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v1.1 = NGE ... and the history Repeats....


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Did you play a warzone today? IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL A HEALER. Spike damage not enough

anymore not even for the OP Operative, my friend canceled at the same minute.. he opens

up with 4k and pokes then for 700 to 1,5k on an enemy LIGHT ARMOR.


They dont only killed my class, they killed EVERY Burst DPS Class in the Game.


and for your record, i already left the game.



Actually no they did not. I kill pretty much any class with my pyro pt and the unpredictable burst that the class has. Maybe I get along just fine because I did NOT stack adrenals and other buffs like mad before. If you want to tell ppl that it is now impossible to kill healers then youre just a bad player that probably did not even use any interrupts or stuns to kill them before, and instead just mashed 3 damage skills and hoped the guy would drop after that.

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Did you play a warzone today? IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL A HEALER. Spike damage not enough

anymore not even for the OP Operative, my friend canceled at the same minute.. he opens

up with 4k and pokes then for 700 to 1,5k on an enemy LIGHT ARMOR.


They dont only killed my class, they killed EVERY Burst DPS Class in the Game.


and for your record, i already left the game.



rofl sorry to break it to you but you must be terrible then, im still getting 2-3 shot by juggs/marauders/guardians/operatives smugglers. your doing something wrong. and i still contend the NGE was a FREAKING GAME RUINING TOTAL GAME CHANGING PATCH this is just a mini patch with a bit of content and a few changes, nothing at all like the NGE was. trust me i was there for the CU and the NGE and i actually shed a lil tear when i logged out of my accounts for the last time. this is absolutely nothing at all like the nge..

Edited by skrapes
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I unsubbed when I hit 50 and started getting champion fail bags. RNG pvp rewards are not for me. Now level 62.


1.1 will not lure anyone back.


They just killed their game.


You mean....kinda like how PvE'rs have to deal with RNG when it comes to loot?

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whats NGE ? and yes this post is legit


The nge is short for the new game enhancements, which in short is the patch that completely killed star wars galaxies. They completly changed the game into a wow clone, and pushed the patch out one week after an expansion. This lead to a huge amount of players leaving, and the eventual end of what was a great star wars mmo.


That said, comparing this patch to the NGE is pure blasphemy. Bioware did not change the entire game from the ground up. As an old swg vet, these patches really aren't comparable at all...

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whats NGE ? and yes this post is legit


NGE (New Game Enhancement, as I recall) was the big overhaul to the Start Wars Galaxies MMO that -among other things - turned Jedi from an earned/premium class into a starter class. It was roundly dispised and many people consider it the worst MMO update/do-over ever. SWG was already dying, so it's hard to say NGE killed it, but it definitely put a few nails in the coffin.

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The nge is short for the new game enhancements, which in short is the patch that completely killed star wars galaxies. They completly changed the game into a wow clone, and pushed the patch out one week after an expansion. This lead to a huge amount of players leaving, and the eventual end of what was a great star wars mmo.


That said, comparing this patch to the NGE is pure blasphemy. Bioware did not change the entire game from the ground up. As an old swg vet, these patches really aren't comparable at all...


like some one else mentioned it b4


NGE -> made things worse

1.1 -> made things worse



they should have made this into a fps then it would have been perfect, but its **** already as it is now

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"What experience and history teach is this - that people never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it."

G. W. F. Hegel





ROTFL, you are so correct. And we saw what happened to the swg nge, this game wont even last that long. This is what you get when you produce a sub par game, make reactionary decisions based on a whining player base, and not have the talent to pull it off. All Julio Torres playbook moves with lucas arts hints of failure.

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like some one else mentioned it b4


NGE -> made things worse

1.1 -> made things worse



they should have made this into a fps then it would have been perfect, but its **** already as it is now


With that logic any patch that has bugs in it is as bad as the NGE, which is utterly rediculous. Did you actually play the NGE? It completely changed the game. This doesn't even come close to the same ballpark. Just saying both patches made things worse is far too general of a statement.

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Did you play a warzone today? IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL A HEALER. Spike damage not enough

anymore not even for the OP Operative, my friend canceled at the same minute.. he opens

up with 4k and pokes then for 700 to 1,5k on an enemy LIGHT ARMOR.


They dont only killed my class, they killed EVERY Burst DPS Class in the Game.


and for your record, i already left the game.


This is pretty funny stuff.


So you are saying... that instead of learning how to properly play your class your out.


The game was not working as intended I can tell you that. After many rounds of beta and forum chats with the devs I can say I am about 100% sure the state of the 2-4 hit burst kills was COMPLETELY not intended game play.


They did NOT design a system that had a BURST only class... they also where trying to NOT have a Heal only class and a tank only class. They gave every class damage output with in a small window over time... and balanced it with the idea of damage cycles. (IE burst)... No the OP and SIN where not supposed to be 2 and 4 shotting ANY one at any time... but they where supposed to be able to open with a heavy front load. Which they can now.


I would assume that another Dept (The crafting guys) didn't do enough talking with the PvP guys and the silly stacking buff system ended up live... I for one am glad they have fixed it somewhat.. (They still may not have went far enough). Sorry the game is working more as they intended it today..... Learn how too use the other 10 skills on your bar... and learn how to properly spec your toon for the proper system... or leave up too you I guess.

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These posts are laughable. Even if points are valid its made comical from the dramatic sadfaces that are written into it.


Its funny, you read the forums and you'd think the game is destroyed, worst game evaaa my life is over, its coming to the end, and the population is in a massive decline through mass revolt and organsed de-subbing. Then you log into the game and here virtually nothing of the same crap, population in areas is higher than it was a week after lauch and everyone (except for a few ******* trolling general who seem to mysteriously keep playing) is enjoying the game.


If you cant play the game without sim stacking then GG. Yeah your going to hit lower. Like someone pointed out, it now takes all of 5 - 6 3k hits to kill someone instead of 3.


The real problem lies is that it allowed people who are new or just generally cant play to "do well" and get kills on their stim stacked geared 50's vs bolstered low levels. What your experiencing now called is pvp on the same level without a massive front-loading on your high hitting opener.


Did you play a warzone today? IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL A HEALER. Spike damage not enough

anymore not even for the OP Operative, my friend canceled at the same minute.. he opens

up with 4k and pokes then for 700 to 1,5k on an enemy LIGHT ARMOR.


They dont only killed my class, they killed EVERY Burst DPS Class in the Game.


and for your record, i already left the game.


So what your saying is that operatives cant instantly burn down a healer from stealth? Wow thats IS shocking. THIS GAME MUST BE BAD. It has to be, your friend unsubbed. Maybe another tactic other than spamming attacks needs to be used now, but you've left now. Out of curiosity what game are you going to?


Also FYI my 14 scoundrel's shotgun blasts hit for over 2k, charged shots etc hit for ~1k +/- a few hundred. If you forgot, a scoundrel & ops doesnt have the stealth opener for a long time.


What your saying is that low level ops/scoundrels are bolstered so high they do more than lvl 50's, and that the only reason you did well before was because of stim stacking. Now with the current bio changes, your under-powered?




Omg i posted the same thing.


Star wars is cursed:(



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Seriously OP don't let the door hit you on the way out. :p Superbads like you give online gaming a bad name with all your QQing.


As for not being able to kill healers, as a 50 Marauder Carnage spec, I can honestly say that I have no trouble dispatching them. And this is from a class that is often called weak and underpowered. L2P nub.

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This is pretty funny stuff.


So you are saying... that instead of learning how to properly play your class your out.


The game was not working as intended I can tell you that. After many rounds of beta and forum chats with the devs I can say I am about 100% sure the state of the 2-4 hit burst kills was COMPLETELY not intended game play.


They did NOT design a system that had a BURST only class... they also where trying to NOT have a Heal only class and a tank only class. They gave every class damage output with in a small window over time... and balanced it with the idea of damage cycles. (IE burst)... No the OP and SIN where not supposed to be 2 and 4 shotting ANY one at any time... but they where supposed to be able to open with a heavy front load. Which they can now.


I would assume that another Dept (The crafting guys) didn't do enough talking with the PvP guys and the silly stacking buff system ended up live... I for one am glad they have fixed it somewhat.. (They still may not have went far enough). Sorry the game is working more as they intended it today..... Learn how too use the other 10 skills on your bar... and learn how to properly spec your toon for the proper system... or leave up too you I guess.


I can assure you 100% that WE DONT GIVE A DAMN about what had been talked in beta

the game is out, and we invest TIME and DEDICATION to play how the game is NOW.

I'm not talking about 1 nerf or a slight little change, theres too much too quick that

changed too much in too many levels.



There WAS a balance given EVERY player the CHOICE to go full PvP with BioChem and

making them competitive so EVERYONE had the same outbase, ive been critted for that

amount by Operatives too but never complained as the game NEEDS 2-3Shoot classes

to prevent STAGNATION in PvP! Youre talking to an ex DF core Member with r13 c6 in

Guild Wars. It's not like i do not know what im talking about. look my youtube vids for

switch-interuppt/switchback-spike-> dps target techniques. also your talking to someone

who's firstplace in almost every warzone with damage and kills and higgest hit with a

class that is considered UNDERPOWERED listening to class forum sections.


I will tell it again just to make sure you read it:



It IS impossible to kill an enemy group with 2-3 Healers, all level 50 = 10% dmg red

then Guard from their tanks & Taunt from their shadows etc + pushback and stuns

with a still broken resolve system = STAGNATION. Alderaan: First capture 2 Obj. = Win

Huttball, score 1:0 and claim the ball & Voidstar starting Attack = Win.


Just look at the scoreboards, 300k dmg with 11 kills? is that what you call a WARzone?

Stop being stupid and carebearing this idiot company for a second and talk PVPsense

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This wow clone is going to sink faster than a cruise liner off the Italian coast.


This game was going to be great but then it took an arrow to the knee. :)


Honestly, rolling from beta -> final release with almsot no gap to address issues and THEN fixing bugs both from beta and live within a week of launch is a bad bad thing.


Look at D3. beta finished before critsmass and now they are polishing things before the january release.


TOR was rushed like WAR was rushed and we know how that went. In an era of WoW used as benchmark of what you may call "norm' pushing out unpolished games is like trying to sell a half broken old $hitbox corolla for the price of a mercedes.


You would think upcoming games competing in the MMO genre would use the best features of all currently popular MMOs and IMPLEMENT THEM before bringing in their 4th pillar.


It looks as if we are being sold an Interactive Movie one for each class and the gameplay is just tacked on to keep us grinding and filling up the forums with QQ posts.. all they need to make MORE money is start puting advertising banners on these forums. imagine the amounts of HITS theswe QQ posts will rake in for the advertising agencies...:) :)

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lol you pvp guys xD one patch a month after the game is released and its the end of the game.. it is doooooomed ! .. well it was before.. because i bet you already QQed much a week or 4 ago...


like every patch in WoW was the end of the game... for the past 7 years...because all classes got nerfed so badly.. nobody does damage to anyone anywhere at any time :(:(:(:(:(:(

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