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Game virtually unplayable now, can't even tell when my cooldowns are on properly.


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I don't like this change either... I wouldn't say that it's become UNPLAYABLE, but I certainly spend a lot more time clicking on powers that aren't actually ready now, because the only indication that they weren't ready was a tiny sliver of darkness at the bottom of the icon.


So yeah, not game-breaking, but definitely not a change for the better, either, which makes one wonder why the heck they changed it. :confused:

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I don't like that either. I don't know, make it RED, BLUE, WHITE but for god's sake, don't make it the same colour as the abilities that are off cooldown.

That's one of the changes that was unnecessary and make me think someone at the office just wanted to feel useful, and nothing else.

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There's some good and bad points about both. The good about this one is that I can see if the ability about to come out of CD has procced or not, the bad that it is hard to tell if it is off CD or not for the last seconds of it. A little bit ridiculous to say that the game is unplayable now though...


There is a perfect solution to this problem that addon developers discovered years ago: numbers! Just add a numerical countdown to the CD in addition to the line that is already there. It makes it clear what is on CD and what is not, it makes it very easy to see just how many seconds is left on the CD and it does not interfere with being able to tell if the ability has procced or not. Simple, elegant, easy to implement and extremely effective.

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my god. You complain that this wasn't tested on the PTR, yet you refuse to be a part of the solution yourself? Such a hypocrit. Who do you think the PTR is for? Your logic is astounding.


Where did I complain about it not been tested? Are you unable to follow a forum thread correctly?


Furthermore, EVERY single patch, update and revision of the software released by Bioware should be competently tested "in-house". A bug/issue such as this should not have made it into live. Everyone makes mistakes in IT/Technology and software coding, but test somebody elses's mistakes on/in my paid playtime? no thanks, get real.


With the limited amount of free time that I have I choose to spend it playing games, whether it be swtor, Skyrim, Wow dota, I do not pay a company to test their games for them. Are you mad?

Edited by AyrikaStar
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The icon should still be grayed out. The problem is that some abilities have lengthy cooldowns and the vertical gradient will be so close to the bottom that the ability will appear to be ready for use when it actually has a few seconds left on the cooldown. This can cause lapses in judgment in terms of using abilities effectively, and can frustrate some players that are wondering why their abilities are not casting when they needed it most.


I'm not saying it happens to everybody (obviously the people that are countering this argument), but you have to understand that it can happen, and as you can tell from the length of this topic, you can see it happens to quite a bit of people.


You're right it does happen... not only that but for me the tooltip was showing no remaining cooldown on Electrocute... last night... but it was unusable for a second or two after that... I'm not in favour of a numerical timer and it wouldn't help in this scenario. Put it back as it was it worked fine.

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Here's an idea: allow 3rd party mods so we can all have our UI look and feel like we want. We all know the current UI is a mess, and these changes seem to indicate Bioware isn't going to fix it anytime soon.


Given that, why not let each member of the community decide how they want their personal UI to look? In my opinion, the "one size fits all" approach simply isn't effective in a game with so many character variables.

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basically this. For all the reasons already explained.


But with all seriousness though.. do you think it will? I do certainly hope so. Im afraid the old system might be lost and there was nobody even calling for a change.


They better do fix it, because good/bad UI can be the difference between playing or not a game like a MMO.

Some ppl say it's bad but not unplayable, i do say it drasticly lowers performance in PvP and can make it so different as to frustrate a player to a degree he doesn't want to play anymore.

And all this, for a crappy change that wasn't even called for. It worked perfectly well before that.

One more, for a melee class, which i play, in PvP this can be devastating, trying to keep up with the 101000010 skills i need to use to be competitive, trying to stay in range and to watch what the enemy is doing so i interrupt him, on top of that i now have to READ which of my 102312031230 skills lit on the toolbar is actually ready and why the enemy has ran away while i am trying to activate this one which looks ready...but thanks to some bad bad bad decision at UI design, it is actually not ready.


Ok, you made a mistake BW, everyone makes them, ok, just fix it, better than not doing anything about it.

As i said, nothing but a revery back or option for this.

Of course, there could be other more complex decisions, as mods, numbers etc, as others have stated, but this could take a lot of time.

So - revert back, or option it, BW!

Edited by Asparhruk
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Not saying it doesn't have problems but I prefer it now to how it was. Helps me keep better track of my resources and what I can use when CD is up so assists me with planning ahead.




Keep it as it is now but darken icons which have their own CD not the global CD.

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Of course, there could be other more complex decisions, as mods, numbers etc, as others have stated, but this could take a lot of time.

So - revert back, or option it, BW!




Rather than opening this to a month's time discussion, wondering whether the change was a needed one or not and thinking of 1000 alternatives just make it optional for numerous people who hate it.


And do that quickly, preferably by a hotfix.

Edited by vandana_
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I never played wow. And are you so full of yourself you didn't even get me making fun of you sarcasticly or do you just have to talk about yourself like you are a golden MMO god?


No i did get your sarcastic tone but i rose above it because i'm not an imature clown. If you weren't full of yourself calling me out about it you'd of seen i acknowledged other's difficulties but simply put i have no problem.


The only reason i added the comment on at the end about how i play was to negate any acusations that since i don' have a problem with this new change, i must be someone who can't kill anything properly and who doesn't use a rotation/priorety list effectively in combat. Someone in this thread already mentioned that about players not having a problem with this change so i needed to add that to solidify my claim.

Edited by Trigg
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I don't like the way cooldown displays are working now either, but unplayable? Come on, let's keep the melodrama to minimum please. There are a ton of serious issues plaguing the game and this is relatively minor in comparison.


Minor for you, major for many

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Played today and really, I can not see what the issue is here. I found no problem with being able to tell when my CDs had set. In fact, I don't even see this change that everyone is whining about; if there is a change then, in my opinion, it is so minor as to be laughable that people find it an issue.
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Where did I complain about it not been tested? Are you unable to follow a forum thread correctly?


Furthermore, EVERY single patch, update and revision of the software released by Bioware should be competently tested "in-house". A bug/issue such as this should not have made it into live. Everyone makes mistakes in IT/Technology and software coding, but test somebody elses's mistakes on/in my paid playtime? no thanks, get real.


With the limited amount of free time that I have I choose to spend it playing games, whether it be swtor, Skyrim, Wow dota, I do not pay a company to test their games for them. Are you mad?


The simple fact you quoted someone asking if you joined in on coming up with a solution for BW by actually testing the very "problem" you complain abut in this thread is enough to warrant me calling you out on complaining it wasn't tested.


You complain about something that needed testing on the PTR but when someone asks you if you joined in on testing it you complain that you shouldn't be the one to test it. it's called a public test realm for a reason.


Saying it should be in-house tested is a bit stupid, for all you know the in house testers all liked the new cooldown change. They don't have hundreds of testers with which to make suitable statistics with.

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I don't like the way cooldown displays are working now either, but unplayable? Come on, let's keep the melodrama to minimum please. There are a ton of serious issues plaguing the game and this is relatively minor in comparison.


On the contrary, this is a major issue, because the UI is the connection between the player and the game. Every first grade UI designer will tell you that.

A good and well working UI that gives enough and convenient information is the first step into good human-machine interaction.

I don't see how this is not major as all you do in the game starts with the UI.

Not to mention the awful effect it has on PvP. Yes, in PvE it is less worse, notice the "less worse"...cause i don't find a place where i could put the word "good" in a sentence regarding this UI decision.

And because some ppl may like it or not be bothered with it, though by the posts in this thread i see like 95-5% ratio for notlike - like, that's why they can fast fix it as an option.

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Lets say your in a warzone ok? you have the ball and the clock is ticking!

40 sec to go and your on your way to make a touchdown that will make you team win eeeh the superbowl! But on your way to victory you get jumepd by 4-6 guys trying to send you a quick trip to heaven or helll ( depends on your faction ).


Lots of AoE and lots of ppl jumping all around trying to make eachother bleed. In that situation you might be a little stressed out. Tell me, do you rly have that good of a time that you can put on your glasses and take a good peek on you hotbar to see if that 1 ability you need to use for getting that win is on cd or not when that ability is on a 8-1 cd ?

Because you definetly cant say " EY GUYS, STOP!! i just need to check something before we continue"


Claming that this ui/cd issnt a problem for you makes me wonder rly.. when you have you entire hotbar/quickbar's filled with abilitys/stims/medpacs and some or many abilities are on 10 sec cd or less, claiming you have all of those under controll in stressfull situasions is a bit too much for me :)


Lets say your robbing a bank when the leader says "Go to the Vault". But the thing is: You never go for the vault. In that situation you might be a little stressed out. Tell me honestly do you really have that good of a time that you can go to the vault. Nevermind on top of that, you have a FBI agent "helping" you rob the bank cause you kidnapped his girlfriend. You cant just say "EY GUYS!!!! STOP!!!"


Claiming you have all of those things under control in stressful situations is a bit too much for me :)*


*translated- Im used to macros and add ons, and I dont know how to play without them.

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I don't get it. The graphical cool down "slide" is working exactly like it always has.


People are crying because it doesn't "grey-out" your ability when it is on cooldown, the cooldown slide is working though.


If bioware gave everyone a million dollars, people would cry on the forums how they didn't get two millions.

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In fact, I don't even see this change that everyone is whining about; if there is a change then, in my opinion, it is so minor as to be laughable that people find it an issue.


You obviously have no clue what is going on. So why dont you just keep your opinion to yourself.

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I did like the greyed out ability better than what this patch has implemented. When the CD gets close, you simply can't tell if it's ready & you end up spamming the button.


Please reverse this change Bioware :)


why is this so hard for people to understand. I think some people feel that if they downplay this signifigance, that they will look more pro to us noobs by saying " I dont need this to be elite " uhh


poorly implemented change is poor.

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why is this so hard for people to understand. I think some people feel that if they downplay this signifigance, that they will look more pro to us noobs by saying " I dont need this to be elite " uhh


poorly implemented change is poor.


Very true.

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While the title of the thread is a bit of an exaggeration, I agree that the previous UI was clearly better, as you can no longer tell when abilities with longer cool downs are ready. It is decisions like this that make me question Bioware's ability to make quality changes. Who actually thought this was a good idea?
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