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We demand cross server pvp NOW!


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It also helps the factional imbalance somewhat, allowing the underdogs to fight other players instead of being rolled by the other dominating faction on their server


Wait, so the benefit for the under dogs is they get to be rolled by the dominate faction of another server instead of their own?!?


The only situation cross server WZs would help is the low population servers who just can't get into games because they lack players. In that case these servers should probably just be merged together anyways.

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I demand 1 hour waiting queues for Imperial players. (obviously not, it won't matter much at this point in the game unfortunately)


Look at it, Bioware thought it was a good idea to force people to reroll to other servers with synthetic server queues at launch.


It is beyond me why they didn't try to do the same for at least slightly balancing out the factions...

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Wait, so the benefit for the under dogs is they get to be rolled by the dominate faction of another server instead of their own?!?


The only situation cross server WZs would help is the low population servers who just can't get into games because they lack players. In that case these servers should probably just be merged together anyways.


No, so they get to fight other people instead of dying to the same ones again and again, and find people to gear up against.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Due to excessive queue times

Would you like to see cross server pvp implemented immediately ? ;)


Yes actually, with servers that dont have bad Que times its not a big problem, but MANY servers have smaller populations during non peek times, and finding a PvP Match is impossible. Pulling From all Servers to match PvP Groups would at leaste give everyone a chance to play and not feel neglected.

Edited by Talnar
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Yes please add cross servers. If you play off hours, you can get decent queue times and something other than HUTTBALL.


I hate the idea people think it will ruin the server community. I personally think fighting my own faction in huttball is ruining the server community. I have been so annoyed with people and I am disgusted when the next round comes along, they are on my team..LOL


Just my opinion...

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Xrealm pvp is bad, i know my enemies, i even salute some of them or they salute me. If x realm is implemented there will be no feel of comunity so i vote NO for this !


Beating down the same people each week is not as fun as beating down entirely new people on a regular basis.

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I love how people want rated wzs arenas and such, things that need a large pool of people but people complain that xserver pvp will ruin community guess what it's being ruin right now people dont want to pvp because of ques facing the same premades or just quiting the game in general
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given 2 options:


1. cross server pvp


2. server merges, much higher server population, instanced world zones in busy spots (fleet)


which is better?


in hindsight tor should've started with a 3rd of the servers that it has, there would've been a lot of world instances in the 1st month and servers would all have actual population now instead of a lot of them being ghost towns.

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It still makes me scratch my head and wonder how anyone that even did a small amount of maths at school can think that in a game where almost every single server has a large Empire imbalance, that adding cross server war zones will actually do anything to change the "Empire only plays Huttball" situation.


I mean... you DO get that it won't change that, right?

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I'm on a fairly large pop server and pvping in the early AM hours is a terrible experience. There are long queue times and if you are short players, you are sol of ever getting a replacement. Simply put, there are not enough players on.


It's a clear problem with a clear possible solution, a cross server queue system.


It needs to be done, there is no stopping it. Unless opponents to the Xserver have an equally comparable solution that addresses the same problems? Also, an Xserver queue doesn't have to be painful and can be implemented to address some of the issues some people have with it. Like priority queuing people of the same servers together. So during server primetimes people will still mostly face people on their own server and during off hours people can still get decent queue times.


If you can't even agree with this or offer other solutions, any dissenters should kindly go sit in the corner and remember they are not the only ones who play.

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