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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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So all the illegitimately earned Valor will be kept?


Business as usual then "If you find an exploit in the game you better use the hell out of it before we fix it. Enjoy the rewards but prepare to get a slap on the wrist." Expected as much.

Edited by mufutiz
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And how exactly do you propose they identify the problem if the servers aren't up and they cannot *SEE* the problem?


It's obvious that they need to "carefully evaluate" and "take action as necessary", to avoid taking action on people tat did nothing wrong.


You people are getting more and more clueless.


They knew the problem. Players were spawn camping. The turrets were obviously not working as intended. It was, quite literally, that simple. If they had shut down the servers at 10am, none of us would even care. Players normally online at that time might be mildly annoyed, but likely would understand that there was an issue with a major patch.


There's no room left for "understanding" now. BioWare sat on their hands for an entire day, when the immediate fix (taking out the changes to Ilum from the patch) was staring them right in the face. Heck, people warned them on the public test server before the patch even went live. They should have been watching Ilum like a hawk, prepared to do what was necessary in case those testers were correct, as they turned out to be.



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Not really, cosidering the hundreds of thousands playing the game right now and enjoying it, caring nothing about all the tears and rage of the overwhelming minority camping the forums. :rolleyes:


The vast miority doesn't write in forums. people who complain openly are the people who still think that there is a chance things get better.


Most people just cancel their accounts and go to other MMOS in silence.


Okay there a also many people who stay for PVE and those are not inrerested in this issue.


But lets face it if i have a big number of players who love PvP i don't start alienating them. They represent money and i want money as a company.

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Why did Gabe lie to us?


Why would they say that enemy forces were suppose to instantly die when entering the camp


if there are turrets their to obviously kill enemies in the town?


Now i keep seeing this argument and i have to ask... Keeping in mind that i dont have a level 50 and have never been to illum. Isnt it possible that those turrets were supposed to be the thing that insta kills players from the opposite faction? I mean why else would they die when they enter?

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Since the release of this game we have been fighting an uphill battle as Republic on my server due to faction imbalance. Warzones usually had a single 50 or if we got lucky, maybe 2 50s and a mixture of ppl from 10-40s on our side. More often than not we were going against 50 premades consisting of at least 4 50s + a number of players usually in the 30-40s range.


Now a few weeks later we have some geared 50s as well and if the matches had even odds we had good challenging and fun games that we won more often than not.

The 50 only brackets are ok imo, but Empire outgears and outranks our side by a lot, as most republic players just hit max level and start gearing up. I'd say most are in the range of valor 20 to high 30s.


After today's desaster the imbalance will increase even further, because if suddenly a huge number of Imps flew through valor levels and achieved valor 60, that also means that they can start grinding for the gear immediately and that will put us Republic players even further behind who still struggle to get even to valor 50.


Don't get me wrong, I love a good challenge, and I couldnt care less about the title. Let them exploit their way to valor 100 and be named Supreme God of PvP, I dont care. The issue I have is with the gear which -sadly- plays such an important role in the overall performance in a PvP environment. As it is valor rank also determines access to pvp gear, and there already was a huge gap between Rep and Imp side, on most servers at least. After the Ilum grinding today, Republic will be off even worse.


I first said to a guild mate "So what, let them. You ll see PvP scrubs with Battlemaster title, doesnt change the fact that we are still better players than them." Then it dawned on me that by having access to BM gear, a few weeks later it wont matter if they didnt PvP as much or arent as good a player. Sporting a few BM pieces they just dont need to be that good. The gear will negate the lack of skill and effort/experience put into playing actual PvP in Warzones.


I am really wondering if this fiasco can be salvaged into something acceptable, for both sides, because I dont think the Imps who gained their BM title and gear by playing a lot will like the cheap gain of that title any more than we on Rep side do. PvP fun has always come for me from having roughly equal chances in a match of skill and then beating the opposing team, especially if the odds are against us, but I see that pretty much destroyed now after what has happened to Ilum, because the odds arent only not in our favor, they have become entirely impossible to beat.


Add to that the general population imbalance issue, the slight favoring of Empire when it comes to class abilities, casting delays, warzone design etc. and I really wonder why I should bother anymore with PvP. Oh, and the fact that this patch also did nothing to reward objective focused play in WZs and is also still not adressing the issue of less medals gained if you play pure healer is further adding frustration with this game's current state of PvP.


Bioware, I implore you to make some changes, and do them quickly, because I have a very bad feeling about this and I dont want to see this game tank in such a short time.

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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


Little too late and really too slow.

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This is officially my favorite forum thread of any game of all time. There are so many gem statements I cant even read them fast enough. LMAO


Bummer Im at work but this is glorious. Making my day go by much faster, 45 mins to go :D

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There is Absolutely No way in hell they will Rollback Anything. They are preoccupied with breaking the game, deleting posts and making sure the auto-response droids are running. Besides with all the damage they did in one patch I would be to afraid to see what harm they would do with a "Simple" Rollback :D
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No roll back? Are you serious??


Fire this incompetent son of a gun YESTERDAY. His team's failures ARE going to cost this game its future. The PvP crowd exists, is far from being an insignificant minority, and is VERY loud.


This is the age of social media and viral effects, you CANT get away with this.


R O L L B A C K . Even the Imps are requesting it.

Edited by Soulaufein
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Now i keep seeing this argument and i have to ask... Keeping in mind that i dont have a level 50 and have never been to illum. Isnt it possible that those turrets were supposed to be the thing that insta kills players from the opposite faction? I mean why else would they die when they enter?


But gabe said he wanted a zone like in other WZ. He said it explicitly.


A zone and elite turrets who instakill you are 2 very different things.


And i think the lead PvP designer knows the difference!


There is just no way out for him. He lied!

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The vast miority doesn't write in forums. people who complain openly are the people who still think that there is a chance things get better.


Most people just cancel their accounts and go to other MMOS in silence.


Okay there a also many people who stay for PVE and those are not inrerested in this issue.


But lets face it if i have a big number of players who love PvP i don't start alienating them. They represent money and i want money as a company.


Players concerned about PvE should be concerned about this. The gear obtainable through PvP is perfectly usable in PvE. The end-game PvP mods slot right into your favourite piece of orange gear, just like any other mod. These players exploited a PvP bug to get ahead not only in PvP, but in PvE as well, and as such this issue affects everyone, not just PvPers.



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The vast miority doesn't write in forums. people who complain openly are the people who still think that there is a chance things get better.


Most people just cancel their accounts and go to other MMOS in silence.


Lol. Those that you describe post constructive feedback on the forums, of which i see almost nothing in this thread. I see people screaming, and that points clearly to the fact that most of them are simply trolls.


Okay there a also many people who stay for PVE and those are not inrerested in this issue.


But lets face it if i have a big number of players who love PvP i don't start alienating them. They represent money and i want money as a company.


So you'd rather alienate everyone else that got it's progression legitimately today? Yeah. Smart move :rolleyes:

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There is Absolutely No way in hell they will Rollback Anything. They are preoccupied with breaking the game, deleting posts and making sure the auto-response droids are running. Besides with all the damage they did in one patch I would be to afraid to see what harm they would do with a "Simple" Rollback :D


I didn't think about that.


If they did a rollback the server might overload and their entire building would explode.


Probably best if they just leave things broken because fixing them would break everything permanently.

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bioware, seriously you need to rollback all the valor gained today. You're destroying all semblance of respect that people had for you by allowing this to happen and by not fixing your mistake. Not only are you screwing over the republic in warzones, but you're spitting in the faces of everyone who legitimately earned battle master status. I guarantee that if you don't end up rolling back all the valor gained you're going to lose enough subs that it will hurt. If not immediately financially than by bad word of mouth. You just need to take a look at all these responses to see that.
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I've heard of not running with scissors but Bioware is freaking sprinting with them in both hands! The decision to make is upset the cheaters with a rollback and possibly keep the people that will now have to work three times as hard against people that out gear them for at least a few months.. or keep the people that exploited the game happy and destroy any hopes of a balanced game all the while losing, much needed, Republic players.. If I could only be a fly on the wall at Bioware..
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