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  1. Well ****, I'm sorry to have offended so many master cartographers on this forum. Aside from the fact that cardinal directions are decidedly lacking from the minimap and the fact that what my left is for imperials is not left when I open my world map. Or perhaps you master navigators have never lost orientation after a rather large fight and have time to break out your compasses and orient yourself to true north in the middle of a fight when scrambling to call for backup. Or maybe the fact that if i'm on a side and there is grass/snow on the ground, it's a much quicker visual confirmation of the side that i'm on. I don't have to think or orient myself from which way I came from or spawned.
  2. I also prefer using snow and grass. It's not as disorienting as left/right and west/east can be.
  3. Really? Cause I stopped reading his post after he said lvl 40.
  4. As an Operative, here is what gives me the most problems in order. 1. Guardians/Juggernauts 2. Powertech/Vanguard 3. Marauder/Sentinel 4. Sorcerer/Sage 5. Assassin/Shadow 6. Operative/Scoundrel 7. Mercenary/Commando 8. Sniper/Gunslinger
  5. Just a note, the operative nerf proved PvE doesn't get a pass if it's unbalanced in PvP.
  6. I like the idea of changing the quest. I like the OP's idea of changing it to values based during play. Dailies should reward effort and not rng. I would suggest basing the pvp quest around obtaining objective points, but I believe objective points atm are broken atm and don't accurately reflect player contribution to winning games. If the objective points could be reworked, I would suggest that daily/weekly pvp quest be changed to acquiring X amount of objective points.
  7. I'm on a fairly large pop server and pvping in the early AM hours is a terrible experience. There are long queue times and if you are short players, you are sol of ever getting a replacement. Simply put, there are not enough players on. It's a clear problem with a clear possible solution, a cross server queue system. It needs to be done, there is no stopping it. Unless opponents to the Xserver have an equally comparable solution that addresses the same problems? Also, an Xserver queue doesn't have to be painful and can be implemented to address some of the issues some people have with it. Like priority queuing people of the same servers together. So during server primetimes people will still mostly face people on their own server and during off hours people can still get decent queue times. If you can't even agree with this or offer other solutions, any dissenters should kindly go sit in the corner and remember they are not the only ones who play.
  8. Mine atm Mostly in the white imperial military garb http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/1741/76936287.jpg
  9. Perhaps, but I think that would require a major overhaul and another thread. I believe simple solutions are the best for now. Changing a quest is nothing.
  10. I think that would just alter peoples behavior in game to go for those goals instead. At least until they finish their daily. I would suggest a 3 wins or 6 played games daily, with the winners of each WZ earning more rewards. Perhaps a 1.2x multiplier. This way people have the drive to win, because they get more. It also doesn't punish players who have gone into these games and gave it their all only to be burned.
  11. I want a quest thats not dependent on a bunch of idiots! Perhaps you have not been reading any of my post, I don't want any randomness in MY quest. It's not fun, in fact the whole idea of having to do pvp quest in order to get the gear pisses me off. It's a terrible idea. If you want to pvp, thats great. You should pvp because you want to pvp, not because you have to win X amounts of games per day to get any gear. And if they want to include pvp gear, thats great too. PvP gear should be based on how YOU do, not the other idiots you get stuck with. But if they insist that I be stuck with many idiots all day long, then I insist my progress not be impeded by said idiots.
  12. Easy? Pray tell how long do you think a daily such as this should take to complete? An hour? Two? Six? Perhaps never being able to finish it if fate doesn't shine on you. At most you can queue with 3 other people, but its still a crapshoot who else you will get. Perhaps a change to 3 wins or 6 games played, unless you think sitting through 6 full games is too easy?
  13. As compared to people just leaving the warzone because they are not winning?
  14. I'm rather tired of depending on rng for wins in warzones. As in I hope the other team doesn't have more players than my team. I hope I don't have someone who sits in the corner AFK the whole match. I hope i'm not against a full battlemaster group. I hope i'm not thrown into a losing match with no hope to turn it around. Change the daily warzones to games PLAYED, not won.
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