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10 Good
  1. You the freaking man, thats the way to put it, I am doing the same.
  2. They need to make the 50 queue global across all servers since some servers just dont have the population ;[
  3. LMAO dude look at the time on my screenshot it took you what? 20 mins for that? in my screenshot its less then 2... Go back to your corner
  4. Thanks homeslice, really an emergency maintenance should of HAPPENED already, and they should just done a rollback within the first 3 hours we would be back in game by now moving on with life with an occasional hah they messed up such and such patch, at least they hotfixed it Instead of alot of people contemplating cancellations awaiting news of a rollback.
  5. http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/4026/screenshot2012011823380.jpg So those that say no valor gained? look at the time on that, its about 500 valor a minute..
  6. no valor gained? http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/4026/screenshot2012011823380.jpg
  7. K no rollback? Cancelling, not going to put time into something to then see others exploit their way to where I am and more, what is the point? and for those who say no valor was gained http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/4026/screenshot2012011823380.jpg
  8. In reference to: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1822494#edit1822494 GabeAmatangelo post in the dev tracker clearly says no valor gained, while most of us have screenshot saying otherwise , then below it says from the other staff member that they are aware of the exploits in Iullum So maybe you should get your lies straightened out before posting?
  9. The real turrett exploit was hot fixed already, otherwise you would be done ;]
  10. It was hot/stealth fixed, earlier in the day it gave a ton..
  11. They hot/stealth fixed it, obviously it was earlier or do you really think that every other poster about this got together to form some sort of forum post conspiracy... Glad they hot fixed it, now its time to take down the servers with an emergency maintenance and roll back both the patch and the databases to right before the patch, and dont apply the patch, test it more on test server and rework the mechanics of it.
  12. If no rollback tonight, I will cancel as well. What I think they should do rollback the severs before patch, and not apply the patch, look at it for a few more weeks on test server and then apply a better solution, leave the game as it was pre 1.1 What needs to be done? Warzones should be global, across all servers so the seperation of 50 brackets doesnt cause retardly long queue times for 50s on the less populated servers. Illum reworked or warzones return diminished to promote open world pvp, take a note from daoc and give some sort of thing to be conquerable by guilds/raids in the open world AKA an incentive. Less populated side should be given an underdog buff to help even **** out when in open world pvp the buff should only affect PvP not PvE like increased expertise, a % based on the difference of players in THAT MAP not the entire population Before adding in more flash points etc take a patch to address class balance. Operative/Scoundrels doing a 3-4 second knockdown and 10k dmg within that is an example of being OP this coming from a 50 scoundrel. -= Most importanly rollback to prior patch =-
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