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  1. Eh, might as well. Izrith, Shadowlands server, Republic Side. Specializing in Gunships but know all of them.
  2. My bomber is noticeably slower and has far less engine power than my gunship. Drones and mines are vulnerable to enemy attacks and have short range and low power. Railguns have none of those weaknesses Bombers main weapon is far weaker than gunships as they don't have access to burst laser cannon (I don't think). Literally the only area that the bomber is better in is that it has more hull strength than my gunship, which is pointless because all the hull strength in the world means nothing when you aren't fast enough to dogfight or even turn at a decent rate, and you don't have the range to snipe.
  3. I really can't see the use of bombers to be perfectly honest. I've tried flying as one instead of my regular gunship and performed worse in nearly every single area. Even in their supposed specialty, area denial, I was better just perching somewhere 12km away and sniping approaching enemies than watching said enemies shoot my drones/mines once and proceed onward since you're too slow in the big tub to follow or dogfight them. Maybe there is just something about them I'm not getting, but so far, my gunship is better in every way.
  4. I saved up and got the 5k requisition one, and coming from a Gunship, I feel totally useless and ineffective in nearly all areas compared to my gunship.
  5. Stack shield absorb, defense to about 20%, avoid accuracy, alacrity and other DPS stats. Prioritize endurance over willpower. Start fights in stealth for the free 4 stacks of shadows protection. Keep kinetic ward up, only refresh it once it drops off completely to use kinetic bulwark to its maximum. Prioritize abilities like so: Telekinetic Throw WITH 3 stacks of Harnessed Shadows > Slow Time > Project > Shadow Strike WITH Shadow Wrap buff > Double Strike Throw a Breach in there somewhere and keep the debuff on the enemies, requires refreshing only rarely. Also use whrling blow in big aoe fights for an instant particle acceleration proc. Possible rotation would look like this (against a boss): Slow time -> Project -> Breach -> Shadow Strike if shadow wrap buffed, otherwise Double Strike -> Continue melee attacks until either project comes off cooldown or you get particle acceleration proc -> Project -> Telekinetic Throw -> Repeat, leave out breach until you have to refresh it again Use defensive cooldowns like battle readiness when needed. Resilience has hundreds of applications, use it to totally ignore (most) red circles on the ground. Also remember battle readiness gives an instant 15% heal. Use force pull, stun, wave, lift and everything else whenever. Expect to run out of hotkeys, shadow tanks have almost as many frequently used abilities as guardian tanks do. Ignore force regeneration or conservation. Spinning Kick is generally worthless outside PvP, better off opening with Slow Time to get a harnessed shadows buff.
  6. They already know we want class stories. We aren't going to get them. It would hurt their bottom line more than releasing one generic story that applies to every class for an expansion, and as we all know, corporations care more about their bottom line than anything else.
  7. Seems usual for the rare occasion that it isn't a wargame against other republic characters.
  8. Its quite possible for an average gunship pilot. A skilled scout with a fully maxed ship can do this too, but it requires the enemy team to have no gunships. Never seen it happen on a strike fighter.
  9. I have a habit of assaulting enemy satellites up close as a gunship. Its surprisingly effective as all the defenders say A GUNSHIP, and fly off to chase me around for a while instead of defending their point.
  10. Those 68 enhancements/mods are from max level gear that mains give to their alts.
  11. Telling someone to que as a premade is not a solution, as not everyone has the option of doing that.
  12. I'd like for Shadows to be able to use a one handed lightsaber too. Probably would be a balance problem considering that double-bladed lightsabers have higher weapon damage.
  13. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=708942
  14. Not guilty. I find that sitting near a satellite makes you far too visible for my comfort. Not guilty. Guilty. I like leading scouts into them when I can't be bothered turning around and blowing them up, or leading them around the map any more. I get people chasing me all the time. I once had 8 scouts chasing me at once. We won because half their team was off desperately trying to kill me. Not guilty. Guilty, but I only do this when there are no enemies around and to cap the satellite faster. Not guilty. I exclusively play gunship and I have yet to see more than 3 gunships on my team at once. We do tend to cover each other though.
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