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[POLL] Do you think a Rollback is necessary?


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Roll it all back for the IMPERIALS let the republic keep their gains.


In fact for those that were willing to fight outnumbered today 5 to 1 all day make ALL republic players valor rank 60 free of charge.


That'll teach them.


While we are at it..


2- fix the random WZ disconnect for no good reason bugs.


3- fix the random load background popping up on my screen.




It was a huge mistake to think this should go live.



I feel sorry for Bioware on the loss of so many subscribers today.

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Absolutely not. The patch has been in for one day. They're gathering data and can see what needs to be fixed. They will address the issues in smaller patches.


If players are unhappy with the changes for 50 PvP, they have the option of rolling alts. This patch made PvP immensely more enjoyable for players 10-49.

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wont happen the kiddies play imperial its not enough they get gifted better spell abilties with no delays, better armors, of course there gonna get gifted pvp titles and get what took me 2 weeks in 6hrs makes total sense grats on elite warlord by tuesday imps well deserved,
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Spend whole day in 1.5fps hell, get 80k valor, watch some punks crying for rollback.


No fraking way. Can I reply with 1 star 100 times?


P.S. There is a patch fixing that in few hours.


I'm sure the people you were farming are more frustrated than you were having to put up with 1.5 fps.

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Out of curiosity, for all you people saying you cancelled, why do you care if there is a rollback or not? If you've cancelled, you wont be affected whatever they do.


This demand for instant gratification needs to end. They're going to tweak things to fix the issues, but you need some patience. Make an alt while you wait and enjoy the improved 10-49 warzones.

Edited by jcyrus
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No. I haven't seen any indication there were actually any exploits or bugs used, nor have I seen any proof that anyone gained valor at an unnaturally high rate. If people did find an exploit, I am more than happy to let BioWare deal with them individually.


As for the valor gains in Ilum, Population imbalance is not a bug or an exploit. Camping the taxi drop was obviously an oversight, but gaining valor via this method still required the opposing faction to continue to taxi in to be killed. There ARE diminishing returns on killing the same players repeatedly in short succession, and I have confirmed this myself as well as through various other players. The base valor for a kill is 20 valor, and modifications capped at 180 bonus, or 200 per kill, if you control the entire area and received the full 900% bonus (400% for the 5 objectives, 300% for controlling ilum, 200% for being a defender). 900% of 20 is 180.


There is no reason for a rollback at all.

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