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Sith warrior story fail, Malavai Quinn


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LS - leave Quinn as it is, clean slate

DS - maim Quinn and make him into a cyborg who is obedient not out of loyalty but out of fear, essentially making him a complete tool, not unlike Palpatine and Vader post-Mustafar (I can picture this as SW confronts Quinn, screen fades to black with some screams and grunts in the background and next thing we see is Quinn in kolto tank with cybernetic replacements)


Sure they said that there will be new companions as story progresses but leaving this as it is, is completely wrong. Even more wrong than BH having Skadge forcefully shoved in their throat. Hell, at least he didn't backstab anyone from the crew.


Replacing Quinn with equivalent would also be very troublesome since it would create a need to come up with new companion storyline, dialogues, skins etc while the cyborg option would only require new dialogues.


What I think is we should be able to put Vette's slave collar on Quinn. Rather than make him into a boring cyborg I'd rather be able to electrocute him anytime he got annoying. :D

Edited by Xenedus
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So can anyone tell me what was it they said on livestream about Quinn and such? I got the part where the guy said that there won't be a possibility to kill companions (thank you morons that wonder why you can't use a character that's dead) but he said something after that and I didn't catch it. Edited by gibmachine
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So can anyone tell me what was it they said on livestream about Quinn and such? I got the part where the guy said that there won't be a possibility to kill companions (thank you morons that wonder why you can't use a character that's dead) but he said something after that and I didn't catch it.


He said that yes, they are aware that a lot of people want him dead, but that option is not coming.

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If you are a serious role player, you SHOULD HAVE been disappointed long before Quinn's betrayal.


Basically, every single protagonist in Bioware games is a god-like being. You are either a god-spawn(BG), an individual with the best set of genes(ME), a genius martial artist who has stronger potential than gods(JE), a refugee who can defeat Qunari's best warrior on one on one combat(DA) and so on.


You see, although Bioware is really good at telling stories, their protagonists are often portrayed exactly like Hollywood heroes that are disliked by mature audience.


Have you ever given it a thought that even the strongest characters in Star wars universe like Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker have gone through defeats and humiliations?


Haven't you ever noticed that your protagonist is getting a special treatment that you are complaining Quinn has?


Let's list some of them here.





1. You can insult your master in conversations and get away without any penalties, he will never kill you or punish you. What kind of apprentice is that to insult his powerful master and never be punished?


2. Sith Academy consist of groups of elite individuals with strong force sensitivity. Why are you the strongest with the force out of all those people?


3. Quinn had studied your moves and prepared droids to defeat you. Logically speaking, you SHOULD HAVE been killed when you fell into the trap. I wonder if you would have liked 5 lvl 50 droids instead.




Long story short, Malavai Quinn's betrayal has no plot holes. You think it's a fail because you don't realize any of special treatments your protagonist has been granted, but noticed Quinn's as soon as it occurred.


Your character is given an immortality and mights to overcome any foes thrown to you during the storyline even though they are very unrealistic in many circumstances. So let's not complain just because Quiinn shared your privilege a litte.

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Thanks Phyreblade and Sparklecat for the discussion of Quinn. I might just be able to roll a SW one day. The combo or romance and betrayal makes it a bit difficult for me to start one. But perhaps one day it will be doable.


For those who wants to kill Quinn, perhaps you could be able to store him in the ship the same way as BH do with their targets that they bring in. That way you have the ability to thaw him out when you need him and the pleasure of freezing him up again when you are done. Added bonus that you get to replay freezing him up over and over if you like.


Me, I would love to see the relationship play out between Quinn and a female SW. But so far I haven't been able to make it work. Will see how I feel about it when I'm done with the rest of the classes.

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If you are a serious role player, you SHOULD HAVE been disappointed long before Quinn's betrayal.


Basically, every single protagonist in Bioware games is a god-like being. You are either a god-spawn(BG), an individual with the best set of genes(ME), a genius martial artist who has stronger potential than gods(JE), a refugee who can defeat Qunari's best warrior on one on one combat(DA) and so on.


You see, although Bioware is really good at telling stories, their protagonists are often portrayed exactly like Hollywood heroes that are disliked by mature audience.


Have you ever given it a thought that even the strongest characters in Star wars universe like Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker have gone through defeats and humiliations?


Haven't you ever noticed that your protagonist is getting a special treatment that you are complaining Quinn has?


Let's list some of them here.





1. You can insult your master in conversations and get away without any penalties, he will never kill you or punish you. What kind of apprentice is that to insult his powerful master and never be punished?


2. Sith Academy consist of groups of elite individuals with strong force sensitivity. Why are you the strongest with the force out of all those people?


3. Quinn had studied your moves and prepared droids to defeat you. Logically speaking, you SHOULD HAVE been killed when you fell into the trap. I wonder if you would have liked 5 lvl 50 droids instead.




Long story short, Malavai Quinn's betrayal has no plot holes. You think it's a fail because you don't realize any of special treatments your protagonist has been granted, but noticed Quinn's as soon as it occurred.


Your character is given an immortality and mights to overcome any foes thrown to you during the storyline even though they are very unrealistic in many circumstances. So let's not complain just because Quiinn shared your privilege a litte.


It is called "being heroic" and this is what BW wants us to be. Not some random peon.


And Quinn's betrayal has one MASSIVE plot hole which is inability to actually punish him.


General on Alderaan gave some trouble and then didn't want to give me the answers I needed so I killed her lover, butchered her crew and finally killed her as well.


General on Taris was constaly sending his troops at me, hiding behind war droids and scores of his men. When I was finally alone with him, I openly said that I don't care about the Treaty and butchered him without second thought.


And then my second in command betrays me and ambushed me with 2 war droids that are customized to counter my moves. It's game mechanics that this fight was so easy but I'm sure that story-wise they gave me a serious run for my money. So yeah, i destroyed them and beat Quinn to the ground. What were my options? Spare, spare but with some pansy talking about being all merciful and... choke for a bit? Seriously?


How can you not see a plot hole here is beyond me. You character can kill people for every kind of stupid ******** there is but is unable to kill or even actually HURT capitain of his own crew for betraying him and thinking him an idiot?


He was loyal to Baras even though he saw my power when serving as my capitain. He tried to kill me and failed. Even though he should've faced the consequences, he CAN'T because the plot made him invulnerable. Not even a shock collar to zap his face when he speaks out of turn.

Edited by gibmachine
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The game's decided your character is more intelligent than you, pretty much.


By this I mean, not all Sith are 'RABBLE RABBLE BLOOD AND GUTS RABBLE RABBLE'.


Some are smart enough to recognize valuable resources and not waste them.



A traitor is not a valuable resource... unless its on someone else's team.

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Quinn is the only Healing companion a Warrior has.


Past level 40 only Quinn, Vette and Jaesa are of any practical use.

Past level 45 the only companion I find remotely useful is a Quinn geared to the nines.



Were I to kill him while playing in a drunken stupor (which might be the way zi married Mako cus I have no recollection of it) I would've gimped myself for the rest of the game.


Yes. He should be in the doghouse for a full storyarc culminating in his unequivocal redemption. The way it was implemented was weak.


But I'd rather have my healing companion ticking.


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I assume then that there is no other imperial officer with medical training and a bit of strategic thinking out there, who would love to work directly under Emperor's Wrath?


Hell, even a stim vendor would do.


There is very simple way around it. Just allow players to adjust the role of their companions according to their likings. That way, Vette could become somewhat of a merc healer, Jaesa could develop sorc healing powers and Pierce could go for some operative training.


The way in which the decision is made for you is simply plain wrong and it doesn't matter if he's a "valuable resource". Right now we have "you stabbed me in the back and through me an idiot by thinking that 2 droids could take me out but you can heal so be nice and we cool" ********.


I really feel that when storylines are expanded, we could have an option to go back to this very situation (maybe a scene aboard the ship in which you tell the crew what happened and are then presented with an option to let him live or "you outlived your usefullness", thus killing him and replacing with different companion to not have -1 when crafting)


Apparently, companion "role customization" used to be in the game earlier in beta. You could change your companion's ability set with some sort of kits.

Ofc, BW saw this is as being a bad idea...

"Why on earth would we want to allow people the freedom to customize their companions or... God forbid... NOT have to use Quinn all the damn time?"



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He betrayed & should have been put to the saber, if anything it made me hate Quinn for ages! (He may never be trusted or forgiven).

One min. he's a flirting failed officer that needs your help, next he's trying to murder you, Sith style betrayal.

Was a storyline killer for me, and didn't like it one bit! :(

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The argument that you wouldn't kill Quinn as a "smart" Sith is as valid as the argument that you would. The choice is what it is needed. You are right, not every Sith is going to be Capt. Murder, but some are going to be... that is why it is RPing, because you are playing it. But in this case the game is playing it for for you. Space combat on rails is one thing, morality choices on rails is a whole 'nother beast. I think you should be able to kill him, or forgive him, or beat his lying *** into submission and make him kiss your boots, or heck, how about a little of the carbonite treatment. You know, slap him up there on the wall, give the deck some real atmosphere... he would probably exhibit the same level or personality as a wall hanging as he does right now.


My Sith isn't made smarter than me by having the choice taken away, just made me a little less dimensional.


Plus how awesome would it be if you could hang him in your cabin... "Yeah, there is the last guy that wined and dined me then betrayed me... Now what was it you were saying hun?" :D

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The argument that you wouldn't kill Quinn as a "smart" Sith is as valid as the argument that you would. The choice is what it is needed. You are right, not every Sith is going to be Capt. Murder, but some are going to be... that is why it is RPing, because you are playing it. But in this case the game is playing it for for you. Space combat on rails is one thing, morality choices on rails is a whole 'nother beast. I think you should be able to kill him, or forgive him, or beat his lying *** into submission and make him kiss your boots, or heck, how about a little of the carbonite treatment. You know, slap him up there on the wall, give the deck some real atmosphere... he would probably exhibit the same level or personality as a wall hanging as he does right now.


My Sith isn't made smarter than me by having the choice taken away, just made me a little less dimensional.


Plus how awesome would it be if you could hang him in your cabin... "Yeah, there is the last guy that wined and dined me then betrayed me... Now what was it you were saying hun?" :D


Frankly, I'm wondering whether this thing about carbonite Georg said at the summit will appear in the game. Since it was acknowledged that many people want Quinn punished, what he said seemd like a joke but I wouldn't be surprised if they will put it in the game.


That said, I'm beginning to think that I'd be more satisfied if they allowed me to put Vette's shock collar on him so that every single dialogue option with him includes "Shut up slave [shock Quinn]" option. Pretty much like with Vette on Korriban.

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This was the most unbelievable and unnecessary part of the story ever. It made absolutely no sense and ruined the immersion.


It seemed completely out of place and its about as stupid as having a showdown with Baras but before getting to put the blade to him the screen freezes and text appears over him that says "U HAVE DEFEATED ME WARRIOR BUT I MUST RETURN TO MY HOME PLANET GOOD BYE" and then you get a quest complete.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Full Blooded Sith.


You can punish his *** for an eternity. With only brief cooldowns.


That, my friends, is contentment.


A quick death is too easy and light of a punishment for betraying the emperor's wrath, compared to a life of wimpering in pain.. while being forced to heal your tormentor. Even worse, I'm his wife.


[Cue: Buahahahahahhahahahaaaa]

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Full Blooded Sith.


You can punish his *** for an eternity. With only brief cooldowns.


That, my friends, is contentment.


A quick death is too easy and light of a punishment for betraying the emperor's wrath, compared to a life of wimpering in pain.. while being forced to heal your tormentor. Even worse, I'm his wife.


[Cue: Buahahahahahhahahahaaaa]


Purebloods are going to come in very handy when Legacy hits. Every class has at least one companion that desperately needs a smack upside the head. :D

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I think they should allow you to kill Quinn or any other companion,but have some backup companion if you do.
As a bounty hunter u do get to decide if u want to kill Gault so i don't see why we cant kill Quinn. You just get a clone of him if u do. Edited by Kleave
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As a bounty hunter u do get to decide if u want to kill Gault so i don't see why we cant kill Quinn. You just get a clone of him if u do.





You "kill" (maim) the replica and keep Gault. It's essentially the same railroad but the difference is that Gault doesn't betray you.


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  • 2 weeks later...
And he didn't even have any comments? No, I really wanted to hear him say something about this. Call my warrior "weak" for letting Quinn live. At least. I was expecting it.

The lack of him ever mentiong Quinn again just makes this thing seem even weaker.


But anyway, I tend to think Quinn just tried to commit suicide via Sith. And it failed =)

You do feel through the following dialogue that he's ready to die and is all "just make it quick".


This is ingenious. :eek:


omg... "i'm sorry it's come to this, my lord."

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