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Sith warrior story fail, Malavai Quinn


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Full Blooded Sith.


You can punish his *** for an eternity. With only brief cooldowns.


That, my friends, is contentment.


A quick death is too easy and light of a punishment for betraying the emperor's wrath, compared to a life of wimpering in pain.. while being forced to heal your tormentor. Even worse, I'm his wife.


[Cue: Buahahahahahhahahahaaaa]


Indeed. If you are quick to kill your betrayers, then the fun lasts a second. Allow them to live and torture them for the rest of their days, that fun is never ending.


Quinn and I will be having oodles of time to spend together when I finish with Baras.


You know, I may take him Krayt Dragon fishing one of these days....

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inability to kill him is ok (though it would be cool in theory but too much people will whine about loss of healer companion)


What really is stupid is the situation itself, event isn't motivated, poorly written and has no consequences.

Instead of epic face-heel turn it feels like a poor writer reached into his box of generic grand betrayals and slapped it inbeween all these flowers and underwear short talks with companions.


It's quality made me facepalm

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inability to kill him is ok (though it would be cool in theory but too much people will whine about loss of healer companion)


What really is stupid is the situation itself, event isn't motivated, poorly written and has no consequences.

Instead of epic face-heel turn it feels like a poor writer reached into his box of generic grand betrayals and slapped it inbeween all these flowers and underwear short talks with companions.


It's quality made me facepalm


That is what annoys me more then the betrayl itself. It is poorly written and just seems to be thrown in there for no real reason. I was annoyed at Quinn and thus had a one night stand with Pierce but seeing as how it was so piss poorly written I forgave him.

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This has just killed all involvement I had with my char. The only reason I'll keep playing her for now is because I want a level 50 sith pureblood. How can I still love Quinn and work with him as if nothing happened? It makes no sense. I have no choice to ditch him, because I need his healing skills, so now it's just a game mechanic that I need to utilize, instead of a companion that my character has affection for.


I can't really express how I feel, but it's like... I was playing a story, I felt attached to the character, I kept playing because I wanted to see what would happen next, what choices I would face and how I could/would react to them, not because I wanted 1 more quest, needed more XP or wanted certain loot. That feeling is now gone. If I would want to keep emerged in the story, I would never take out Quinn again, but that's simply not an option gameplay wise. So now it's just a game. Now it's just to get XP, loot and levels. They story died for me.

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Perhaps it's because I play full Dark Side Sith but....


I expected this, I anticipated this, and I knew what I would do when it happened.


In a way I wish my Sith had more complementary dialog, after the fact. As far as I was concerned he grew a nice set, of big brass ones, for even attempting to take me on, he knew he'd lose.....but he did try.


I also wish I could give him a light saber and train him in the ways of the Sith, he'd make a fine one indeed. Yes, I'll keep him around, and alive, he has a new master, a stronger one.


Personally? I thought it was great! I can't wait to see the long term effects of this in later chapters.

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Thanks Bioware. What a load of Horse S*&^


I have been walking around telling all my mates that the story is excellently constructed and this isn't just a grind MMO it is very immersive and a joy to level with.


That all changed when those three identical options appeared on the screen.

I Hate Malavai Quinn! I wish I didn't spend Hours grinding Rakghoul DNA to get his customization, I Want Him off my ship! I No-one should speak his name and my SW should sacrifice himself, He is no longer worthy of life after letting Quinn live, let alone making him captain of my ship. PFTT! what a joke.. ..............



Anyone Check the newspaper lately? I would imagine Bioware will be looking for a new writer after that contrive piece of steaming Rancor waste was unleashed on the sith empire.




I Demand an alternative!!!!

Edited by Dafttemplar
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Thanks Bioware. What a load of Horse S*&^


I have been walking around telling all my mates that the story is excellently constructed and this isn't just a grind MMO it is very immersive and a joy to level with.


That all changed when those three identical options appeared on the screen.

I Hate Malavai Quinn! I wish I didn't spend Hours grinding Rakghoul DNA to get his customization, I Want Him off my ship! I No-one should speak his name and my SW should sacrifice himself, He is no longer worthy of life after letting Quinn live, let alone making him captain of my ship. PFTT! what a joke.. ..............



Anyone Check the newspaper lately? I would imagine Bioware will be looking for a new writer after that contrive piece of steaming Rancor waste was unleashed on the sith empire.




I Demand an alternative!!!!


Honestly, if the situation was the same as it was in Beta and you could actually KILL Quinn, I would have done it in a heartbeat! 2V actually makes a really good Healer when fitted out right.


That said, I have the next best alternative. Since my SW Juggernaut is a Pureblood, I have no problem with bringing him out and pimpsmacking him upside the head just for ****s and grins..... and because he's a Baras suckup. :D

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That said, I have the next best alternative. Since my SW Juggernaut is a Pureblood, I have no problem with bringing him out and pimpsmacking him upside the head just for ****s and grins..... :D



This seems a suitable placeholder until the Bioware employee responsible is punished with the full force of the empire.

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have any of you considerd that this may play out in future story's?

it may be that Quinn is eventually replaced i mean this vidoe i know its TFU and we all hate it but it explaines why i sith would keep a potental enemie around.


"but i may have some small use for you, i still have enemies to find and destroy, you will do my bidding untill i find someone new, then you will be cast aside"


i see this as the fate of quinn eventually his usefulness will come to an end and he will be cast aside.

i think in future expanshion when we get new companions we may like mass effect get to replace them with others.

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I really can't wait to see how and IF BW explores the implications of Quinn's betrayal, to be honest. That and I felt that maybe a "bone" could have been tossed out after the SW defeats Baras.


Really did love the interactions you get with Quinn, especially as a female warrior though. :D

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Frankly, Quinn's reasons for the betrayal don't make sense.


No, Quinn, he's not acting for the good of the empire. We have it on the word of the EMPEROR HIMSELF, for crying out loud. YOU WERE THERE.


It says something about a writing messup like this that my only explanation for it is Mind-trick based mindrape on Baras's part.

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have any of you considerd that this may play out in future story's?

it may be that Quinn is eventually replaced i mean this vidoe i know its TFU and we all hate it but it explaines why i sith would keep a potental enemie around.

i see this as the fate of quinn eventually his usefulness will come to an end and he will be cast aside.

i think in future expanshion when we get new companions we may like mass effect get to replace them with others.


...but what if I don't want him to be replaced?


As long as we have the option to keep him around then I'm fine with that, but if I'm forced to replace him the I'll but just as mad as the people who feel they are forced to keep him. :mad:


It's like this....I'd like to replace Vette. She serves no purpose, my SW didn't romance her, and despite the fact that I kept that shock collar on for as long I I could, it never seemed to affect her in any significant way, she was still flippant and 'spunky' and it got on my nerves. She didn't try and betray me, or harm me, and I always thought she would at least try. She's the dead weight on my crew, and I'd rater have someone else.


I hope they take into account the fact that different players, react differently to that story arc. Keeping him, or letting him go, should be an option, if it happens that way. :(


Edit to add: Didn't I read in another thread, that they bandied about the idea of carbonite freezing for unwanted companions, at the guild summit? I'll take that over them writing him out of the SW plot line.

Edited by JediElf
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Frankly, Quinn's reasons for the betrayal don't make sense.


No, Quinn, he's not acting for the good of the empire. We have it on the word of the EMPEROR HIMSELF, for crying out loud. YOU WERE THERE.


It says something about a writing messup like this that my only explanation for it is Mind-trick based mindrape on Baras's part.


Technically, the Emperor does want to "eat" the galaxy so as to extend his life or ascend to deity status and if the Emperor succeeds then all life including the Empire would be wiped out, therefore with that reasoning you could argue that Quinn is acting for the good of the Empire. I'm kind of grasping a bit here though, seriously my SW was NOT happy about having to serve the Ra's Al Ghul wannabe. The Emperor is totally terrified of death... seriously...

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...but what if I don't want him to be replaced?


I don't want him replaced either. So far, he's the most interesting and upsetting thing I've experienced story-wise in the game so far. Of all the class stories I've done myself or watched, the sith warrior is the one I can't wait to see expanded. And Quinn is the reason. I'm just hoping they are a little less ..careless with their story-telling next time. Maybe they didn't realize how many blanks they'd left for us to fill in.


(That said, I finished the sw story a long time ago and Vector has stolen my heart away, lol. But even so, there doesn't seem to be any thing in the agent romance that will match up to what happened to my warrior. I don't foresee any punches to the gut on par with Quinn's betrayal.)

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...but what if I don't want him to be replaced?


As long as we have the option to keep him around then I'm fine with that, but if I'm forced to replace him the I'll but just as mad as the people who feel they are forced to keep him. :mad:


It's like this....I'd like to replace Vette. She serves no purpose, my SW didn't romance her, and despite the fact that I kept that shock collar on for as long I I could, it never seemed to affect her in any significant way, she was still flippant and 'spunky' and it got on my nerves. She didn't try and betray me, or harm me, and I always thought she would at least try. She's the dead weight on my crew, and I'd rater have someone else.


I hope they take into account the fact that different players, react differently to that story arc. Keeping him, or letting him go, should be an option, if it happens that way. :(


Edit to add: Didn't I read in another thread, that they bandied about the idea of carbonite freezing for unwanted companions, at the guild summit? I'll take that over them writing him out of the SW plot line.


well i assume if they did what i think they would allow to to choose so if you decide to forgive him then youde get both maybe, im not sure im not a good writer but they could easily work there way into that plot.


im suprised you didnt like vette she has some funny diologue.

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Technically, the Emperor does want to "eat" the galaxy so as to extend his life or ascend to deity status and if the Emperor succeeds then all life including the Empire would be wiped out, therefore with that reasoning you could argue that Quinn is acting for the good of the Empire. I'm kind of grasping a bit here though, seriously my SW was NOT happy about having to serve the Ra's Al Ghul wannabe. The Emperor is totally terrified of death... seriously...


Oh yeah, totally. If people knew that, everyone would come down on the emperor right away.


But the fact is, the only people who know that are Lord Scourge and a handful of Jedi. Quinn and the Sith Warrior... don't.

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I don't want him replaced either. So far, he's the most interesting and upsetting thing I've experienced story-wise in the game so far. Of all the class stories I've done myself or watched, the sith warrior is the one I can't wait to see expanded. And Quinn is the reason. I'm just hoping they are a little less ..careless with their story-telling next time. Maybe they didn't realize how many blanks they'd left for us to fill in.


(That said, I finished the sw story a long time ago and Vector has stolen my heart away, lol. But even so, there doesn't seem to be any thing in the agent romance that will match up to what happened to my warrior. I don't foresee any punches to the gut on par with Quinn's betrayal.)


Agreed! it really is one of the most emotional moments in the game, and very well played.


Hopefully, for those of us that did choose to forgive him 'and choose to keep him around', we'll get to see the ramifications of the whole incident. I want to hand him a lightsaber...but that's just me. :D


Really there is so much potential for some very deep character development, and crew dynamics, on the Fury.


Chapter 4 is going to be amazing.

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I guess I'm OK with not being able to kill him (for practical considerations), but I do wish you were given more opportunity to treat him like garbage for the rest of the game. Make it clear to him he's not your ally officer, he's now a slave. Maybe fit him with Vette's old shock collar.


But as it is, it's like "GRAAR FORCE CHOKE...ah I can't stay mad at you."

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They funny thing is the dark council already know what the emperor is doing if you read the blood of the empire comic.


Given a lot of the council doesn't actually trust Baras (and are just going along with it because he has blackmail material), if Baras didn't know there was a secret there, it is quite possible he never found out about the Emperor's full intentions, and none of the dark council are the type to let a lowly captain know the emperor's plan. Plus, its the sort of thing Quinn would be expected to point out in the fight.

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