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  1. nettes video Hab ganz überlesen das du auch auf der Maske bist und mich über die bekannten Namen gewundert
  2. thats funny.. the only class ive never lost a 1on1 against are marauders i even won a multiple 1on1 last night... marauder jumps me.. gets a beating.. uses his cds and medpacks.. gets beating again.... vanishes and eats the health power-up ... gets a beating again and finaly dies and stops to annoy me not saying marauders are no threat but 95% of the marauder players are just so bad
  3. holy cow.... Pyro does more dmg atm .. its a friggin fact ! the pyro tree is just more developed than the AP tree (especialy for dps) AP has some nice features (hardest hitting attack has ele dmg and the blade does an internal dot so they ignore armor) but thats about it the stacked flamethrower almost never comes to use in pvp but its great for AoE in pve every powertech that is interested in getting the most dps out of its class is going to choose pyro at the moment. and btw: pyro needs more "skill" in my opinion because you need to manage your heat very carefully... while AP can pretty much spam all hes got because of his auto-heat-venting
  4. rest is to busy enjoying the game... theme park mmos maybe are not your thing. try eve online its nice if you got enough time to invest btw: i also hate to be THE BEST bounty hunter in the galaxy. and dragon age 2 was in my opinion one of biowares better games (along with mass effect)
  5. yeah and the best thing is they always think they have US at a disadvantage now
  6. mh... und ich dachte immer das wäre auf jedem server so das die imps ein ungehobelter unorganisierter haufen wär need server wechsel funktion
  7. jo stimmt =D dachte schon bin der einzige dem es so vorkommt als würde die rep bei uns mehr gewinnen hab immer nur gelesen die imps seien ja so OP ... bei uns sind die republikaner die einzigen organisierten pvper meistens
  8. der prototyp muss für seine mächtigste attacke (den gebufften flammenwerfer) stehenbleiben und casten... im pvp sehr unpraktisch und im pve bei knockback bossen auch... der pyro dagegen hat null kanalisierte fähigkeiten und arbeitet sogar eher im 10m range als der proto da er sich nicht sosehr auf 4m fähigkeiten wie die klinge und rocketpunch verlässt desshalb ist der pyro noch ein wenig mobiler als der proto was grade im pvp oft den entscheidenden vorteil bringen mag
  9. der pyro macht im moment im pvp und pve einfach mehr schaden als der prototyp.. leider grade bei bossfights muss man als pyro auch sehr auf die hitze schauen... grade wenn mal länger kein RS proct .... im gegensatz zum prototyp muss man dann auch mal öfters n paar blasterschüsse einwerfen bis die hitze wieder unter 20 is aber wenn man sich erstmal dran gewöhnt hat wird man zur dps maschine vorallem im pvp ist der pyro im moment durch seine erhöhte mobilität im vorteil
  10. cant live for 3 hours without the game? ... do homework / stuff for work / find a job or have sex with your girlfriend / boyfriend / right hand / left hand or get to the kitchen and make me a sandwich !
  11. i just completet my 20th run (yes i was counting ^^) false emperor hardmode ... and our sorc just lootet his 20th chestpiece... i wrote a ticket out of curiosity if there was something wrong with the loottable... what was the GMs response? we should try to run the flashpoint again at least lower the prices for columi gear... i hit 50 a day after christmas and done every daily / weekly since then AND used every raid id for normal modes and i still only got 39 columi comms...(chest costs 67)
  12. the powertech tank HAS an abillity that generates a high amount of threat... our ion gas proc (i.e. every rocketpunch and other attacks if they proc it) that what makes us unique.. our "auto attacks" even can do high threat what the powertech needs is a decent cooldown like 90% dmg reduce over 6 seconds or something like that
  13. well on our server it was 3 vs 200 xD only 3 brave trooper hitting their respawn button again and again... only to be insta killed by aoe on their spawn btw.. did anybody play the old alterac valley? i mean the old... the one that took 2 hours and was one of the most epic warzones i have ever seen? my suggestion is close illum and recycle it as a 48 vs 48 warzone or something like that...
  14. well im happy that you sub-50 guys are having a fun time (no sarcasm) but enjoy it while it lasts... when you ding lv 50 you'll be ***** by the full pvp geared crowd.. and there will be alot of QQ need to have a look into the lowlvl pvp with an alt once the servers are back
  15. as long as they fix something and dont make it worse... only thing that buggs me is that my guild planning on doing our first 16ish raid... was looking forward to that now i think ill be forced to waste another id with a randomgrp at the weekend... but hey plenty of weeks ahead...
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