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Everything posted by BlastShield

  1. NGE (New Game Enhancement, as I recall) was the big overhaul to the Start Wars Galaxies MMO that -among other things - turned Jedi from an earned/premium class into a starter class. It was roundly dispised and many people consider it the worst MMO update/do-over ever. SWG was already dying, so it's hard to say NGE killed it, but it definitely put a few nails in the coffin.
  2. Um, buried as I posted. Wow the forum fills up quickly.
  3. I'll be succinct - BioWare, please fix these. People reading, if I am asking for things that are already there and I'm just being a n00b, please correct me. Basic UI I'd like to position my windows and hotbars and have the game remember where I put them I should be able to have as many windows open as I want - right now I am limited to 2, and they move around automatically. I shouldn't have to reopen windows that auto closed to get the ones I want on screen (for example, when leaving a store your inventory closes whether you want it to or not) Why do the world map, quest log and warzone maps overlap my right hotbar I'd like to be able to change the size of my hotbars, or at least have them get smaller at high resolutions I'd like more than 4 hotbars PvP Fix all of the time-delay and mirror class differences that have been endlessly reported in other threads. When I play a full-spec tank, I should feel harder to kill than a non-tank. Same for DPS. There isn't enough difference right now. Rreduce the amount/frequency of crowd control. I spend a high percentage of each warzone being CC'd (maybe 40-50%?). At least have consumables on a fast cooldown that break CC. Make the acquiring of Champion and Battle gear less random. I know people who have found only 1 piece after 20 bags. That is just frustrating. There is an average cost built into the math - make that the cost for everyone. Crafting Make armor and weaponcraft worh taking. I don't see anything useful that they craft that I can't get elsewhere. Permanent Stims/Health items should be tradable but bind-on-equip (or on first use if it's technically not equippable). No more reusing the same item across multiple characters. For that matter, all blue and purple items should be bind on equip. PvE After I click on a location marker, it should stop glowing. On the quick travel selection map Show the same green icons you use with the speeders to tell me which places have quests on them. Show the vendors, etc, too Remove the airlocks and reduce the number of load screens I need to go through. Give me a way to transport quickly back to my ship, and get back to where I was before. I can easily waste 20-30 min. traveling from the space station to some planetside quest location and then back to the space station. Remove the inter fleet transports and put all of the transports on the space station. That's enough for now. I'd like to hear other people's top requests, stated in a manner that the devs might listen to.
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