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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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1. Roll back all Valor.


2. Give underpopulated side a +1% bonus to ALL Valor (Ilum, WZs, etc.) for every 10 players the overpopulated faction has more. (If other faction has 2,000 more players, the underpopulated faction would get 200% more Valor).


3. Reduce the overpopulated faction's Valor gain by -1% per every 10 players they have over the underpopulated faction. Cap at 100% penalty. (If that faction has 2,000 more players, the over populated faction would get a 200% Valor penalty, so they would get 0 Valor).

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I cant belive Ive defended you guys in game for weeks telling ppl that it will get better and the buggs will gradually get polished away. I guess the jokes on me. How you could let this slip baffles me.


as for the "potential" issues, Im sure atleast one of you have your own character... log in, fly to Ilum and see for your self. If you cant find the problem go look for a new line of work.


This shouldnt be a hard fix for you guys. Roll back the valor gained since the patch, resett the game back to the way it was before the patch and start working on fixing the issues you allready have before you add new ones.


Pretty much this.


I have defended Expertise, defended premades vs pugs, defended the one PVP bracket on these forums for the last month.


I'm an idiot for defending any decisions these guys make.

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The subject line says all you need to know.



(The Links are from other Posters.)

Some Proof: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/32387872/herpderp.jpg


Not good enough?:



Bioware: Well Ilum is not functioning the way we intended, so we are going to make people fight when they arrive onto the planet to do their daily.


Me: 40+ vs 10? Thanks but one question, does anyone at Bioware actually use the thing that is located between their ears?






Until valor is rolled back just boycott PvP altogether. If BW doesn't want to fix their mess than let all those battlemaster imps have fun fighting all the other battlemaster imps in huttball.

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I've been supporting you guys and your PvP gaffs since launch as much as I can, but what you did to Ilum in 1.1 takes the cake. It's an utter disaster. Seriously, you guys are just clueless. There is just no excuse.


Actually had a lot of respect for Mythic. Played WH and really liked the combat in that game, but they have to be the biggest bunch of morons ever to allow stuff like the Ilum fail to get through.


Honestly, what a bunch of buffoons. Fire them all.

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You guys jumped the gun on World PvP too fast. I understand being your first ever MMO game that there will be mistakes, let alone your first ever game that has multi-player in it. Remember that it took time for WoW to get to where it is now, no one is balanced yet and it's only been out for a month. Roll back any VP earned from Ilum, as soon as possible. You're breaking the game in the worst possible time to do so, the growth stage is the most important stage of this game and you've butchered it in the first major patch update. You shouldn't of even added any content yet and just fixed bug's and balances.
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Agreed. Bioware prefers the Empire and Ilum going live just proves that they don't give a rats behind what the Republic experience is like in any freaking way, shape, or form.


I disagree, makes no sense for Bioware to "prefer" one faction over another.


They're just incompetent and let a broken open world pvp system go live.

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Quick fix-Remove valor from turrets ASAP.


Short fix-Greatly increase XP for underdog faction in PvE/warzones (at least 50%). Slightly increase valor for underdog faction in PvP (10-15%).


Medium fix-Remove turrets altogether and put a shielded door for players to enter/exit their bases.


Long fix-Server transfers.


Almost improbable fix-Make it easier/faster for players to switch factions. If I could go from Merc to Commando and have the same items xfer over (even if I had to pay for it), I'd switch factions if the rest of my guild wanted to as well.


Other Ilum issues:

-insane lag

-even worse FPS then before

-not enough lootable containers



-Respawn at nearest speeder point is nice

-valor increases per kill

-less likely chance of farming kills

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hi folks,


we're currently investigating potential issues related to the ilum open world pvp area post 1.1. We understand that this is a topic of much discussion and we ask that you please direct all discussions to this thread.


As always, we ask that the community keep the following things on mind when responding:

  • no insults, name calling, or personal attacks
  • please stay on topic.
  • if someone violates the rules of conduct, please flag it instead of replying to it.


we will update as soon as we have more information.


are you serious????

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Everybody saw this coming from a mile away. I am sorry Bioware, but you need to have a good hard look at your design team. Clearly some of your designers have no idea what they are doing. This is really just incompetence. Edited by Shendaar
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Just cancelled my 6 month plan.


I'm guessing you're going to feel this one, BioWare.


Roll back before tonight, and I'll go month-to-month. Otherwise, forget it.


They will prob send this text to the higher ups, if this multi million dollor co dosnt get your $60 they might go under, but i am shore they will consider your offer and roll it back so they can get your $14:95.


I know your mad and so am i but saying things like this are just a plan waste of time.

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