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Am i the only person that is happy?


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It seems a lot of people are very unhappy at the moment with SWTOR for one reason or another, but rather than focus on the bad, I would like to take a moment to focus on the good.


Yes this game still has a lot of issues, but with the dev post going up a little while ago about the issues present in Illum today, this is what I have been given by Bioware since release that has made me happy:


They gave me a 50 only WZ bracket so my 50 and my alt can PvP in a much more even and fun environment.


They changed Illum from the swap-fest it was originally to something that may actually lead to some decent PvP in the future. Yes I was present for the lag filled camp fest that occurred today, but making it so you cannot be camped in base and reducing the population cap so the side with lower numbers can have a chance at getting enough people to make a fight of it are two great changes in my opinion. The fact they are patching it one day after the original changes is also a good sign. Also, they took companions out of Illum.


They have already put in a bucket load of bug fixes, and the ones to EV are the ones that personally make me the happiest.


New content, a new Flashpoint and what equates to basically a whole new operation.


Sensible nerfs to Biochem and Cybertech, and another sensible change to stop buff/adrenal/stim stacking.


Taking the randomness out of Battlemaster gear, I can handle it on the lower level stuff, but by the time you get to BM you really don't want to be getting duplicates.



That's most of the major stuff I think. Between all of those changes I can PvP and have fun, Raid and have fun... generally just have fun. I can quite happily deal with the other things that bug me about the game for now as I actually think the patches have at least shown that Bioware are trying to do the right things to make the game better.




Just my two cents.


Happy here. All this rage about Illum when the scenario wasn't even intentional and just an odd bug that appeared during high server loads. All those people had to do is have a coke and a smile and wait for BioWare to state such was the case.

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I like it lots. Still on the fence as to if I love it or not. With two other very promising MMORPGs on the horizon, I'll wait for a definitive, huge thumbs up. But it's really good stuff here.


Flame posts are pretty common in MMOs, especially right at launch. Played my share of them from launch, so I'd know. A large majority are trolls. Another large majority are people with unrealistic expectations. Some are also pretty much right about their complaints, but are maybe overplaying it. Depends on the game, really. I remember the flaming at the launch of Champions Online, which was often deserved. In the case of ToR, a lot of them, I just don't get, cause the game is pretty good. So yeah, I'd say I'm happy so far.


The thing is, satisfied customers are a much more silent community than the others. They're just playing and a lot of them don't feel the need to start a thread in the forums to state it.

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They'll always complain about something, atm i'm actually more satisfied since the game runs better for me, especially in warzones, which i lagged and had quite a low fps during those. As for the rest, SWTOR is practically still in development but for the moment i have no complaints whatsoever.
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Generally very happy with the game, and always look forward to logging on :)


I will say that having designed a few games myself (one an obscure MMO!) I find the re-using of certain elements a bit disappointing, if obviously understandable from a logistics/resources point of view.


I'm talking about side quests and locations mainly if you play other classes of the same faction.


I'd also love for the game to incorporate more sandbox/customisation options at some point.


I read the forums now and again, and don't often post (I think this is the second time!) as I'm usually playing.


Got 1 character up to lvl 40, two others on the cusp of 30, and having a blast! The story lines are generally very very good, and I'm smirked a few times too!


So you're not alone, no!



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While you have a point, that's another issue altogether. At the end of the day, world pvp should not require a "population cap" in order to function properly. The fact that this is the case just shows that Bioware didn't do its research during the development phase... which is sad, since they have the team from Mythic behind them.


There is an unfortunate mathematical reality related to this that will forever make population caps necessary (if the population is large enough). Almost as unfortunate is how few players are aware of this.


For example if you(A) and your friend(B) are standing next to each other in game, both seeing the other, the server has to send information about you to him and about him to you. If you add a third person© to the mix, the server has to send information about A and B to C, C and A to B and C and B to A. As you can see the required data transfer has tripled while the player count has only grown by 50%. Exponential systems like this will always reach the limits of technology and even very large improvements raise the limit only slightly.


This is why large groups of players will always cause lag in any game.

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Over a Million of ppl are happy about this game, we got also a very small vocal minority who infest those forums with their endless QQ all over and over again . (if u check username u will notice it's the same 30-35 ppl who post over and over and over again complaining everywhere).


In 2 days when first month run off I am sure this will not change, those ppl will keep staying here to complain but their credibility will drop down to zero.

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Over a Million of ppl are happy about this game, we got also a very small vocal minority who infest those forums with their endless QQ all over and over again . (if u check username u will notice it's the same 30-35 ppl who post over and over and over again complaining everywhere).


In 2 days when first month run off I am sure this will not change, those ppl will keep staying here to complain but their credibility will drop down to zero.


You're on to something true thar. It's usually the same people making tons of threads about the new "cool" thing to hate on. Regardless...

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I totally love this game!


Actually, I do see some flaws and bugs, but nothing game breaking at all. Also, there are features I'm looking forward to, and that are surely important to keep people (and me) on the long term, but still: Right now, this is no game breaker.


I do love the available content...I love the Flashpoints (especially Kaon under siege" is totally awesome) and Operations (even though they're a little bit easy yet), Huttball is awesome, and the story telling is so great that I feel like leveling/twinking multiple characters could be a lot of fun for the first time ever in any MMO.


Is it perfect? Certainly not, but for me it's just like I will grow with this game as I grew with WoW as well. This game has more potential than anything since WoW, and time will get things goin.

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What I find really funny are the people who think this genre got started with WoW. Hello?? Yeah..we were playing on 2400 baud modems with no 3d cards...was my generation that made all this possible for all that came after. We had to deal with the fiasco<bug/exploit ridden> that was UO. The early pvp of Meridian 59. The horrible launch and issues of EQ1. Hell, I saw someone talk about GEnie and the Sierra network and we used to get charged by the hour. These games today are all so superrior to what came before, from a technical standpoint. There seems to be an inverse condition of the more advanced a genre gets, the more petulant a segment of the population gets. You youngsters dont realize how good you have it in this day and age. And yeah...I rode the bus up-hill both ways to school..in the snow



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I think the game is great and me and my wife are having a ton of fun leveling up our republic toons togther. You have to remember the forums are a bad representation of the community as it will always ahve alot of complainers....that probably are still playing the game despite what they say.
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you gotta remember that only a small fraction of the tor community even bothers checking these forums. Smaller yet is the number of people who even post...and then we get to that misfit street gang of trolls. They are loud, whiney, and small. ;)



Edited by Majestic_Jazz
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I do think a lot of people want to see improvements, but to call this game failed is a whole other thing.


Think of this..


About 2 million people on this world play this game.

They all have an account here and can post here.


If the game truly was as horrible as people here make it out to be then there would be 100 posts per second or so.


No what you really see is often the same people who keep opening threads of how much they hate the game and reply in every other thread.

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