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Everything posted by Hoogyboog

  1. I don't even have to rip this apart. You simply starting every sentence with because is enough for anyone to not take you serious. TLDR: I'm a pve carebear and I can't get gear if it requires rating QQ
  2. Doesnt have to be arena, it could be 4v4's for all I care, just something better than the damn zerg fest that warzones are.
  3. So who is opposed to implenting a ranked arena system that has ABSOLUTELY no gear benefits over anything you can obtain in a battleground? The pve carebears will be able to obtain the same gear. The pvp elitists get their small scale pvp. Both sides its a win win. No one would be forcing you to do arena, and the people who enjoy it, can enjoy it.
  4. Exactly what was said ""If I could go back in time before we shipped WoW, I would have either made serious changes to basic class balance to facilitate that type of play, or if I went back to when we had the idea two years later, I would have said, "Maybe we shouldn't go there."" learn to read. quit pulling **** out of context and type a search into google. You're just making your side look stupid on the issue.
  5. it's easy to say that on a forum with 0 proof lol... I wouldnt have fun in arena though if I couldnt break 2200 so I can see where you're coming from now.
  6. it's because you couldnt break 1500. I'm sorry, but bind your keys.
  7. Before you go posting misleading information, the dev only said it was a mistake because it's impossible to balance pve and pvp. Obviously WoW has a lot of children who enjoy pve carebearing around. You know what else Ron said? He said "if I can go back in time before the game shipped I would have either made serious changes to basic class balance to facilitate that type of play, or if I went back to when we had the idea two years later, I would have said, "Maybe we shouldn't go there." What part of that statement does he only say "oh its a crap idea." No he just admits balance is a problem which it is... HOWEVER that hasnt been a single season every single class was able to attain gladiator. Why? Because skill > gear The argument that entry level is too hard is flawed. It is EXTREMELY easy, especially now considering you can get weapons from honor, to rank up. I got 2200 on the said to be worst class in the game right now in honor blues from s9. Fact: people who complain about arena, suck at it and it hurt their epeens cause they arent slaying internet dragons for style points Fact: Swtor will never care about arena because it's like 1% of mmo population Fact: Guild Wars 2 is the most hyped up, and exciting mmo of 2012. There is a reason it is rated above swtor on every single gaming website. It is better. GW1 sucked, gw2 alpha client runs smoother than swtor. Keep complaing that you dont want arena and drive more players away from the game. Swtor has already lost probably half their subscribers before the first month. BTW when arenas came out in BC, they were INCREDIBLY popular, and to say they werent is just lying and misleading. I would love to see another interview with a wow dev now. Here would be my question... "whats your opinion on arena now after watching so many failed mmo launches and their inability to tap into the competitive pvp market?" There is a reason there is an arena competition at every blizzcon and people get paid to play arena. You don't get paid to play something thats unpopular.
  8. you cant even make macros in this game. get over it, bad game is bad.
  9. It took your wife 6 years to give birth to your child? Might want to go get that checked out.
  10. actually most little kids rolled empire, and they also don't come on forums. Looks like all the adults who can read patch notes are leaving the downies behind with the children.
  11. hella mediocre bro most profit making game ever created is mediocre caps lock is mediocre youre mediocre
  12. I canceled before illum... the fact that empire is better than republic ability wiese is sickening. If you want to argue with me, go roll a sage and use project, then roll an inquis and do the same thing. See which one hits first and when you can start casting again. It's complete horse ****. I was so excited for this game... Now it's taking a huge population hit. Keep telling people "THEN QUIT WE DONT NEED YOU" and see how long servers stay up. The only thing this game has better than WoW is questing. There is no argument. Quit being niave. Quit saying "wow has been out for 7 years" WELL SWTOR HAS BEEN IN DEVELOPMENT FOR 7 YEARS AND NOW WE ALL KNOW WHY!!!! MAKING QUESTS BRB!
  13. 1) https://wrathofheroes.warhammeronline.com/ Bioware's pvp dev team is busy making something decent.
  14. It is so fun to watch my meteor smash into someone but it's not fun having a GCD thats twice as long as intended. I'm pretty sure speccing into the extra proc lowers your dps too. Waiting on the proc meteor pisses me off more than anything.
  15. SERIOUSLY I'm sick of people arguing "oh that was already a problem." WELL NOT FOR ANYTHING WHO DIDNT HAVE THE PROBLEM BEFORE.... My **** literally went from fun to unplayable overnight.... canceled. ****. I liked this game...
  16. best thats ever been released... keep on arguing it, daoc was not better. you're entitled to your opinion, but you're not entitled to the opinion of over 8 millions subscribers lol last time i check there wasnt multiple gaming websites that generated money in relation to a game. Something must be popular about wow if websites like skillcapped can make a lot of money soley based off pvp.... not to mention the traffic arenajunkies recieves is insane. Arena is good. Just because you didnt break 1500 doesn't mean it sucks. It actually means you suck. Imagine that.
  17. LOL the lag is new bro... maybe you lagged before but a lot of us didnt.
  18. 1.1 because NGE didn't cause game breaking lag. I feel like I'm playing a *********** Alpha client. Loading warzone, glitches to random load screen, glitches back to warzone.... ***? This game blows for pvp... guild wars 2 is this way .... -----> arena.net
  19. HAHAHAHAHA YOU GUYS ARE BASICALLY CANCELLING YOUR SUB OVER WINTERGRASP HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA if you were to cancel due to pvp reasons, I would think it would be because of no small scale pvp, no skill based pvp, 3 warzones, or the ****** valor grind. I canceled the minute I found out there is no intentions of small scale pvp. look at the bright side, guild wars 2 comes out this year and Its sad I would rather play a beta than a released game because it's better.
  20. Dude like every mmo thats ever come out has had a class that can heal/dps. Disc priests for ****s sake
  21. that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Prot Pallys and prot warriors were apart of top arena comps in multiple seasons. PvP in WoW @ release was not better than swotor. Anyone who actually played remembers the World of Roguecraft. This games pvp mechanics are fun, but the lack of content for pvp'ers will not draw in the crowd from wow. Most people will go back to it who pvp. It's only like 2% of the mmo population so bioware doesn't care. We can only just hope they will add more bg's and some sort of "arena" (NOT SAYING IT HAS TO BE EXACT FOR ALL YOU BUTT RAGING NERDS WHO HATE WOW) <--- Seriously, i'm sorry you couldn't break 1500 arena rating but saying arena was bad, because you're actually bad is just annoying for the rest of us who actually want some sort of competitive pvp.
  22. Hoogyboog

    Pvp arena?!!?

    It's funny that people are bashing your "professional" comment. Lets break down what professional means. "A professional is a person who is paid to undertake a specialised set of tasks and to complete them for a fee." Well considering WoW was the ONLY mmo to EVER pay people in arena, yes it qualifys as the ONLY professional MMO. The OP never said it HAS TO BE ARENA. He, like a lot of other PvP'rs want some sort of skill based pvp. BG's is not skill. Don't even argue, thats dumb. To be honest, it's not incredibly hard to balance the game close enough for it to work in pvp and pve. OP is fun, and there is never going to be 100% class balance. If you got a problem, role an alt and play the op of the patch or play through it. Just because your class isnt incredibly OP, if you're half way decent you should have no problem succeeding. There is no point to say NO DONT ADD ARENA OR SMALL SCALE PVP If you don't like it, don't play in it. No one is forcing you to pvp, but if it attracts a player base, I'm sure bioware will add it. Even ****** mmo's have small scale pvp like arena. and the obligated "just because you sucked at arenas, doesnt mean they are terrible post."
  23. LOL! Someone hasn't found force lift, force wave, shield, or his hots yet.... I'm level 17, top the meters, and can easily heal with someone on me. If you can't LOS, CC, Juke cast then you're just doing it wrong. If you havent specced for the pushback, go do that right meow.
  24. sounds to me like you never broke 1500, QQ Arena is a quick reference to smaller scale pvp. Doesn't only have to relate to WoW. Sorry you're so butthurt over that game, anytime you see a reference to it, you get upset. Bg's are fun and all but it gets old doing the same objective based ****...
  25. Just wondering if anyone has any information about an arena style Pvp system. Obviously battlegrounds won't hold everyone's attention for very long
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