Drew K.


Kotor the game has more artistic content, integrity, and cogent narrative than the three new films and tv cartoons combined.

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I just want to post to say why we as fans have the right to be critical.


Imagine you falling in love with a beautifull young woman even though she has her flaws you think she is perfect and fine the way she is.


20 Years later she is a completely different fat ugly lazy woman with strange habits and poor choices of words.


Wouldn't you rather see that woman grow old gracefully and mature like fine wine. Instead of seeing her become the meatball chugging fatty that she has become.


You have every right to say: ENOUGH!! STOP DOING THAT!! I want to remember the way you used to be!

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I just want to post to say why we as fans have the right to be critical.


Imagine you falling in love with a beautifull young woman even though she has her flaws you think she is perfect and fine the way she is.


20 Years later she is a completely different fat ugly lazy woman with strange habits and poor choices of words.


Wouldn't you rather see that woman grow old gracefully and mature like fine wine. Instead of seeing her become the meatball chugging fatty that she has become.


You have every right to say: ENOUGH!! STOP DOING THAT!! I want to remember the way you used to be!


Except that "beautiful young woman" you supposedly fell in love with is not your wife. She's someone else's. Are you sure you want to use a stalker analogy to explain your behaviour?

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Yes some of the Clone Wars episodes are Golden, others can be Horrible. Still the Clone Wars is perfect example of GL not knowing who is audience is. Some themes are very heavy, torture, slavery, insanity, warcrimes.


So what is the target audience?

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I think the issue that people had with the prequels is that they felt like a totally different setting and genre.


The originals - especially Empire Strikes Back - felt like serious movies for the most part. Yeah, there were silly parts like R2-D2, but it was measured and metered. It was just the right amount usually. (Ewoks notwithstanding) By and large the rest of the series felt like there was a significant gravity about what was going on.


Then in the prequels, it often just felt like a full on comedy:


"Oh Jar-Jar tripped and grabbed that cart of bombs and it fell open and the bombs all hit some bad guys and oh hahahaha"


"Oh Anakin accidently turned on that fighter and flew up into the bad ship and accidently blew it all up and oh hahaha"


Even most of the villians seemed like a complete joke for the most part, aside from the sith characters themselves. The Trade Federation guys felt like Keystone Cops. The alien characters all seemed like caricatures, just full of silly voices, silly mannerisms, etc. Not just different or exotic, just perpetually silly.


That's probably what put people off the most. The fact that much of the time it felt like we were watching Spaceballs, not Star Wars.



I think the last part about Spaceballs is an extreme exaggeration but do you think the bulk of why you feel this way could have something to do with the fact that you're now 30 years older than you were when you watched episodes 4,5, and 6? I mean seriously, episodes 4,5, and 6 are really not any different than 1,2, and 3 except for technological advancements, CGI, etc... A big part of the criticism from fans (I believe) is the result of being much older when the prequels came out and somehow not getting the same nostalgic (or "magical") feel they had when they were 10 years old and watched the very first Star Wars movie. Ya think? I would hope you didn't have the same giddy feeling after 30 years into adulthood.

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Oh all the critics can get over the prequels, I thought they were great, and am extremely excited, along with my family, for Episode 1 in 3D.


Poor plot (trade agreement?), poor dialog, poor characters (yes even darth maul sucked - he said 2 lines then died), poor cast, poor acting, 20 min pod racing game commercial with no music, willow? for no reason in the stands. I could go on but I'm tired of typing.

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