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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Game virtually unplayable now, can't even tell when my cooldowns are on properly.


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We hear your feedback and are working on adjustments to increase the readability of the cooldown UI in an upcoming patch.


-- Georg


Thank you for replying.


(a bit more interaction on the various problems the game has would not be a bad thing)

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We hear your feedback and are working on adjustments to increase the readability of the cooldown UI in an upcoming patch.


-- Georg




For some classes that end up watching upto 11 abilities all on CD in every single fight, the current situation is utterly dire.


You litterally have no idea if several abilities are ready to be used or have up to 7+ seconds left on their cool down.


This cause a massive degredation in peoples ability to play and massive annoyance and frustration at the same time.



I get what you fixed and why....... but you broke something much more vital in doing so.

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"Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met."


What the above statement fails to take into account is that the cooldown itself is an activation condition. There are 3 activation conditions: the resource, the range, and the remaining cooldown on that ability itself. An ability that is still on CD *should* still be greyed out, because it means that it is unusable. This was a huge oversight.




People who say they didn't notice the change make me smile. It's pretty noticeable :) If you seriously didn't even notice that all your unuseable abilities are now highlighted, your opinion probably doesn't carry much weight.


Anyway, my Sage healer isn't overly affected, only somewhat hobbled... Rejuvenate in particular is bothered (white icon).


I can't play my main (Inq-Assassin) anymore. Well, I could, but I won't be, until this gets fixed (I mean "unfixed").


I will be bugging this when I get home from work.



Cake is a lie; there is only pie.

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*** are you people talking about? before everything was grey until the GCD was up so you couldnt tell what was ready. It was broken before the patch, how is it worse now?


Image: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/696/cdforcestasis.jpg/


Six ability in from the right, Bottom Center quickslot. The new cd animation is nearly identical in color to that of the ability icon color. In total i have seven abilities that have cooldowns and share the color as the new CD indicator.


With that ability six seconds remain on the CD.


If all you our ability icons were colored red this would be minor issue. For the blue cd indicator would be a good contrast between the ability icon.

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In patch 1.1 the overlay on your abilities which showed when they were available to use or not was changed to an overlay that goes down to the bottom of the icon as it's cooldown comes up, but because the icon isn't "greyed out" anymore, a lot of the time it looks like you can click an ability that is on cooldown and use it, but you can't.


As a Jedi Sentinel I already spent half my time staring at all my cooldowns but now with this it's more like 99% of the time spent staring at my bars trying to decipher my next move because I can't just clearly see what is on cooldown or what is not, it's awful.


We want this change reverted to the way it was, which was PERFECTLY FINE. Why you even felt the need to change it in the first place is beyond me. I hope bioware don't think this is what we were talking about with regard to "ability delay", because that is a completely separate issue and the visual indications of when an ability is on cooldown or not had nothing to do with it, so in the end I really can't fathom why they changed it.


CHANGE IT BACK! I can't play like this -.-


Quote from some guy that puts it pretty succintly:


funny..... i play it and dont have any problems people complain about.

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You've seriously never hit an ability that looked like if was off CD and it was actually just nearly off CD since the patch?


Or have you just not noticed?


I don't get it either I never had problem with off CD even after the patch, heck I don't even see the difference between pre-patch 1.1 and patch 1.1 off CD display .. it's not hard to see when the ability is off CD ... why do people need so much hand holding is beyond me.

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I don't get it either I never had problem with off CD even after the patch, heck I don't even see the difference between pre-patch 1.1 and patch 1.1 off CD display .. it's not hard to see when the ability is off CD ... why do people need so much hand holding is beyond me.


Why people feel the need to downplay the concerns of others is beyond me. This isn't an issue for some. For others it is. Why downplay their concern? For them it's an issue.

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I don't get it either I never had problem with off CD even after the patch, heck I don't even see the difference between pre-patch 1.1 and patch 1.1 off CD display .. it's not hard to see when the ability is off CD ... why do people need so much hand holding is beyond me.


My post from one page back:


Image: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/696/cdforcestasis.jpg/


Six ability in from the right, Bottom Center quickslot. The new cd animation is nearly identical in color to that of the ability icon color. In total i have seven abilities that have cooldowns and share the color as the new CD indicator.


With that ability six seconds remain on the CD.


If all you our ability icons were colored red this would be minor issue. For the blue cd indicator would be a good contrast between the ability icon.

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Came here to post how much I agree, what an awful change who put their head in their *** and thought "Oh hey, the users wont need to see when things are off cooldown!"


Great idea. Would be too difficult to make the UI usable like other MMOs.

Edited by FellCargo
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I know at this point I am just fueling the fire, however, I would like to request that we have the OPTION to allow us to choose whether an ability will grey out, use your planned design, or retain the current structure of watching abilities and guessing.


Or they could finally just let use make our own UI's if they allowed addons : / Seeming as they have no idea how to make a decent UI.


This change was horrid, and whoever decided it was a good idea needs to be fired. As I can only imagine what kind of other stupid ideas they are coming up with for the future.


And while on the topic of horrid UI features. How about making it so your personal debuffs show up first on the mob you have targeted. I love trying to do operations or flashpoints where I have to go through 20 debuffs trying to find my own for how much time they have left.

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We hear your feedback and are working on adjustments to increase the readability of the cooldown UI in an upcoming patch.


-- Georg



Personally I'm not very fond of the change but I can understand some hate it and some like it better the way it is now.


IMHO the change would have been perceived great if you gave the option to the players to choose between both.

=> Adding features without imposing them to the players.



Let me take another example, mind you?

We all know you are working on the UI. Let's say you are improving it by moving character's buffs in a separate bar. Thing is you'd have to still leave the option to the players to keep them the way they are now, because 1) some will prefer the older version and 2) some are used to it the way it is now.

=> Changes are good as long as you let players choose whether they want them or not.


On top of that, people also have different tolerances.


For that reason, it is perfectly valid for some people to say that they have not seen an issue with ability responsiveness at all while others can validly say it is happening all the time.


That said, what matters is that we fix it. Even if two thirds of our players claimed it doesn't happen, we still fix it. Serious problems don't require a majority vote to get addressed.



-- Georg

Might be quite nothing but such answer gives me hope for the future of TOR.


Correct. Nobody said 1.2. The improvements mentioned in the blog post are urgent and there is no reason for us to wait for a major content release to roll them out.

Thanks, appreciated.

Edited by Deewe
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Agree please fix this ASAP.


Fanboys going "oh well maybe some people" blah blah.


BS, pure bs.....long story short, you don't change something that people were NOT complaining about.



I paid for this month...but if UI customization, Legacy features, and many many more bug fixes are not out by the end of the month, I probably will not continue to play. It pains me to say it, I love Star Wars, and at its core...I love this game.


I do not understand, why so much time and I would assume money was spend on creating a new flashpoint etc for 1.1....and not working to make a more stable product, and put in features that were promised in early beta.



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