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Game time compensation for patch times?


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i'm not going to say i agree with this. simply because i don't actually play games during the day, im at work. (well technically that's a lie given my job, but certainly not games that have such a personal character experience as mmos).
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And yet they continue to make mistakes and wrong choices again, and again, and again. Even implementing solutions tested and proven working in other games is out of their reach.


They are "wrong" choices in your mind. You have to remember that this is a problem with many facets. It is certainly possible that everyone at bioware is a complete idiot. They go to work, they look at the forums, they see what everyone wants, and do the opposite. I doubt this is the case, in fact i think the forums are just part of a much bigger equation.


Bioware has talked about data a lot. They collect data on everything, what in game features are being used, where people are running, and where people are dying. they know how long everyone is waiting for ques, and they know how many points every bounty hunter is getting in PVP. So when someone logs onto the forums and says "BH are op they kill everything all the time in every fight OMG OP OP OP" Bioware can look at the numbers and determine that


1.) the guy is right, BH are murdering everyone in PVP

2.) the guy sucks at PVP, and just thinks BH are better because they always kill him


Now game time compensation does not fit the above build, but i was trying to convey that we do not have the entire picture here.


Regardless i stand by my comment, people who claim that Bioware only cares about money and therefore will neglect the game/player base are dead wrong.


Bioware needs customers to make money, and customers will only pay if they are happy, so bioware needs people to be happy. That being said they do not need you to be happy, if what will make you happy will make others sad. It also does not account for bioware not being able to make people happy, due to technical difficulties or limitations.

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Regardless i stand by my comment, people who claim that Bioware only cares about money and therefore will neglect the game/player base are dead wrong.


Yeah, I never said you were wrong. Could've made my post clearer, sorry.


What I mean is this - there are hundreds of ways of doing things in MMOs. Over the last couple of years some solutions were proven to be working good, while others were proven to be working bad (or not working at all). Bioware seems to have chosen many bad solutions over the good ones. It's as trivial as a non-customizable UI and as serious and insulting as maintenance during day-time or even during peak-time.


It's not rocket science, all they had to do was to take a look at what works elsewhere and implement it. Instead, I see an attitude "THIS is what we did, and therefore it's the best solution. Take it or go away.". This poor attitude was already seen during beta testing, when they flat out ignored many many many suggestions, problems, bug reports and did what THEY wanted to do instead.


Sometimes I just feel that Bioware forgot who's actually gonna pay for playing their game.

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It's how Blizzard does things. Check Rift however, it 100% doable and possible to have separate maintenance times without locking regions.

Depends on the technology, and the Hero Engine does not, at this time, seem to offer that kind of infrastructure.


Heck, they can't even keep the forums online while they're patching.

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Down-times are inevitable, yes. Excessive down times in peak hours should, however, not be. Also, you don't have to get used to anything... especially in the current climate of all video games. The "You just have to get used to it." attitude is exactly why this industry is slowly falling down.


Except the fact that the mainentance windows are not in peak hours neither for US nor EU.

The EU downtime is at a time of day where most people are at work or school.

If you need to play during work or school, then you obviously have bigger personal problems than game being down for maintenance!

Edited by Propanelgen
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While I wouldn't be one to argue with free time, and would love it....I can honestly tell you from a company perspective your only going to get one answer.


That is.




I prefer to fight battles I can win, why expend energy and effort on something your not going to win. I understand your point, dont get me wrong, just telling you the cold hard truth.

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It's not rocket science, all they had to do was to take a look at what works elsewhere and implement it. Instead, I see an attitude "THIS is what we did, and therefore it's the best solution. Take it or go away.". This poor attitude was already seen during beta testing, when they flat out ignored many many many suggestions, problems, bug reports and did what THEY wanted to do instead.


Sometimes I just feel that Bioware forgot who's actually gonna pay for playing their game.


-This- Feel the same way, and see the same things too.

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Guess what will happen if this (or another similar) pay-to-play game was really that, pay to play and not fixed cost per month: for example, 15 euros per each 120 hours.


You pay money based on game time not natural time, so companies will be forced to have improved scheduled maintaining, dedicate more money to programmers salaries or whatever support staff needed and less to marketing.

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I realy do not thing they should give any free time for maintenances. Every MMO has it and it is neccesary part of playing MMO. And we need to understand that starting something so HUGE like SWTOR will have bugs and bumps around the way that need to be corrected....


But they realy need to find a way to have separate EU/US downtimes. You simply cannot let half your playerbase have downtimes during the day while US players have it during the night. I mean is it realy so hard to understand that you need to have equal conditions? Why is there even any discussion about it?? You cant treat customers differently.

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I think blizzard did this if I'm not mistaken.. and I don't see anything wrong with a credit on the bill, especially if its during your "prime play time"


Might be worth making a call to customer support.


accept for the fact it is not during prime play time for the countries the game has been officially released in. Second blizzard did it just like SOE and other companies have when there was extensive down time. We have yet to see that in this game. Regular maintenance does not count and a short period for an hotfix usually would not be as well

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accept for the fact it is not during prime play time for the countries the game has been officially released in. Second blizzard did it just like SOE and other companies have when there was extensive down time. We have yet to see that in this game. Regular maintenance does not count and a short period for an hotfix usually would not be as well


Errr.... yes it is.


6pm gmt is 7pm GMT+1 and so on, and this game has offically been released in more than just Britain, EU wise.

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I think blizzard did this if I'm not mistaken.. and I don't see anything wrong with a credit on the bill, especially if its during your "prime play time"


Might be worth making a call to customer support.


Blizzard did give free time, but it was for server instability that was out of their control. They did not however give free time because of server unavailability for planned maintenance and patches, that is covered by the eula you agree to when you logged in the first time.

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Stephen Reid said on his Twitter last night when asked:


"Why don´t EU servers get a seperated downtime from US servers with better regard to european time"


Stephen Reid:

"Answer is bigger than a tweet! We are going ti address that puplicly soon. It´s not because we dont like the EU"



Still dont get it why Stephen isnt just answering ppl on the official forums instead on his twitter account.

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accept for the fact it is not during prime play time for the countries the game has been officially released in. Second blizzard did it just like SOE and other companies have when there was extensive down time. We have yet to see that in this game. Regular maintenance does not count and a short period for an hotfix usually would not be as well


Get youre facts right...It is not because you sleep in youre usa beds thet it is not "prime time" for other countrys....

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Hi, will you be giving us any more game time as a result of the high degree of server unavailability, especially considering the patch times are always in the middle of the day in europe?


You advertise with 1 month of free game time included, yet we have not had the option to play the game for pretty good chunks of that month.


I had absolutely no problem with the patch. I downloaded it at 3.95MB/s (yes MB not mb) and it was completely installed in about 3 minutes.


Time to upgrade your fossil of a computer and your pathetic ISP if you are having problems, because the issue definitely isn't with BW.

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they have.. and dispite they agreed to them.. they are now saying they dont like the legally binding agreement they made with BW and want them to change it.


Except it's not legally binding. Not in EU countries at least. EU law will always take precedent over any other law. It's a fact.


Not saying that I'm going to be doing anything about it, but if there were grounds to, and I had the evidence, the EULA that I agreed to would be completely ignored by EU courts.

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Hi, will you be giving us any more game time as a result of the high degree of server unavailability, especially considering the patch times are always in the middle of the day in europe?


You advertise with 1 month of free game time included, yet we have not had the option to play the game for pretty good chunks of that month.


Is $15 a month that much to you that you need to beg for free days of play?

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Except it's not legally binding. Not in EU countries at least. EU law will always take precedent over any other law. It's a fact.


Not saying that I'm going to be doing anything about it, but if there were grounds to, and I had the evidence, the EULA that I agreed to would be completely ignored by EU courts.


legally binding or not.. you dont accept you dont get access..here in canada and america they are legally binding contracts.


the big problem is.. legally binding in your country or not you agreed to them, and now you want them changed? that seems completely foolish to me.


even if you eu courts said your eula isnt legally binding, they would jsut remove your access? so where do you win? you dont.

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